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Claudia I suppose we need to look at the difference between Israel and Christianity. Israel was a Nation in which the citizens mostly lived inside distinct boundaries while Christianity has no such Earthly "home soil". We have been called out of the world and the ruling bodies ie. governments are part of the world. We can see the instruction Paul gives concerning the ruling body of his time in Titus and 1 Timothy.

Tit 3:1-4 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, (2) To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men. (3) For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. (4) But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,

1Ti 2:1-4 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; (2) For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (3) For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; (4) Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

So it seems it's our responsibility to live within our "non- Christian" governments rule and pray that they will come to the knowledge of the truth.

I liked this post.
actually that party is very pro abortion. most libertarians are. they don't believe in government funded abortions.

This is the libertarian view on abortion.
" Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration."

Clearly this does Not say they are Pro abortion or Anti abortion.
Any other stand would be inconsistent with the libertarian view of freedom.
This is the libertarian view on abortion.
" Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration."

Clearly this does Not say they are Pro abortion or Anti abortion.
Any other stand would be inconsistent with the libertarian view of freedom.

that's actually pro choice
and doesn't negate what I said. they fell that the government shouldn't pay for it. just that it should be legal. thus its a pro choice position..
Ron Paul who's views are very much libertarian said this,

During a May 15, 2007, appearance on the Fox News talk show Hannity and Colmes, Ron Paul argued that his pro-life position was consistent with his libertarian values, asking, “If you can’t protect life then how can you protect liberty?” Additionally, Ron Paul said that since he believes libertarians support non-aggression, libertarians should oppose abortion because abortion is “an act of aggression” against a fetus."
Ron Paul who's views are very much libertarian said this,

During a May 15, 2007, appearance on the Fox News talk show Hannity and Colmes, Ron Paul argued that his pro-life position was consistent with his libertarian values, asking, “If you can’t protect life then how can you protect liberty?” Additionally, Ron Paul said that since he believes libertarians support non-aggression, libertarians should oppose abortion because abortion is “an act of aggression” against a fetus."
I will say this. a friend of mine left that party. he holds the views of that party, but was harassed here locally so bad and mocked for his faith that he had too. ron paul is a pro life, but Adrian wylle

he is pro pot legalization , pro gay marriage while protecting those of faith.

how can one be pro life and say its a choice? its a right to murder? that is the problem I have. kinda like. I believe against slavery but I wouldn't never own one but im against making it illegal.
I will say this. a friend of mine left that party. he holds the views of that party, but was harassed here locally so bad and mocked for his faith that he had too. ron paul is a pro life, but Adrian wylle

he is pro pot legalization , pro gay marriage while protecting those of faith.

how can one be pro life and say its a choice? its a right to murder? that is the problem I have. kinda like. I believe against slavery but I wouldn't never own one but im against making it illegal.

My point was that one can have many libertarian views and still feel that abortion should be illegal, such as Ron Paul does.
I may be a bit jaded now, but in my experience laws are just words on paper. Whatever laws are imposed on them isn't going to matter all that much. It seems to me in the real world it comes down to what a person can get away with, not so much about what's right or wrong. And even then, as long as there's no loss of life or property it doesn't really seem to matter to our justice system. $$$ matters more than anything here in the US. Just my :twocents
I may be a bit jaded now, but in my experience laws are just words on paper. Whatever laws are imposed on them isn't going to matter all that much. It seems to me in the real world it comes down to what a person can get away with, not so much about what's right or wrong. And even then, as long as there's no loss of life or property it doesn't really seem to matter to our justice system. $$$ matters more than anything here in the US. Just my :twocents
it has been that way for years. even with the so called laws against slavery. human trafficiking still goes on. we kinda overlook it a times. ie korea. we also kinda do that with immigration in that illegals are smuggled here.

recently an army general was cleared of a sex crime. a mere fine, really If I did that where would I be? Leavenworth or some other rcf.
When I was growing up I was naive. I thought our laws were so good and we had so little corruption here. Now I find out about all the favors, in the form of jobs and awarded contracts, being done even on the local level. How having $$$ makes the justice system so much easier for some.
At least one thing hasn't changed, good citizen's make for a good place to live.
Murder is murder. When does the age of the victim decide the crime? I know ! We change the word murder to abortion then it is ok. :) :sick sick just sick
Christian Sharia Law in America

Then of course there is Christian Dominionism and Rafael Cruz, Ted's father.

"The theological ethos of Rafael Cruz’s vision is in Christian dominionism; he talks about preaching a “message of dominion” that all Christians have received an “anointing as kings.” I watched a sermon he preached on August 26, 2012 at the New Beginnings megachurch in Irving, Texas, led by Christian Zionist charismatic pastor Larry Huch. Huch incidentally had a very interesting prophecy to share when he introduced Cruz to preach: "

"We’ve been doing this series here that God laid on my heart: Getting to the top and staying there. A message for us as individuals, the kingdom of God, but also for America. It’s not enough to get there. We need to stay there. It’s not a coincidence that in a few weeks, we go into what’s called in the Bible Rosh Hashanad [sic]… It will be the beginning of the spiritual year 2012. The number 12 means divine government. That God will begin to rule and reign. Not Wall Street, not Washington, God’s people and His kingdom will begin to rule and reign. I know that’s why God got Rafael’s son elected, Ted Cruz the next senator."
Christian Sharia Law in America

Then of course there is Christian Dominionism and Rafael Cruz, Ted's father.

"The theological ethos of Rafael Cruz’s vision is in Christian dominionism; he talks about preaching a “message of dominion” that all Christians have received an “anointing as kings.” I watched a sermon he preached on August 26, 2012 at the New Beginnings megachurch in Irving, Texas, led by Christian Zionist charismatic pastor Larry Huch. Huch incidentally had a very interesting prophecy to share when he introduced Cruz to preach: "

"We’ve been doing this series here that God laid on my heart: Getting to the top and staying there. A message for us as individuals, the kingdom of God, but also for America. It’s not enough to get there. We need to stay there. It’s not a coincidence that in a few weeks, we go into what’s called in the Bible Rosh Hashanad [sic]… It will be the beginning of the spiritual year 2012. The number 12 means divine government. That God will begin to rule and reign. Not Wall Street, not Washington, God’s people and His kingdom will begin to rule and reign. I know that’s why God got Rafael’s son elected, Ted Cruz the next senator."
the puritans believe in a form of that.most post mill types do.
So do the Orthodox Jews but they will be totally in charge with Messiah.
the chialism is that but well that is what the church today teaches but the post mil says man will do it and then when the time is right jesus will come and judge the world, some say the world will be good and coverted and others say that some will but that Christians will be in key positions.

im amil. I don't believe in any millennial reign. post mil and amil do agree that jesus reigns now just disagree about a reign on the earth. the post mil believe that the chialism is a spiritual one marked by blessing of the church from ad 0 to 1000 ad I believe.


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