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Bible Study Masturbation is not a sin

This a bit of a derail, and you can answer privately if you wish, but why would you think "none of us are without sin"?
Some do walk in the light, and there is no sin in the light.
No derail as it is part of the questions many ask of this particular subject as even Christians have issues with this act.

This is why I know we are yet without sin as we are yet mortal and prone to sin at times, but does not give us an excuse to sin. The only one's without sin is God and His Son Christ Jesus. It's when we recognize sin found in us is when we then repent of it and ask God's forgiveness. We all struggle with sin because we are yet mortal humans striving for that perfection that is in Christ.

1 Cor 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
1 Cor 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1 Cor 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
1 Cor 15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

Heb 10:14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

We are being perfected as we are perfected for all time until the return of Christ when at that time time this corruptible will be changed incorruptible and this mortal body become immortal. Sanctification is an on going process that we draw closer to Christ everyday seeking that perfection found in Him.
Sin is sin.
If we tolerate one kind, it is pointless to fight against other kinds.
Sin is sin when specified by God, not man, in what has already been written.

Like I said in post #10 Masturbation often starts out as self-soothing behavior to help relief pressures that cause stress and tension that can lead up to high blood pressure and possible heart attack. I would say it is not a sin unless it involves lustful thoughts then it becomes sinful. There is no yes or no found in scripture if the act itself is a sin, but that which leads up to one driven by sexual fantasies is the sin found in them.
No derail as it is part of the questions many ask of this particular subject as even Christians have issues with this act.

This is why I know we are yet without sin as we are yet mortal and prone to sin at times, but does not give us an excuse to sin. The only one's without sin is God and His Son Christ Jesus. It's when we recognize sin found in us is when we then repent of it and ask God's forgiveness. We all struggle with sin because we are yet mortal humans striving for that perfection that is in Christ.

1 Cor 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
1 Cor 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1 Cor 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
1 Cor 15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

Heb 10:14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

We are being perfected as we are perfected for all time until the return of Christ when at that time time this corruptible will be changed incorruptible and this mortal body become immortal. Sanctification is an on going process that we draw closer to Christ everyday seeking that perfection found in Him.
I think you need to edit the bolded part above.
I can't agree with the rest of your post though.
I was reborn a new creature, that is not subject to the flesh.
I have a divine nature, as the old one was crucified with it's affections and lusts when I was crucified with Christ. (Rom 6:3-6.
The next verse is the result of that crucifixion..."For he that is dead is freed from sin." (Rom 6:7)

You have confused "flesh" for "skin" in your 1 Cor 15 verses.
Sin is sin when specified by God, not man, in what has already been written.

Like I said in post #10 Masturbation often starts out as self-soothing behavior to help relief pressures that cause stress and tension that can lead up to high blood pressure and possible heart attack. I would say it is not a sin unless it involves lustful thoughts then it becomes sinful. There is no yes or no found in scripture if the act itself is a sin, but that which leads up to one driven by sexual fantasies is the sin found in them.
It is a satisfying of a fleshly lust, despite your medical spin.
Nobody ever died of chastity.
never thought i would hear ,I if desire my wife sexually ,to ponder the very holy thing God made ,a sin.

seriously ,its not a sin to want to hsvd sex with your spouse .

yet its just been argued .

that and one can become sinless and glorified this side of heaven to the point your flesh won't die .
.that's a heresy .yup these are the extreme of the Wesleyan doctrine
I think you need to edit the bolded part above.
I can't agree with the rest of your post though.
I was reborn a new creature, that is not subject to the flesh.
I have a divine nature, as the old one was crucified with it's affections and lusts when I was crucified with Christ. (Rom 6:3-6.
The next verse is the result of that crucifixion..."For he that is dead is freed from sin." (Rom 6:7)

You have confused "flesh" for "skin" in your 1 Cor 15 verses.
Agree or disagree, but show me the scripture that says it is a sin apart from thoughts of lust.
How can it be sin if lust is not involved?
I assume you are still discussing masturbation, so the lust is for sexual gratification.
The release of the endorphins by the what-ever glands is addictive.
It acts just like heroin...or is that an OK lust to gratify too?
I assume you are still discussing masturbation, so the lust is for sexual gratification.
The release of the endorphins by the what-ever glands is addictive.
It acts just like heroin...or is that an OK lust to gratify too?
That's what the thread is about. Of course lust is for sexual gratification as I said nothing different.

There is a difference between releasing tension and stress as a health issue that is not a sin. The sin is when sexual gratification comes in to play when one begins to have sexual fantasies.
That's what the thread is about. Of course lust is for sexual gratification as I said nothing different.

There is a difference between releasing tension and stress as a health issue that is not a sin. The sin is when sexual gratification comes in to play when one begins to have sexual fantasies.
You have your defense set, so I can't convince you that acting on the flesh's impulses leads to destruction.