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  • Hope you had a good day in church; I guess you are well settled now. My wife and I have been at our current church for several years and we find it a spiritual home. Blessings.
    PS: This is the kind of low key, modest, Christian fish sign that I was referring to, if you see what I mean. But maybe your dad would even have found this kind of thing objectionable, IDK. Blessings.
    Some women, too? okay. The fact that Christian women get tattoos, too, is something that some of the guys posting on the tattoo thread still seem to struggle with, but it's just a fact, anyway, that tattoo equality is exercised by Christian women. Bedtime; gtg, have a nice night. Blessings.
    Well, I think you were favorably impressed by October Glory before. And you never know, if you keep a lookout, whether you'll pick up a free CDE someplace.
    Guys with tats/piercings; 'guys' = men, I suppose?
    Oh okay. I think you uploaded a photo last time you did it, but that was then and this is now, so to speak. (Anyway, it wouldn't surprise me if a significant proportion of people at Christian rock concerts - including the musicians - have some kind of bodyart.) Blessings.
    I guess you head off soon. Maybe it's the first time you will have heard Red live?
    Okay. I guess you are looking forward to some really good quality hard rock, with a clear Christian message. Blessings.
    Hi there; hope you had a good day in church yesterday; we did; some good thoughts brought to us from the Scriptures.
    Your new thread has had a lot of posts; I think your worthwhile and serious questions have received a lot of comments; although some of the guys don't seem to have taken it very seriously. Blessings.
    So we got back from NY and Pa. Saw Pa.'s Erie lakeshore; impressive. Stayed in Buffalo, NY near the airport and Air Force One was parked near our hotel (we didn't see the President's motorcade, though.)
    I reckon as a hard rock woman now, you're looking forward to the Christian concert that you guys are heading for; is it one band that you guys will hear, or maybe more than one?
    Hope church went okay today. Blessings.
    Hi there; so did you guys have a good vacation? maybe home again now. Hope the wedding went well also. My wife and I head for NY & Penn. next week. Blessings.
    one doesn't have to sin to be in the service. one can choose to be holy and pure. the army has a tradition of adultery and fornication. this is a counter argument against tats and the navy.
    Oh okay; yes, this is what foreign stations for troops and their families are often like; a year or two here and there; and little opportunity to put down roots. And even if your mom was in the navy, and if she did get the tattoo that navy personnel are almost expected to get, maybe she wouldn't want to tell you in any case. Blessings.
    Hi there; I couldn't post in the teen section; saw that you lived in Italy; been there a few times, in the north, around Ventimiglia, in Liguria region. For ppl that speak some French, or Spanish, Italian can be more straightforward to understand; so do you remember any Italian?
    Interesting your mom was in the navy; she sounds like she has experienced a lot in her life. If she was in the navy, then maybe she acquired the almost 'obligatory' tattoo at that period? anchor, etc., kind of links in with Hebrews 6.19, 'anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast'.
    I am familiar with the means with a dog is put down. its the same drugs used on humans for execution. it can be painful for them. I have had vet tell me that dogs do suffer. the drug used is lethal to humans. we had that in Afghanistan. a simple red vial with the crossed bones and skull on it. it was for use to put down all animals.
    Replied to some of your musical post stuff. Won't be up much longer, I guess. Blessings.
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