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    There is salvation in no other, for there is not another name under heaven having been given among men, by which it behooves us to be saved."

Phil 1:6 teaches eternal security


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Joh 17:12 While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me. I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
My dimple question is WHST IF HE BELIEVED?
had he really truly believed from his heart Romans 10:10 yes he could have been saved.. question is did he? i have doubts or else he wouldn't have killed himself imo but to say who is saved and who is not is not our call..i do believe in death bed repentance the 11th hour
Where do you see anything you said in that passage?
I explained the phrases.

He's talking to the Philippians, not all Christians.
Every epistle was written to a particular geographical group of believers, but by extension, is for ALL believers.

Col 4:6 - After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans and that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea.
Gal 1:6 - being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus

Here is what Galatians 1:6 says.

  • I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, Gal 1:6

Those who turn away from Him, no longer believe in Him, therefore they no longer have the salvation they once had.

6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:6-9

Here is what Galatians 1:6 says.

  • I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, Gal 1:6

Those who turn away from Him, no longer believe in Him, therefore they no longer have the salvation they once had.

6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:6-9
I guess none of the posts were read. Instead of Gal 1:6 I meant Phil 1:6. And the title was corrected a while ago.
I explained the phrases.

Every epistle was written to a particular geographical group of believers, but by extension, is for ALL believers.

Col 4:6 - After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans and that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea.

Yes, you explained the phrases. They have nothing to do with what you said. Paul says nothing about salvation. Just because Paul told the Colossians to send the letter to the Laodiceans doesn't mean it's for all Christians. Paul also wrote to the Corinthians and told them they were carnal and not spiritual. Does that also apply to all Christians? Remember in our other discussions where I said you're taking passages out of context. This is a perfect example. The passage says nothing about salvation and you're trying to say it proves eternal security. As I said in the last post, if you study Paul's ministry you'll see what the good work is.
Instead of Gal 1:6 I meant Phil 1:6.
Gal 1:1-5 is not a bad read. Kind of puts an exclamation point on Who it is Paul thinks takes care of his brother’s sins, no???

Paul — an apostle not from humans nor through a human, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, the One having raised Him from the dead— and all the brothers with me, to the churches of Galatia: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, the One having given Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us out of the present evil age in accordance with the will of our God and Father, to Whom be the glory forever and ever, amen.
Galatians 1:1-5 - 1:1-5&version=DLNT

Anyone preaching a human oriented gospel maintenance ‘as long as we ________’ (fill in the blank) ain’t preaching the one Jesus taught to Paul, that’s for sure.
Forgot to add Satan believed too in Christ
No he didn't.

That's why he challenged him when Christ had finished his 40 day fast before his crucifixion. It was then that the tempter, Satan, came to him.
See Matthew 4.
Forgot to add Satan believed too in Christ ------------->
No he didn't.

That's why he challenged him when Christ had finished his 40 day fast before his crucifixion. It was then that the tempter, Satan, came to him.
See Matthew 4.
Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. James 2:19 your trying to add 2 different type beliefs /believes yes the devil believed in him .yes he knowed the power Christ had .. why do you think he worked through Herod to have the Child killed
I guess none of the posts were read. Instead of Gal 1:6 I meant Phil 1:6. And the title was corrected a while ago.

Here is what Galatians 1:6 says.

  • I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, Gal 1:6

Those who turn away from Him, no longer believe in Him, therefore they no longer have the salvation they once had.

6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:6-9

Which completely negates your claim of Philipians 1:6

Yes, you explained the phrases. They have nothing to do with what you said. Paul says nothing about salvation. Just because Paul told the Colossians to send the letter to the Laodiceans doesn't mean it's for all Christians.
The basic message here is that there are epistles that aren't for all Christians. That is just silly.

Paul also wrote to the Corinthians and told them they were carnal and not spiritual. Does that also apply to all Christians?
Sure, when they are acting just like the Corinthians. Any Christian who isn't filled with the Holy Spirit is carnal.

The Bible is God's word. It is for all Christians. Your view leads to picking and choosing what may apply to oneself.

Remember in our other discussions where I said you're taking passages out of context. This is a perfect example. The passage says nothing about salvation and you're trying to say it proves eternal security.
On the contrary, this is an example of your misunderstanding of the issue. Eternal security is about never losing salvation. iow, eternal security follows salvation.

One gets saved, and then one never perishes.
I said this:
"I guess none of the posts were read. Instead of Gal 1:6 I meant Phil 1:6. And the title was corrected a while ago."
Here is what Galatians 1:6 says.
Why the persistence since the correction has been made? Please focus on the OP.

Here is what Gal 1:6 says - I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—

Those who turn away from Him, no longer believe in Him, therefore they no longer have the salvation they once had.
Where does one get that they "no longer have the salvation they once had" from Gal 1:6? That is merely an opinion, and unfounded from this verse, much less any other verse in the Bible.

The verse indicates that Christians can believe a false gospel. But they are still saved because of what Jesus said in John 10:28. That recipients of eternal life shall never perish.

Did the Galatian congregation believe the gospel before turning to a different gospel? Yes. When they believed, did they receive etenal life? Yes. John 5:24, 6:47 and 1 John 5:13 says so.

6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:6-9

Which completely negates your claim of Philipians 1:6
Nope. Not even close. Your opinions and assumptions are not fact.

And Paul taught that there is NOTHING that can separate us from God's love, either in the present or in the future. So EVEN though some of the Galatian believers had turned to a different gospel, which was future to their believing in Christ, EVEN that doesn't separate them from God's love.
So EVEN though some of the Galatian believers had turned to a different gospel, which was future to their believing in Christ, EVEN that doesn't separate them from God's love.
Correct. And notice who Paul accursed.

Is it those who had believed Paul’s non-human-hands salvation Gospel or did Paul accurse those foolishly preaching a human-hands gospel (little g)?
I said this:
"I guess none of the posts were read. Instead of Gal 1:6 I meant Phil 1:6. And the title was corrected a while ago."

Why the persistence since the correction has been made? Please focus on the OP.

Where does one get that they "no longer have the salvation they once had" from Gal 1:6? That is merely an opinion, and unfounded from this verse, much less any other verse in the Bible.

The verse indicates that Christians can believe a false gospel. But they are still saved because of what Jesus said in John 10:28. That recipients of eternal life shall never perish.

Did the Galatian congregation believe the gospel before turning to a different gospel? Yes. When they believed, did they receive etenal life? Yes. John 5:24, 6:47 and 1 John 5:13 says so.

Nope. Not even close. Your opinions and assumptions are not fact.

And Paul taught that there is NOTHING that can separate us from God's love, either in the present or in the future. So EVEN though some of the Galatian believers had turned to a different gospel, which was future to their believing in Christ, EVEN that doesn't separate them from God's love.

Because Galatians 1:6 shows that it is possible for a person to turn from Christ and believe another Gospel.

6 I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:6-8

Is it your claim that a person can turn from Christ and believe another gospel, and still be saved on the Day of Judgement?

I'll probably be ignored as I usually am it seems. Even though I have the power of delete and boot!

Hopefully peeps will take this seriously. When i see "you, your, and you're" I read those line with ONE purpose: Is the issue being addressed or the person.

IF the person, I should delete that line. There is no place for that tactic in a discussion.

And guess what, I see that sort of thing happening and it's what leads to problems. I just want people to address the issues and NOT comment on a person's this or that!

And I want to be fair to the thread. It's your business to discuss this topic. I'm resigned to that. But it's my business (and the business of the other mods) that everyone follow the TOS.

Even if there's a hint of a "to the person" argument, that's a bridge too far. So stop it. ;)

In Christ, ~Papa

PS And for the record, the majority of you are NOT doing this. So well done.
Because Galatians 1:6 shows that it is possible for a person to turn from Christ and believe another Gospel.
I never said a believer couldn't do that.

I've always been very clear. Those who have received the free gift of eternal life shall never perish. Which is what Jesus taught.

Is it your claim that a person can turn from Christ and believe another gospel, and still be saved on the Day of Judgement?
See above. I believe what Jesus said in John 10:28. That those He gives eternal life, which is WHEN they believe, shall never perish.
The basic message here is that there are epistles that aren't for all Christians. That is just silly.

Straw man fallacy.
That's not what I said.

Sure, when they are acting just like the Corinthians. Any Christian who isn't filled with the Holy Spirit is carnal.

Oh, only when they're acting a certain way. Does that apply to be saved or just to things that fit your theology?

The Bible is God's word. It is for all Christians. Your view leads to picking and choosing what may apply to oneself.

No, It's called proper exegesis. That's when you look at what was said derive the concept that is there and then apply it as necessary. It's not saying that everything written applies to ever single Christian.

On the contrary, this is an example of your misunderstanding of the issue. Eternal security is about never losing salvation. iow, eternal security follows salvation.

One gets saved, and then one never perishes.

No, its imposing your beliefs on the text. The passage says absolutely nothing about salvation. As I've pointed out several times now, if you study Paul's ministry you'll see what the "good work" is. However, in each post you've conveniently not replied to this statement. I suspect that's because by finding out what the good work is it will show that this passage does not support your claim.

You know, you're not very likely to convince people of your position when you have a double standard. When people post passages that show your position is wrong you say things like, show me a passage that says salvation can be lost, and you want those exact words. Yet, when you want to try to make your case you use passages that don't even contain the word salvation and claim that's what it's talking about. That's a double standard. You're moving goal posts. People see right though that.
He's talking to the Philippians, not all Christians. He said nothing about salvation
The passage says absolutely nothing about salvation.
Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Christ Jesus being in Philippi, together-with the overseers and deacons: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I am giving-thanks to my God upon every remembrance of you, always in my every petition for you all making the petition with joy on-the-basis-of your partnership for the good-news from the first day until the present,
Philippians 1:1-5 - 1:1-5&version=DLNT

Is a partnership for the good-news (the spreading of the Gospel we all have a commission to do) from the “first day” until the present not referring to “all the saints in Christ (Messiah) Jesus”? How many Philippians called Jesus the Messiah on “the first day? None, they weren’t there on the first day. Not even Paul or Timothy were calling Jesus Messiah on the first day.

He’s obviously talking to all Gospel partners (saved people) who are making the petition (not just a few specific deacons).


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