Jesus Has Ascended Into Heaven

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You wrote "i teach the Truths of God". I'm reading what you wrote;

i do teach Truths of God, However for some reason that makes you think that i know ALL TRUTHS of God, for some reason you thought that.

I'm not listening to any "whispers".

The reason i said you are listening to them, because for some reason when i said i teach Truths of God, you took thought, that i was saying that i KNOW ALL TRUTHS OF GOD, therefore i deduced you are listening to whispers who is telling you those things. Just because i say i teach Truths of God, does not mean what you are assuming. Even if God revealed to me only two Truths of God. my Statement saying i teach Truths of God, is still 100% True, even if it is ONLY TWO Truths from God. That is why you should stop listening to those little voices in your head, that is telling you things that are not True.

The error, or more properly the delusion, is yours.

Wisdom is justified of her own children

Another delusion: you wrote "Just because YOU THINK my attitude doesn't show love, doesn't make it Truth" (preceded by the description of a spanking).

It is now apparent that you don't even know what a delusion actually is.
my statement of "Just because YOU THINK my attitude doesn't show love, doesn't make it Truth" is merely a statement, not a delusion. What then, EVERYTHING you THINK is the TRUTH now? who is delusional if you are thinking that thing? i said, just because YOU THINK my attitude doesn't show love, doesn't make it TRUTH, is plainly saying just because you think something is True, does not mean it is Truth. You could have said that same statement to me as well. Let me rephrase it, so that you are not offended by it.

Any person that THINKS something is True, does not mean it is Truth.
Do you agree with that statement? It seems from above you do not believe it, because you argued about it.

The analogy of spanking, was merely an example of how something can be done in love that does NOT appear to be done in love. How is it you do not understand this simple logic? Are you a teen, because that would explain much.
i do teach Truths of God, However for some reason that makes you think that i know ALL TRUTHS of God, for some reason you thought that.

The reason i said you are listening to them, because for some reason when i said i teach Truths of God, you took thought, that i was saying that i KNOW ALL TRUTHS OF GOD, therefore i deduced you are listening to whispers who is telling you those things. Just because i say i teach Truths of God, does not mean what you are assuming. Even if God revealed to me only two Truths of God. my Statement saying i teach Truths of God, is still 100% True, even if it is ONLY TWO Truths from God. That is why you should stop listening to those little voices in your head, that is telling you things that are not True.

Wisdom is justified of her own children

It is now apparent that you don't even know what a delusion actually is.
my statement of "Just because YOU THINK my attitude doesn't show love, doesn't make it Truth" is merely a statement, not a delusion. What then, EVERYTHING you THINK is the TRUTH now? who is delusional if you are thinking that thing? i said, just because YOU THINK my attitude doesn't show love, doesn't make it TRUTH, is plainly saying just because you think something is True, does not mean it is Truth. You could have said that same statement to me as well. Let me rephrase it, so that you are not offended by it.

Any person that THINKS something is True, does not mean it is Truth.
Do you agree with that statement? It seems from above you do not believe it, because you argued about it.

The analogy of spanking, was merely an example of how something can be done in love that does NOT appear to be done in love. How is it you do not understand this simple logic? Are you a teen, because that would explain much.
You said "I teach the truths of God" and "Any person that THINKS something is True, does not mean it is Truth". Since your statements are contradictory I am done discussing this with you.
You said "I teach the truths of God" and "Any person that THINKS something is True, does not mean it is Truth". Since your statements are contradictory I am done discussing this with you.

Just because you THINK my statements are contradictory, does not make what you THINK to be True.

i teach the Truths of God. This is a True Statement.
i also said "Any person that THINKS something is True, does not mean it is TRUTH.

i teach Truths of God, this is NOT something that i THINK are Truths of God, but what i KNOW are Truths of God.
if i THINK they are Truths of God, then that does not mean it is the TRUTH, if i merely THINK something is Truth. Not saying it is Truth or untruth, only saying what a person THINKS can be either True or unTrue.

The Truths of God that i teach are Truth and are infallible, because they are from God, and NOT from something that i THINK nor did they come from my intellect/mind. Now all those things that i THINK are True, and they are what i THINK, can most certainly not be the Truth. i have learned a long time ago to NOT teach those things that i THINK are True, because they were almost Always NOT TRUTH. i am a human being, if i THINK, then i can be persuaded by the enemy of God, yes? Therefore i don't teach things that i THINK are True, because they can be wrong. i teach those things God has told me, and they are NEVER WRONG. If then i teach only those things that God told me, and do NOT teach things that i THINK, then how can i ever be wrong? If i merely teach those thing God has told me.

Both statements i made do not contradict each other like you accuse, it is your understanding of what i said that is in conflict with each other. NOT what i actually said.

I am done discussing this with you.

Your done discussing it with me, because you failed to understand what i said? Really? You have free will to choose what you will do. Either way though, i support it.
This is Truth.

This is Truth

For YOU, this is Truth.

Know you not that it is the Holy Ghost that convicts of what is wrong or right, especially those things that are NOT written in the Word of God.

If then the Holy Ghost convicts you that eating pizza is wrong and repulsive, then for that person to eat pizza they commit sin, because they are doing that which is contrary to the convictions of the Holy Spirit that is within them.
Does that mean it is wrong and repulsive for everyone to eat pizza? No.

So then if the Holy Spirit convicts you that it is wrong and repulsive for you to have a cross with Jesus still on it, then for YOU it is most certainly a sin if you do so.
But if the Holy Spirit of Truth does not convict another that having a cross with Jesus still on it, is NOT wrong or repulsive, then it is NOT wrong or sinful for that person to have a cross with Jesus still on it.

i, a prophet of God, will however tell you what is most wrong and sinful to God, is when a person tries to tell others what is sinful or not sinful based on what the Holy Ghost is convicting that person of.

Know you not, nor understand these verses?

Rom 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
Rom 14:6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.
Rom 14:7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
Rom 14:8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.

Whether we have a cross without Jesus or with Jesus, we have it to the remembrance of the Lord Jesus. Let every man judge within their own selves which one is wrong or which one is right, or if it is irrelevant. But let us do all things to please Him.

If YOU having a cross with Jesus on it, offends you in some way, then if you do so, YOU COMMIT SIN, YOU do that which is wrong.
HOWEVER, just because the Holy Spirit of Truth has convicted YOU that it is wrong, does not mean you can go and try to convict OTHERS that they are wrong to have a cross with Jesus on it. Who maketh thyself? Are you trying to take the place of the Holy Spirit of God, who will most certainly convict them of it, if it is wrong for that person to do so?

You do well Brother by not having any crosses with Jesus still on it, because you are convicted that it is wrong and repulsive to do so. And if the Holy Spirit of God convicts me of that same thing, i will obey the Holy Spirit within me, because i do all things to please Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, and for over 50 years now, the Holy Spirit has not even once convicted me it wrong or repulsive to have a cross with Jesus on it. And no human being is going to convict me that it is wrong. Only the Holy Ghost within me can do that.

Nobody should be arguing with you that it is wrong or repulsive, because that is how you feel. But teaching others that it is wrong and repulsive is not of God, but comes from you.
I worship the risen Christ.
Heres the problem with the crucifix...

In this state there is no salvation......

You have a dead Christ hung in shame
This entire thread is shocking.
You say in that state (of the crucified Jesus)
There is no salvation.

If there had been no crucifiction there would have been no resurrection.

I'd like to remind you that the veil to the holy of holies was torn while Jesus was on the cross.

Is this such a critical matter?
I worship the risen Christ.
No denomination that I know of worships the dead Christ.

If there had been no resurrection, He would have been just another one of the several messiahs.

This certainly should not detract from The Passion of Christ.
No denomination that I know of worships the dead Christ.

If there had been no resurrection, He would have been just another one of the several messiahs.

This certainly should not detract from The Passion of Christ.
There are lots of cults who do not worship or believe in Jesus at all, and for them Good Friday and the events following are of no consequence, at all, and that is such a terrible shame.

Personally, I worship the living God who triumphed over sin, and death, and rose again victorious, and for me, that is what both the empty tomb and the empty cross mean. He conquered sin and death.

If I see someone wearing a cross with Jesus still hanging there, I wonder if that person believes in the resurrection, and all it means, or whether they worship the Virgin Mary, and if they do, then I fear for their salvation.
There are lots of cults who do not worship or believe in Jesus at all, and for them Good Friday and the events following are of no consequence, at all, and that is such a terrible shame.

Personally, I worship the living God who triumphed over sin, and death, and rose again victorious, and for me, that is what both the empty tomb and the empty cross mean. He conquered sin and death.

If I see someone wearing a cross with Jesus still hanging there, I wonder if that person believes in the resurrection, and all it means, or whether they worship the Virgin Mary, and if they do, then I fear for their salvation.
I agree with you 100% Every time I see a crucifix with Jesus on it I wonder if a) they have a morbid fascination with suffering and death and/or b) they are unaware that Jesus is no longer on the cross, but a) has died, b) was buried, c) rose from the grave, and d) was resurrected and is in heaven.
I agree with you 100% Every time I see a crucifix with Jesus on it I wonder if a) they have a morbid fascination with suffering and death and/or b) they are unaware that Jesus is no longer on the cross, but a) has died, b) was buried, c) rose from the grave, and d) was resurrected and is in heaven.
Without which there is no salvation. :)
There are lots of cults who do not worship or believe in Jesus at all, and for them Good Friday and the events following are of no consequence, at all, and that is such a terrible shame.

Personally, I worship the living God who triumphed over sin, and death, and rose again victorious, and for me, that is what both the empty tomb and the empty cross mean. He conquered sin and death.

If I see someone wearing a cross with Jesus still hanging there, I wonder if that person believes in the resurrection, and all it means, or whether they worship the Virgin Mary, and if they do, then I fear for their salvation.
Well don't fear for the salvation of Catholics.
We don't worship Mary.
The celebration of Easter, particularly of the Last Supper, the Passion and death of Jesus .and the Resurrection is the most important part of the liturgical year.
One of my favourite Easter hymns which we sing on Easter morning is "Thine be the Glory"
I agree with you 100% Every time I see a crucifix with Jesus on it I wonder if a) they have a morbid fascination with suffering and death and/or b) they are unaware that Jesus is no longer on the cross, but a) has died, b) was buried, c) rose from the grave, and d) was resurrected and is in heaven.
Well wonder no more, because Catholics don't have a morbid fascination with suffering and death or
are unaware that Jesus is no longer on the cross, but a) has died, b) was buried, c) rose from the grave, and d) was resurrected and is in heaven.

Do you think Paul had a morbid fascination with suffering and death when he wrote so much about Christ crucified?
There are lots of cults who do not worship or believe in Jesus at all, and for them Good Friday and the events following are of no consequence, at all, and that is such a terrible shame.

Personally, I worship the living God who triumphed over sin, and death, and rose again victorious, and for me, that is what both the empty tomb and the empty cross mean. He conquered sin and death.

If I see someone wearing a cross with Jesus still hanging there, I wonder if that person believes in the resurrection, and all it means, or whether they worship the Virgin Mary, and if they do, then I fear for their salvation.
Cooper, If someone is worshipping the Almighty God that created the universe and also wants to wear the crucifix because that's what they like, I wouldn't worry about them. They most surely know that Jesus resurrected - this is what is celebrated at Easter, all over the world.

If they don't understand this, THEN I'd say that they might not know God. But God knows the heart and doesn't pay attention to the cross vs the crucifix.

Also, nobody is supposed to be worshipping Mary, if they do it's their choice.
But they probably worship God too in that case.

I agree with your second paragraph, personally.
But I can be accepting of such small matters...they don't seem particularly important to me.
Well don't fear for the salvation of Catholics.
We don't worship Mary.
The celebration of Easter, particularly of the Last Supper, the Passion and death of Jesus .and the Resurrection is the most important part of the liturgical year.
One of my favourite Easter hymns which we sing on Easter morning is "Thine be the Glory"
My granddaughter is in the choir at the local catholic church, San Giovanni - St. John.
She heard this song and came in to tell me they sing it. I don't remember it to tell the truth.
It's called in Italian: Jesus is Resurrected.
Gesu' e' Risorto.
Why depict someone as dead who is alive? IMHO Catholics are obsessed with Jesus' suffering and death, not His resurrection and new life.

It really bothers me to see our risen Lord depicted in His final moments of agony.
Why depict someone as dead who is alive? IMHO Catholics are obsessed with Jesus' suffering and death, not His resurrection and new life.

It really bothers me to see our risen Lord depicted in His final moments of agony.

As you said to me earlier in this thread:
I'm not interested in your opinions. They are irrelevant and false.
Cooper, If someone is worshipping the Almighty God that created the universe and also wants to wear the crucifix because that's what they like, I wouldn't worry about them. They most surely know that Jesus resurrected - this is what is celebrated at Easter, all over the world.

If they don't understand this, THEN I'd say that they might not know God. But God knows the heart and doesn't pay attention to the cross vs the crucifix.

Also, nobody is supposed to be worshipping Mary, if they do it's their choice.
But they probably worship God too in that case.

I agree with your second paragraph, personally.
But I can be accepting of such small matters...they don't seem particularly important to me.
You say If someone is worshipping Almighty God... then I agree with you.

Now, I have a Catholic friend, who tells me straight out, that he worships the Virgin Mary. He gave me a rosary and showed me how to say Hail Mary and something else, I forget what, but I wasn't happy, so I asked him who he prayed to, and he said the Virgin Mary. So then, I asked him who forgives his sins, and he said the priest. Then I said what about Jesus, and he replied that she could whisper in his ear. I listened and did not argue. All this was over a nice cup of tea. Then he told me over several visits about old women who have seen visions of the Virgin Mary, and I said I was only interested in what the Bible said and nothing else. He hasn't been since, and I quite miss his visits.

He is a lovely old man, caring for his wife with dementia.
You say If someone is worshipping Almighty God... then I agree with you.

Now, I have a Catholic friend, who tells me straight out, that he worships the Virgin Mary. He gave me a rosary and showed me how to say Hail Mary and something else, I forget what, but I wasn't happy, so I asked him who he prayed to, and he said the Virgin Mary. So then, I asked him who forgives his sins, and he said the priest. Then I said what about Jesus, and he replied that she could whisper in his ear. I listened and did not argue. All this was over a nice cup of tea. Then he told me about old women who have seen visions of the Virgin Mary, and I said I was only interested in what the Bible said and nothing else. He hasn't been since.

He is a lovely old man, caring for his wife with dementia.
There is a real need for Catholics to revere/worship the "perpetual virgin" Mary. It is a false idolization of her and thus all women, as being "pure", i.e., dehumanizing them into a mythical status that no woman can live up to. In Latinx culture, which is strong where I live, it's referred to as Marianismo. It is subjugation of women because no matter how loving, wonderful, kind, giving, forgiving, etc. a woman may be, she can never meet the ideal. It is a way of making even the best of women feel like worthless failures.

And of course, there is the unscriptural myth that Mary is in heaven behind Jesus, interceding for Catholics and telling her Son what he should and should not be doing. I mean, really!
You say If someone is worshipping Almighty God... then I agree with you.

Now, I have a Catholic friend, who tells me straight out, that he worships the Virgin Mary. He gave me a rosary and showed me how to say Hail Mary and something else, I forget what, but I wasn't happy, so I asked him who he prayed to, and he said the Virgin Mary. So then, I asked him who forgives his sins, and he said the priest. Then I said what about Jesus, and he replied that she could whisper in his ear. I listened and did not argue. All this was over a nice cup of tea. Then he told me over several visits about old women who have seen visions of the Virgin Mary, and I said I was only interested in what the Bible said and nothing else. He hasn't been since, and I quite miss his visits.

He is a lovely old man, caring for his wife with dementia.

So you base your opinions about Catjholics on one elderly Catholic out of 1.2 billion!
Are you serious or just trolling?
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