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United States Discovered in the Bible


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This below is where America comes into play as being a daughter to this last beast empire that will take its literal seat in Jerusalem.

The NWO is a combination of the Jesuit militant Priesthood
America is the "daughter" of the British Empire.

Do not allow yourself to be poisoned by the slander of people who make a living by generating hatred.

Find something productive to do with your time.
This below is where America comes into play as being a daughter to this last beast empire that will take its literal seat in Jerusalem.

The NWO is a combination of the Jesuit militant Priesthood (beast/son of perdition/last antichrist being the little horn in Daniel 8:23-25). Their secret agenda is that of taking total control of all institutions and resources globally for world domination as this was the intention of Ignatius Loyola a Spanish militant who was the founder of the Society of Jesus in 1534. Their agenda includes total global control over political, military, economic, educational, religious and environmental systems for the deceptive purpose of ensuring global peace, prosperity and order during the timing of the seventh trumpet.

This is a partial list of what the Jesuit Militant Priesthood has controlled from their beginning in 1540: Inquisition, Crusaders, Knights Templar, Illuminati, high level Freemasonry, Jesuit infiltration of the English colonies on the North American continent, Banksters, Vatican Bank, Agenda 21 and 2030, World Trade Organization, Bilderbergers Club, Rothschild’s, Rockerfellows, Constantine, Hitler, Mussolini, Roman Catholic Ecumenical Assemblies (RCEA) and The Global Eucharistic Community (GEC).

The Jesuit Provincials are the regional superior and take their orders from the Superior General Militant of the Jesuits known as the Black Pope (Black meaning evil not color) who controls all military forces on all seven continents. The Jesuit Provincials are located in 112 nations on every continent including America. Jesuits maintain, 70 secondary and primary schools, 50 Jesuit High Schools and 28 universities in the United States with Georgetown University being the first one established in Washington DC in 1789. There are ten Jesuit regional supervisors in the following States of California, Chicago-Detroit, Maryland, Missouri, New England, New Orleans, New York, Oregon, and Wisconsin.
This sounds like stuff the Franciscans would say.

But I really don't think that either the Jesuits or the Franciscans would be involved these days. OUPATALTA...still not.
Even in the days when Luther "discovered" the "chained book".
This sounds like stuff the Franciscans would say.

But I really don't think that either the Jesuits or the Franciscans would be involved these days. OUPATALTA...still not.
Even in the days when Luther "discovered" the "chained book".

Many things are done in secrecy of the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. Rev 17:7-18. This beast derived out of the last of the four Empires.
America is the "daughter" of the British Empire.

Do not allow yourself to be poisoned by the slander of people who make a living by generating hatred.

Find something productive to do with your time.

Nothing slandered, but only revealed in scripture an history as America is found in scripture, but those who do not study these things keep the veil over their eyes. He is not a Pastor nor does he publicly promote any of his books as you will not see him on TV or radio. Everything he has written is found on his website that you can read for free. I don't follow the man, but that of the Holy Spirit that reveals all to those who truly seek.
i have ocean front property for sale in Arizona also .if the scriptures does not plainly say it i dont buy it
To Jim Parker and ezra,

They also scoffed at the teachings of Christ as they made fun of Him and even nailed Him to a cross as they placed a crown of thorns on His head. I wouldn't give a plug nickle for all those left behind series and pretrib teachings that are out there that lines the pockets of those who peddle it. What I give here is free to all who truly want a deeper understanding of the beast that was, and is not and yet to come that is mystery Babylon, the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth that scripture describes and will be destroyed by the coming of Christ in Rev 17, 18, 19. It's no skin off my nose whether one wants to believe it or not. I present it as what I believe according to scripture and history and let others draw their own conclusions.
To Jim Parker and ezra,

They also scoffed at the teachings of Christ as they made fun of Him and even nailed Him to a cross as they placed a crown of thorns on His head. I wouldn't give a plug nickle for all those left behind series and pretrib teachings that are out there that lines the pockets of those who peddle it. What I give here is free to all who truly want a deeper understanding of the beast that was, and is not and yet to come that is mystery Babylon, the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth that scripture describes and will be destroyed by the coming of Christ in Rev 17, 18, 19. It's no skin off my nose whether one wants to believe it or not. I present it as what I believe according to scripture and history and let others draw their own conclusions.
i am not scoffing at the teachings of Christ nor the preaching of the cross which is foolishness to the world . lol@ pretrib teachings we been there before i can show you some very dedicated pre trib teachers . who DOES not line pockets . no it is no skin off my nose either . i see scriptures that could reference many nations but i can t prove it
They also scoffed at the teachings of Christ as they made fun of Him and even nailed Him to a cross as they placed a crown of thorns on His head. I wouldn't give a plug nickle for all those left behind series and pretrib teachings that are out there that lines the pockets of those who peddle it.

What I give here is free to all who truly want a deeper understanding of the beast that was, and is not and yet to come that is mystery Babylon, the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth that scripture describes and will be destroyed by the coming of Christ in Rev 17, 18, 19.

From your post # 34
The NWO is a combination of the Jesuit militant Priesthood (beast/son of perdition/last antichrist being the little horn in Daniel 8:23-25). Their secret agenda is that of taking total control of all institutions and resources globally for world domination as this was the intention of Ignatius Loyola a Spanish militant who was the founder of the Society of Jesus in 1534. Their agenda includes total global control over political, military, economic, educational, religious and environmental systems for the deceptive purpose of ensuring global peace, prosperity and order during the timing of the seventh trumpet.

That is the standard Catholic-bashing garbage that the ear-tickler preachers preach to people who like to hear and tell everyone all about how evil, wicked, mean and nasty those goll-dang KATH-licks are.

And, just to let you know, Ignatius Loyola was not a "militant" (a modern American English term and therefore an anachronism as applied to him); he was a soldier who was severely wounded so that he could no longer ride a horse. He then attempted to preach to the Muslims (Moors of North Africa) but was unsuccessful and thereafter offered his services to the Pope.

The Jesuits have changes significantly over the centuries and have now become one of the most liberal orders in the church (if not the most liberal).

That being said.

If you think that they are such an evil influence in the world then pray for them rather than condemn them for their sins. It is not our place to publish abroad the sins of others or to condemn them for their sins as the preachers that you heed has led you to do.

It is our place to pray for the salvation of the lost, not to condemn them like the Pharisees of Jesus time did of the crowds.

Mat 5:43-45a "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’
“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven;..

Mat 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

That's OUR job.

iakov the fool

From your post # 34

That is the standard Catholic-bashing garbage that the ear-tickler preachers preach to people who like to hear and tell everyone all about how evil, wicked, mean and nasty those goll-dang KATH-licks are.

And, just to let you know, Ignatius Loyola was not a "militant" (a modern American English term and therefore an anachronism as applied to him); he was a soldier who was severely wounded so that he could no longer ride a horse. He then attempted to preach to the Muslims (Moors of North Africa) but was unsuccessful and thereafter offered his services to the Pope.

The Jesuits have changes significantly over the centuries and have now become one of the most liberal orders in the church (if not the most liberal).

That being said.

If you think that they are such an evil influence in the world then pray for them rather than condemn them for their sins. It is not our place to publish abroad the sins of others or to condemn them for their sins as the preachers that you heed has led you to do.

It is our place to pray for the salvation of the lost, not to condemn them like the Pharisees of Jesus time did of the crowds.

Mat 5:43-45a "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’
“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven;..

Mat 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

That's OUR job.

iakov the fool

It has nothing to do with Catholics in general as if I was bashing Catholics, which is against the ToS, I would be bashing 3/4th of my own relatives that are Catholic. What I receive is not from a pastor or any church, but through scripture and history alone. I never ask anyone to believe me, but to come to their own understanding. I guess I will keep it to myself as it's to big to get into in any forum. BTW, I do pray for my enemies.
i am not scoffing at the teachings of Christ nor the preaching of the cross which is foolishness to the world . lol@ pretrib teachings we been there before i can show you some very dedicated pre trib teachers . who DOES not line pockets . no it is no skin off my nose either . i see scriptures that could reference many nations but i can t prove it

Well of course these pretrib teachers are dedicated in what they teach from a 1830 band wagon theory as pretrib was never taught before the 1800's. You have already admitted you do not study end times or that of Revelations so how do you know what is right or wrong within what others teach other than they be Pastors. Not all Pastor's are called or anointed by God.
Well of course these pretrib teachers are dedicated in what they teach from a 1830 band wagon theory as pretrib was never taught before the 1800's. You have already admitted you do not study end times or that of Revelations so how do you know what is right or wrong within what others teach other than they be Pastors. Not all Pastor's are called or anointed by God.
ya know you can get pretty judgmental do i get so engulfed in prophecy ? No . have i ever studied it yes i have ! you ask .. how do i know when i came across something im not sure of ?
.i read up on it and research with what material i can find via internet . your biggest problem is somebody disagreed with you and you got a burr under your saddle . see you know nothing of pre trib preachers other than your opinion . there are God called God anointed preachers out there who does not believe in woman preachers/evang . that is there belief while i dont agree with slain in the spirit i am not going to criticize you because you do... you really need take a chill pill have great evening
Your interpretation of history and scripture.
It is still promoting hatred.

History, even without scripture, interprets itself. Did you not study history in school or was it all interpretation taught by the teacher in the class room. There is a lot of hated within history when it comes to wars and persecutions to death.
ya know you can get pretty judgmental do i get so engulfed in prophecy ? No . have i ever studied it yes i have ! you ask .. how do i know when i came across something im not sure of ?
.i read up on it and research with what material i can find via internet . your biggest problem is somebody disagreed with you and you got a burr under your saddle . see you know nothing of pre trib preachers other than your opinion . there are God called God anointed preachers out there who does not believe in woman preachers/evang . that is there belief while i dont agree with slain in the spirit i am not going to criticize you because you do... you really need take a chill pill have great evening

I only judge that which is not of God exposing false teachings. Do I know everything, no, but that of what I do know I also believe according to scripture. I am also opened for correction when the Holy Spirit uses another to do so. I have no burr under my saddle as I have never asked anyone to agree with me as many of us do not agree with each other, but yet we are brothers and sisters in Christ and had better be walking in love towards one another.

I was very much involved with believing all these pretrb teachers believing every word they spoke. It was only when I began a deeper study of what they teach to only find out scripture speaks nothing of a pretrib rapture, but that we are caught up to Christ on the last day when He returns and at that time destroys the beast and false prophet casting them into the lake of fire, John 6:40; Rev 19:11-21.

Believe me, don't believe me as it makes no difference to me as I just put out there what I have studied for the past 20 years and believe to be true. No need for a chill pill as I am quite chilled out in my living room.
I only judge that which is not of God exposing false teachings. Do I know everything, no, but that of what I do know I also believe according to scripture. I am also opened for correction when the Holy Spirit uses another to do so. I have no burr under my saddle as I have never asked anyone to agree with me as many of us do not agree with each other, but yet we are brothers and sisters in Christ and had better be walking in love towards one another.

I was very much involved with believing all these pretrb teachers believing every word they spoke. It was only when I began a deeper study of what they teach to only find out scripture speaks nothing of a pretrib rapture, but that we are caught up to Christ on the last day when He returns and at that time destroys the beast and false prophet casting them into the lake of fire, John 6:40; Rev 19:11-21.

Believe me, don't believe me as it makes no difference to me as I just put out there what I have studied for the past 20 years and believe to be true. No need for a chill pill as I am quite chilled out in my living room.
I only judge that which is not of God exposing false teachings. Do I know everything, no, but that of what I do know I also believe according to scripture. I am also opened for correction when the Holy Spirit uses another to do so. I have no burr under my saddle as I have never asked anyone to agree with me as many of us do not agree with each other, but yet we are brothers and sisters in Christ and had better be walking in love towards one another.
explain how pre trib is false teaching and yours is not? would you call john hagee a false teacher ? David Jeremiah ? if i am not mistaken most southern baptist ministers supports pre trib. i really could care less one way or the other .you keep saying a deeper study of the scripture.. so it is your position all who teach pre trib are false preachers not of God ..would this be correct ? for if it is in essence what your saying is your the only true blue teacher
explain how pre trib is false teaching and yours is not? would you call john hagee a false teacher ? David Jeremiah ? if i am not mistaken most southern baptist ministers supports pre trib. i really could care less one way or the other .you keep saying a deeper study of the scripture.. so it is your position all who teach pre trib are false preachers not of God ..would this be correct ? for if it is in essence what your saying is your the only true blue teacher

I would say this is completely off topic and if you want to make a new thread and prove scripture speaks of a pretrib rapture I will respond there.
History, even without scripture, interprets itself. Did you not study history in school or was it all interpretation taught by the teacher in the class room. There is a lot of hated within history when it comes to wars and persecutions to death.
History is written by the victors. Ask the native Americans if their history matches ours.

My point is; it seems to me to be a waste of time to devote so much energy to the study of why the Jesuits are part of the New World Order etc. etc. etc.

Jesus said to pray for your enemies.
So pray for the Jesuits.

Jesus said to judge no one and to forgive everyone.
Your dedication to the study and proclamation the evils of the Jesuits suggests to me that you have been distracted from the love of even our enemies.

That's all.

iakov the fool
I would say this is completely off topic and if you want to make a new thread and prove scripture speaks of a pretrib rapture I will respond there.
nope you made the claim i ask for the evidence . in fact because of a disagreement you brought in pre trib false teaching lining pockets . my self i am between pre-mid trib..but mostly be ready. i have nothing to prove one way or the other . the ball is in your court. the false teacher is what i am calling out . to be false means not of God , i await your response :)
nope you made the claim i ask for the evidence . in fact because of a disagreement you brought in pre trib false teaching lining pockets . my self i am between pre-mid trib..but mostly be ready. i have nothing to prove one way or the other . the ball is in your court. the false teacher is what i am calling out . to be false means not of God , i await your response :)

Being in between is being decisive not having all the facts. You are right though as the point is we do need to be prepared first and foremost to be His Bride when Jesus does return.

When John Hagee had his other church before he built his mega church he had no time for his congregation. I attended his old church once as my sister was a member there and when I asked to meet him his Elders said he does not meet with anyone in his congregation. Is that a true Shepard, I think not. Nowhere in scripture does it speak of any pre, mid rapture as Christ returns on the last day after the sounding of the seventh trumpet and during that time of the last day we are caught up to him.


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