i dunno. "fair" is...complicated....
I kinda wondered how there -were- any seriously rich people, given the tax codes and such. and yet...it really looks like the taxes just kept the very rich from getting unbelievably rich and the rich (but not super rich) from becoming very, very rich, while at the same time....
the US had a thriving middle class, more upward mobility. you're correct about the service economy, of course; im not at all an expert, but I don't think taxing the 1% would have helped keep the steel mills in the US, for instance. but...
the right-ward tilt was in England, too...the Thatcher years...now, the neoliberal gov't in the UK has enacted "austerity measures," which seems to be turning the UK into the US, with cool accents and tea time...
more homeless people, fewer gov't services for the vulnerable, even (I read this in a brief article on mad in america) massive increases in psych drug prescribing. -sigh-
i dont hate the rich, not even the very rich. I'm suspicious of wealth that reaches into the billion$, because there's also some very real power issues, here....
plus, the billionaires seem to popping up in Europe and the US at the same time a lot more people are pushed down: from middle-middle to lower middle, even struggling working class; from the more comfortable end of the working class (in the US, that would have been skilled blue collar, middle-class incomes) into desitution...
and, per usual, the poor and the vulnerable get jail, prison, homeless-ness, hunger, early death, etc. :-(
its worth noting that income inequality on this scale has, from what I"ve read, happened before...
the Great Depression tipped the scales towards gov't programs and such to restrain capitalism, because...and not to sound like a commie here, because I think regulated capitalism is better than anything else, honestly....when one looks at the way capitalism really works, after a while....
one sees more and more people, working for less and less $$$, while the upper classes get richer and ever more powerful.
One lil history lesson that only recently 'sunk in' with me was that The New Deal wasn't really about the upper classes wanting to share; it was about stabilizing capitalism, really....saving capitalism from itself, and from socialism, communism, etc. (back then, the communists and socialists and labor unions were interconnected, powerful forces to be reckoned with).
so, if one truly wants to keep capitalism going, the rational thing would be...a (new) New Deal. that's my take on it, anyway...regulate it, stabilize it, soften it, make it work for more people...
to prevent out of control class warfare.