10-28-2023 Daytona Seventh Day BAPTIST Pastor Ben “What Happens When People Die?” Gen 2;7

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Feb 18, 2023
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10-28-2023 Daytona Seventh Day BAPTIST Pastor Ben “What Happens When People Die?” Gen 2;7, Eccles 12;7, John 11;11-14, Job 14;10-12

This is the question we all have so lets look in the Bible to see what happens when people die. In the Bible we have so much scripture that tells us what happens when people die. This is a hot potato for a lot of people especially because in three days it is Halloween. This is a hot potato for some of those who celebrate Halloween. We need to go back to the beginning in the book of Genesis 2;7. It says the Lord formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. God and Jesus made man and woman and breathed life into them.

So what happens when people die? Where do they go? Are they in Heaven? Are they in limbo or are they in purgatory? What happens to them? Lets go to the book of Ecclesiastes 12;7. The scripture says that the dust shall return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Where did man originally come from? The dust. The spirit will will return to God who gave life. Some people believe that when you die, you go straight to God. This scripture contradicts what they are saying. The body returns to dust and the spirit, the breath of life returns to God and Jesus who gave it.

How did Jesus refer to death? Lets go to the book of John 11;11-14. Jesus says Lazarus was sleeping but Jesus was going to wake him up. Then Jesus says that Lazarus is dead but He will wake him up. Jesus viewed death as a sleep, as a rest. You are sleep in the Lord. This is important because if we don’t see this through the word of the Lord, then somebody could come and say let me read your palm. Let me tell you your future or lets have a spiritual meeting so you can talk to your dead loved ones. All this is happening especially in the month of October. Its also happening in the movies with horror pictures. Everybody is celebrating darkness, death and spiritual enchanters.

We need to be clear about what the Lord says when people die. When people die, they are dead, dead and not coming back. They are asleep. Lazarus’s sister told Jesus that she believed that when people die, they are asleep but they can live again when Jesus has returned. She believed that when you die, you are going to stay asleep. How the disciples of Jesus thought of and referred to death is in the book of Job 14;10-12. It says that man dieth and wasteh away. Man giveth up the ghost. Man lieth down and riseth not. They will not awake or be raised out of their sleep until heavens are no more. When is this people? When Jesus returns. This is when He will raise them up, raise up everyone. Now when believers die and take their last breath, it is with joy. They take their last breath with joy because they know that the next thing they will hear will be the voice of the Lord.

Another question, does the person who dies know anything? Lets go into the Word of God into the book of Ecclesiastes 9;5-6. It says the living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything. Their memory is forgotten, their love and hatred is now perished. They have no portion in anything that is done under the sun. The dead know nothing, the person is dead. In other words you and I know we are going to die. Three things you cannot get away from. Being born, taxes and death. So the dead know nothing. Now lets us go back to the book of Job 14;21. It says his sons come to honor and he knoweth it not. And they are brought low but he perceiveth it not of them. So when your loved one dies, don’t go crying after them when they are dead. They don’t know anything so don’t even ask them for forgiveness because they are dead and hear nothing. What I’m saying is while you have your loved ones still alive, tell them you love them when they are still alive, not when they are dead.

What happens to the soul, the breath of life? Did you know that God also owns all the animals and their breath. Lets see what it says about animals because many people love horses, dogs and cats. Go to Job 12;7-10 and it says that the soul of beasts and every living thing is in the hand of the Lord. The breath of life of all mankind is in the Lord’s hand. This includes every living thing like that fly you killed a couple of days ago. Lets go to Psalm 146;4 where it says his breath goeth forth, he returneth to the earth and in that very day his thoughts perish. Again his spirit departs, the breath of life goes back to God. The Bible say to be absent from the body means to be present with the Lord. So what went to God? The spirit or the breath of life? Can we as Christians talk to dead people? No! Can we have a conversation with them? No! Look at Deuteronomy 18;10-11. It says you are not to have around you people who use divination or an enchanter or a witch or a charmer of familiar spirits or a wizard. This scripture is especially for us believers in God and Jesus Christ.

There are not supposed to be among you people who say they are sorcerers or mediums or one who calls up the dead. We saw in the Bible that the dead cannot hear, cannot see, cannot feel and their love and hatred is gone. Who are the mediums calling to? Who are they talking to? Demons and evil spirits. They are not talking to Jesus, Peter or Paul. They are just talking to evil spirits. These people should not be found among us. Halloween is a celebration of the dead. You are allowing the devil into your space. The enemy of the Lord is being allowed to come into your house. The dark spirits come into your house when you give children, dressed like demons, candy. There should be no trick or treat in our churches because we are God’s people and God’s people need to be holy.

Who are the spirits that the mediums and enchanters are talking to? Look in Revelation 12;7-9 where it says the devil was kicked out of heaven with his angels and was cast out onto the earth. Did you know that every day we are being assaulted by the bad angels and the good angels? There is a fight everyday for our lives. If we had spiritual eyes, we would be able to see them fighting over us and we would probably drop dead. Think about it. The devil has his angels and they can manipulate physics, can take over a body. They can masquerade as your dead loved ones. Remember the man that Jesus cured that was called Legion because he had a thousand demons in him? The demons told Jesus that there are many of us. Then they went into the pigs. In Revelation 16;13-14 it says John saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. These are spirits of devils who work miracles and go to gather the people to battle against God. So now if you want to go celebrate Halloween, now you know who you will be in cahoots with. It got awful quiet in here. Am I stepping on somebody’s toes? I Thessalonians 4;13-17 says we Christians get raised from the dead and get caught up to Jesus in Heaven. Jesus is the only one who can raise people up from the dead. By the way, if you ever go to church, hear a message like this and fall asleep, don’t do it because you will have plenty of time to sleep in the grave.

In I Corinthians 15;52-55 it says in a twinkling of an eye, the dead shall be raised up and the living changed. We as Christians are raised up incorruptible and put on immortality. Death is swallowed up in victory. O death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory? Praise the Lord everybody. Praise the Lord!!

10-28-2023 Daytona Seventh Day BAPTIST Pastor Ben “What Happens When People Die?” Gen 2;7, Eccles 12;7, John 11;11-14, Job 14;10-12

This is the question we all have so lets look in the Bible to see what happens when people die. In the Bible we have so much scripture that tells us what happens when people die. This is a hot potato for a lot of people especially because in three days it is Halloween. This is a hot potato for some of those who celebrate Halloween. We need to go back to the beginning in the book of Genesis 2;7. It says the Lord formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. God and Jesus made man and woman and breathed life into them.

So what happens when people die? Where do they go? Are they in Heaven? Are they in limbo or are they in purgatory? What happens to them? Lets go to the book of Ecclesiastes 12;7. The scripture says that the dust shall return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Where did man originally come from? The dust. The spirit will will return to God who gave life. Some people believe that when you die, you go straight to God. This scripture contradicts what they are saying. The body returns to dust and the spirit, the breath of life returns to God and Jesus who gave it.

How did Jesus refer to death? Lets go to the book of John 11;11-14. Jesus says Lazarus was sleeping but Jesus was going to wake him up. Then Jesus says that Lazarus is dead but He will wake him up. Jesus viewed death as a sleep, as a rest. You are sleep in the Lord. This is important because if we don’t see this through the word of the Lord, then somebody could come and say let me read your palm. Let me tell you your future or lets have a spiritual meeting so you can talk to your dead loved ones. All this is happening especially in the month of October. Its also happening in the movies with horror pictures. Everybody is celebrating darkness, death and spiritual enchanters.

We need to be clear about what the Lord says when people die. When people die, they are dead, dead and not coming back. They are asleep. Lazarus’s sister told Jesus that she believed that when people die, they are asleep but they can live again when Jesus has returned. She believed that when you die, you are going to stay asleep. How the disciples of Jesus thought of and referred to death is in the book of Job 14;10-12. It says that man dieth and wasteh away. Man giveth up the ghost. Man lieth down and riseth not. They will not awake or be raised out of their sleep until heavens are no more. When is this people? When Jesus returns. This is when He will raise them up, raise up everyone. Now when believers die and take their last breath, it is with joy. They take their last breath with joy because they know that the next thing they will hear will be the voice of the Lord.

Another question, does the person who dies know anything? Lets go into the Word of God into the book of Ecclesiastes 9;5-6. It says the living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything. Their memory is forgotten, their love and hatred is now perished. They have no portion in anything that is done under the sun. The dead know nothing, the person is dead. In other words you and I know we are going to die. Three things you cannot get away from. Being born, taxes and death. So the dead know nothing. Now lets us go back to the book of Job 14;21. It says his sons come to honor and he knoweth it not. And they are brought low but he perceiveth it not of them. So when your loved one dies, don’t go crying after them when they are dead. They don’t know anything so don’t even ask them for forgiveness because they are dead and hear nothing. What I’m saying is while you have your loved ones still alive, tell them you love them when they are still alive, not when they are dead.

What happens to the soul, the breath of life? Did you know that God also owns all the animals and their breath. Lets see what it says about animals because many people love horses, dogs and cats. Go to Job 12;7-10 and it says that the soul of beasts and every living thing is in the hand of the Lord. The breath of life of all mankind is in the Lord’s hand. This includes every living thing like that fly you killed a couple of days ago. Lets go to Psalm 146;4 where it says his breath goeth forth, he returneth to the earth and in that very day his thoughts perish. Again his spirit departs, the breath of life goes back to God. The Bible say to be absent from the body means to be present with the Lord. So what went to God? The spirit or the breath of life? Can we as Christians talk to dead people? No! Can we have a conversation with them? No! Look at Deuteronomy 18;10-11. It says you are not to have around you people who use divination or an enchanter or a witch or a charmer of familiar spirits or a wizard. This scripture is especially for us believers in God and Jesus Christ.

There are not supposed to be among you people who say they are sorcerers or mediums or one who calls up the dead. We saw in the Bible that the dead cannot hear, cannot see, cannot feel and their love and hatred is gone. Who are the mediums calling to? Who are they talking to? Demons and evil spirits. They are not talking to Jesus, Peter or Paul. They are just talking to evil spirits. These people should not be found among us. Halloween is a celebration of the dead. You are allowing the devil into your space. The enemy of the Lord is being allowed to come into your house. The dark spirits come into your house when you give children, dressed like demons, candy. There should be no trick or treat in our churches because we are God’s people and God’s people need to be holy.

Who are the spirits that the mediums and enchanters are talking to? Look in Revelation 12;7-9 where it says the devil was kicked out of heaven with his angels and was cast out onto the earth. Did you know that every day we are being assaulted by the bad angels and the good angels? There is a fight everyday for our lives. If we had spiritual eyes, we would be able to see them fighting over us and we would probably drop dead. Think about it. The devil has his angels and they can manipulate physics, can take over a body. They can masquerade as your dead loved ones. Remember the man that Jesus cured that was called Legion because he had a thousand demons in him? The demons told Jesus that there are many of us. Then they went into the pigs. In Revelation 16;13-14 it says John saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. These are spirits of devils who work miracles and go to gather the people to battle against God. So now if you want to go celebrate Halloween, now you know who you will be in cahoots with. It got awful quiet in here. Am I stepping on somebody’s toes? I Thessalonians 4;13-17 says we Christians get raised from the dead and get caught up to Jesus in Heaven. Jesus is the only one who can raise people up from the dead. By the way, if you ever go to church, hear a message like this and fall asleep, don’t do it because you will have plenty of time to sleep in the grave.

In I Corinthians 15;52-55 it says in a twinkling of an eye, the dead shall be raised up and the living changed. We as Christians are raised up incorruptible and put on immortality. Death is swallowed up in victory. O death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory? Praise the Lord everybody. Praise the Lord!!

What do you and others here think of near death experiences as shared by others?
Hey All,
Matthew 25:41,46
41. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
46. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Who are on left hand? People who die as unbelievers. The punishment is eternal. Don't be a part of it. Receive the gift of God which is everlasting life by believing in Jesus and repenting of your sins. Just pray:

"Jesus, I believe in you. I know I am a sinner. Please forgive me. Thank You Jesus. Amen."

If you said that prayer, go up to the New Members forum and introduce yourself because you are now a new believer.

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
What do you and others here think of near death experiences as shared by others?
It's been pretty much shown them to be true.
How would a person in a closed room know what's going on down the hall of a hospital?
The only explanation is an out of body experience.
What do you think?
It's been pretty much shown them to be true.
How would a person in a closed room know what's going on down the hall of a hospital?
The only explanation is an out of body experience.
What do you think?
I think I agree that most of these stories are true, but have reservations as to how accurate they are in reflecting the Kingdom. I want to continue the Danny & Annie series with them having adventures and assignments in the Kingdom and on Earth. I alluded to this at the closing of my book and I don't want to offend my Lord by taking liberties with the apparent ambiguities regarding life after death. I fear taking artistic liberty too far and that's why I'm asking what you guys think of these testimonies of those who have had these experiences.
It's been pretty much shown them to be true.
How would a person in a closed room know what's going on down the hall of a hospital?
The only explanation is an out of body experience.
What do you think?
I would over we look to the testimony of the Father working in the Son of man Jesus At the beginning of the ministry of the two. The Father sent him out in the wilderness as a scapegoat .having not eaten 40 days his mind weakened.

Satan without moving one inch showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the the glory of each one .

Describing a Hospital operation room. peanuts shells in comparison.

The Father strengthening the Son gave him words to rebuke the father of lies three times with three denoting the end of a matter .It as it is writen and again and again as it is written .
I would over we look to the testimony of the Father working in the Son of man Jesus At the beginning of the ministry of the two. The Father sent him out in the wilderness as a scapegoat .having not eaten 40 days his mind weakened.

Satan without moving one inch showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the the glory of each one .

Describing a Hospital operation room. peanuts shells in comparison.

The Father strengthening the Son gave him words to rebuke the father of lies three times with three denoting the end of a matter .It as it is writen and again and again as it is written .
I really don't understand what the above has to do with what is being discussed.
No one is comparing anything.
What do you and others here think of near death experiences as shared by others?
The brain can be a tricky thing, it is known that even at the guillotine, the people whose heads were cut off still were able to move their eyes, looking at the crowds till they finally faded. Some people have even been awake during operations, and thats one of the reasons I always make sure to tell the anesthesiologist that I tend to be hard to go under, so dont hold back. Its much like dreaming, sometimes people say they for sure went through something, only to think of some of the absurdity of the things and it be clear it was just the unconscious mind generating them.
The brain can be a tricky thing, it is known that even at the guillotine, the people whose heads were cut off still were able to move their eyes, looking at the crowds till they finally faded. Some people have even been awake during operations, and thats one of the reasons I always make sure to tell the anesthesiologist that I tend to be hard to go under, so dont hold back. Its much like dreaming, sometimes people say they for sure went through something, only to think of some of the absurdity of the things and it be clear it was just the unconscious mind generating them.
So do you think all those persons who say they have had this experience are lying?
Though maybe outlandish by worldly standards, I saw one on YouTube where a doctor said he had a NDE and said he wound up on the back of a giant butterfly with a beautiful woman. She told him not to worry and said you can't sin here. She told him her name. After he was sent back to his body, he told his mother of the woman and she started crying. She said she knew who the woman was. The mother said she was his still born sister that they never told him about. I believed him. There are others on YouTube.
I really don't understand what the above has to do with what is being discussed.
No one is comparing anything.
Who is comparing?

I offered what scripture teaches in respect to what some call out of body experiences .

It is simply lying spirits bringing lying wonders.
Though maybe outlandish by worldly standards, I saw one on YouTube where a doctor said he had a NDE and said he wound up on the back of a giant butterfly with a beautiful woman. She told him not to worry and said you can't sin here. She told him her name. After he was sent back to his body, he told his mother of the woman and she started crying. She said she knew who the woman was. The mother said she was his still born sister that they never told him about. I believed him. There are others on YouTube.
God is no longer bring new revelations. Revelation is still the last chapter in the Bible.

Why would a person believe a lying spirit of the dead?

The voice of Satan "king of lying wonders" to wonder after. God sends them a strong delusion that they might continue to be the lie.

2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
So do you think all those persons who say they have had this experience are lying?
When I have a dream and see a bright shining light of the Second Coming with Christ in the clouds, its real to me at that moment. So it is as I say a bit of issue to separate what you see in this semiconscious state what you see from actual events.
God is no longer bring new revelations. Revelation is still the last chapter in the Bible.

Why would a person believe a lying spirit of the dead?

The voice of Satan "king of lying wonders" to wonder after. God sends them a strong delusion that they might continue to be the lie.

2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
Do you believe our spirit and soul never die?

Then why would you not believe such an experience?

Would it lessen your faith?

These persons wake up to a changed life for God.

How could this be a lying satanic action?

Blasphemy is attributing something of God's action to be satanic.
When I have a dream and see a bright shining light of the Second Coming with Christ in the clouds, its real to me at that moment. So it is as I say a bit of issue to separate what you see in this semiconscious state what you see from actual events.
I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it . See the beginning of post 15.
Are we alive after death or are we dead?
I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it . See the beginning of post 15.
Are we alive after death or are we dead?
Now thats the question, is our opinions what is true, or is Gods Word what gives us truth. Lets look
at what is says on death, and we clearly see it is a state of non-being or unconsciousness, and is described as such in the Scriptures.

His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Psalms 146:4

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything. Ecclesiastes 9:5

The dead are oblivious to what is happening on earth they know nothing.

Also their love, and their hatred and their envy is now perished. Ecclesiastes 9:6

For in death there is no remembrance of You; in the grave who will give you thanks? Psalm 6:5

So their feelings perish also.
The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence. Psalms 115: 17

This state of unconsciousness is equated with sleep. Job says,

So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more; they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep. Job 14:12

We die and go to the grave until the resurrection at the end of time. Thus what Christ said when it came to Lazarus in the grave..

24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: John 11:24-25
Now thats the question, is our opinions what is true, or is Gods Word what gives us truth. Lets look
at what is says on death, and we clearly see it is a state of non-being or unconsciousness, and is described as such in the Scriptures.

His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Psalms 146:4

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything. Ecclesiastes 9:5

The dead are oblivious to what is happening on earth they know nothing.

Also their love, and their hatred and their envy is now perished. Ecclesiastes 9:6

For in death there is no remembrance of You; in the grave who will give you thanks? Psalm 6:5

So their feelings perish also.
The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence. Psalms 115: 17

This state of unconsciousness is equated with sleep. Job says,

So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more; they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep. Job 14:12

We die and go to the grave until the resurrection at the end of time. Thus what Christ said when it came to Lazarus in the grave..

24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: John 11:24-25
Taken from the perspective of the living, I'm sure it all appears that way in all those verses. That does not mean that is the way it is on the other side. NDEs have shown there is eternal life.
God is no longer bring new revelations. Revelation is still the last chapter in the Bible.

Why would a person believe a lying spirit of the dead?

The voice of Satan "king of lying wonders" to wonder after. God sends them a strong delusion that they might continue to be the lie.

2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
There are no new revelations regarding His Word. This does not mean there are no new visions or dreams revealed to those whom the Lord chooses to do so. The Word tells us there will be visions and Dreams and words of knowledge. Do you think all of these are just about Bible verses that they see? No personal revelations about their lives? Where is a personal relationship with the Lord allowed in your viewpoints?
There are no new revelations regarding His Word. This does not mean there are no new visions or dreams revealed to those whom the Lord chooses to do so. The Word tells us there will be visions and Dreams and words of knowledge. Do you think all of these are just about Bible verses that they see? No personal revelations about their lives? Where is a personal relationship with the Lord allowed in your viewpoints?
God is no longer putting his signature on signs to wonder after???. Prophecy as it is written is complete.

In Mathew he informs no sign to wonder after was given the last was the sign of Jonah fulfilled with Jesus the Son of man.

We are still healed in our dream. But dreams or vison seen as a form of prophecy ceased when sola scriptura was complete. Today if any man say I had a dream I heard a voice I saw a vision we are to believe not.

Believers were warned before the completion of sola scriptura God's living word.

The loving commandment "believe not" is still in effect.

Matthew 24:22-25King James Version22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect Behold, I have told you before..

The elect that obeys the warning will not be deceived.

We put on the whole armor of God our mighty defence against lying signs to wonder after (no faith as it is written )