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Local history, the government didn't clear land for a1a,nor us1,nor old dixie .those were roads cleared by locals to get to their lands.

I can give more examples of thar locally.
Obama, July 13:
"There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for President — because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together."
"Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

The "that" that somebody else made happen isn't the person's business. It's the infrastructure that allows things to get done by individuals. In this example, roads and bridges. In the larger quote he also says things like the internet. It only becomes a horrible statement by taking a tiny piece out and leaving the rest behind.
Except when a new business fails, which most do, then it is simply YOUR fault not someone else's.........You weren't smart enough, didn't work hard enough, made bad decisions. Could not possibly be over regulation, high taxes, bad governmental economic decisions, etc. Typical Obama.....wanting credit but never accepting blame.
No where in that quote was he taking credit. So it leaves me not much to say on that, except maybe it's great to have a president now who is so humble as to never take credit beyond his due.
I do agree some government regulations are too much. Some are okay by me.
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"Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

The "that" that somebody else made happen isn't the person's business. It's the infrastructure that allows things to get done by individuals. In this example, roads and bridges. In the larger quote he also says things like the internet. It only becomes a horrible statement by taking a tiny piece out and leaving the rest behind.

No, it becomes a horrible statement by looking at the larger context of the speaker who never did anything worthwhile himself, assuming that the same pertains to everyone else. To him we are all just pawns of his community, that is his to organize.

85% of the Counties in the US decided an orator is over rated and we need a doer. Most of those made that choice overwhelmingly. Despite his many tacky comments.
No where in that quote was he taking credit. So it leaves me not much to say on that, except maybe it's great to have a president now who is so humble as to never take credit beyond his due.
I do agree some government regulations are too much. Some are okay by me.

This is one of many things that makes the Russia probe such a farce. If Trump had anything at all to do with leaking emails or whatever else you may be afraid of, he would have taken credit for it. And never shut up about it. He may well have done that even if he didn't really have anything to do with it.

Instead, nothing. And anything Mueller has found, happened well before the campaign started. Which means it's not part of a legitimate probe, and said investigation didn't need to start in the first place. He could have and should have simply gone after what he found, and left Trump and the campaign out of it. Manafort alone had a great big bullseye on his head for decades, and would lead him to the rest. It's an overstatement to say he created the lobbying industry single-handed, but he has more to do with it than anyone else, and in many Nations.
I don't understand exactly why something that happened before the campaign is off limits now. But there were meetings of at least questionable during the transition involving that fellow associated with the UAE.
That is just your opinion that he never did anything. You must have citations. It's a new forum requirement.

It is ridiculous for you to demand the impossible, in this case proving a negative. What did he have for a career before becoming POTUS? Very little, and it's also a matter of public record that he rarely voted in Congress. As a Constitutional scholar, his major accomplishment, he shredded it. He did more to expand the power of the executive office beyond Constitutional bounds than all his predecessors, and the same can be said for his adding more to the National debt.
I agree with this more than at any time since his inauguration. I do believe if the same election were held today, he would win the popular vote handily. The haters hate him even more than they did before, but I have the feeling he's proven his metal to the ones in the middle. He has an army of people on board with him through his use of Twitter. Some people don't know what to make of him and never will, but I believe he is greatly underestimated by his detractors.
His haters are spitting in the wind and are too dumb to realize it. He's President of the most powerful nation on the planet. And he will remain so for four years, God willing and protecting him from those who would like to do him harm.

What the haters think rational people miss is the methods and tactics the haters are using in order to slander and attack President Trump. The haters are low life and their methods are of the gutter. Case in point, they're so in the mud now as to claim a harlot is credible to bring what she claims is evidence against him.
For what? Bad taste?

They can't get him on espionage because there is no such offense. But there is evidence of that against Hillary Clinton. Had she won the office of President that's not anything that would have ever been brought to light. Russia would have never been mentioned because anyone hoping to get the corrupt left leaning press to report on it would be set aside and Russia collusion with all the evidence we today know exists, and you can imagine what is still out there, would never come to light.
It is an absolute fact that Hillary Clinton violated federal law under Barack Obama's orders. That doesn't matter.

What is suppose to matter now, when all else fails, is Trump got a boner for a skank and then his attorney paid her to shut the mouth that opens otherwise for money. But was suppose to close now for over 100 thousand dollars.
So they're trying to get him now on, wait for it, ADULTERY!

What is this? The 15th century? But they're going this route because he's been married many times before. Because of the convoluted nonsense they tried to edit together when revealing a hot-microphone recording that's over a decade old and during his campaign where he's supposedly talking badly about women with Billy Bush. That failed. Now they're building on all that when they prop up this whore who's being detained in Thailand for whoring there where they put her in prison for hard labor due to her sexual deviance.

And to get the heck out of that country she says, hey, if you get me outta here I'll tell you anything you want me to , since after all she is for sale, about Donald Trump!
Here's a thought. Let's say he hit it with that creature.

So what?
Slick Willie Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and he had his whore under his desk in the Oval office! Donald Trump is said to have had a porn slut under him when he was a highly successful business man in NYC . Which is worse?

The haters of Trump are sorry pathetic losers. Whining because a real bonafide criminal, Hillary Rotten Clinton, didn't win the office they now want Donald Trump out of. Donald Trump is building America. Hillary Clinton, for a fact, while in office as Secretary of State, and Senator, worked for a fee to destroy America!

And the haters are mad that thing didn't win the election?
They're worse than she is.
I don't understand exactly why something that happened before the campaign is off limits now. But there were meetings of at least questionable during the transition involving that fellow associated with the UAE.

It's not off limits, but the scope of the investigation is Russian interference in our election, (something they've always tried to do since WWII) and Trump's campaign being involved with it. Which means Mueller should limit himself to that. He just doesn't want to do that, because there's nothing to find.

This is the very definition of a political witchhunt. The UAE? That's Russia? This is not legitimate. "Meetings of at least questionable," yeah no. You don't start (or continue) an open ended and never ending legal hassle over that, there has to be some substance.
There really is no willingness to prosecute Hillary despite the republican control of the White House, House of Representatives, and Senate? Such blatant substantiated crime and a president who would love to see her tried and he can't get it done? My "they" are all powerful forces.
There really is no willingness to prosecute Hillary despite the republican control of the White House, House of Representatives, and Senate? Such blatant substantiated crime and a president who would love to see her tried and he can't get it done? My "they" are all powerful forces.

Drain the swamp is not just an idle campaign slogan.

Oh wait, you were thinking our elected officials actually run the show?


Man you finally earned a tenner!

He recognized International Women's Day today. God bless him. McDonald's turned the M on its sign upside down to commemorate "W" for the occasion and at their stores all over the world. That took some effort.

Trump tweets as a strategy. Read his books. He knows exactly what he's doing playing this game.That's why the swamp things are so opposed to his being in office. He's unlike anyone who's been there before. Unable to be persuaded by money inducements, unable to be threatened. This is a man that puts his surname on all the buildings he's created around the world as a legacy of his family name and image. Now he's in the White house that was built by history. And his name is in the history books for all time. He's not going to drop the ball in this endeavor. If he didn't think he was the man for the job he wouldn't have run for the office.

God bless him.
So how is the swamp looking these days?

Fully functional, as you pointed out by the lack of holding Killary responsible. Manafort's gone, so there's that.

Follow the money, if you want to understand what's going on always follow the money. Is money out of politics yet? That was an issue that people voted for Trump over, him financing his own campaign. Then he apparently never thought about his family life changing while holding office, and the effect on the taxpayer. Seems he's brushed it off as a side issue?

The news cycle is merely a deliberate distraction in the effort to make sure nobody pays attention to what's really going on. Look at the names of who owns the Federal Reserve Bank of NYC. Notice what else they own. Then all this mess starts to make sense ... If elected officials matter at all it's certainly not in their official capacity. Those with real money let them make laws, they don't care about that.

What did Hillary's big financers expect to get in return? I admit I haven't been able to put that big picture together beyond the central bankers expanding into more Countries. That's certainly enough motive.


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