Believing in Wrong Doctrine: Will I lose my salvation?

This includes His angels, and you know what happened
to 1/3 of them! ... or do you?

As well as those who sinned.

For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; 2 Peter 2:4

and learning/using hebrew and greek would be best if we want to know what was really said -


I do not know of any committee Bible translations such as the KJV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, NIV, NLT, RSV, Douay-Rheims, NRSV, NET, NAB, NJB, REB, etc that were not the work of many translators who checked each others' translations from the original languages.

Therefore, many translators are involved in producing a Bible. That's why I don't read paraphrases by one person such as: The Living Bible, The Message, J B Phillips translation.

Did you have something else in mind with your statement, 'rather than what some translator says the bible says'?

good point - i guess when we start making up terms that aren't in the bible we can find all kinds of disagreement

if we stick to bible words we might do better in our discussions

and learning/using hebrew and greek would be best if we want to know what was really said - rather than what some translator says the bible says
Really! This nails it for me. Thanks. :)

I do not know of any committee Bible translations such as the KJV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, NIV, NLT, RSV, Douay-Rheims, NRSV, NET, NAB, NJB, REB, etc that were not the work of many translators who checked each others' translations from the original languages.

Therefore, many translators are involved in producing a Bible. That's why I don't read paraphrases by one person such as: The Living Bible, The Message, J B Phillips translation.

Did you have something else in mind with your statement, 'rather than what some translator says the bible says'?

i have been studying hebrew and greek for years on my own and in the last 4 years been taking classes on biblical hebrew and the fascinating thing from my earliest years and still til today is that the translators make decisions on how to translate a phrase that isn't always about language - it is about politics theology - and also often as someone here i think said - one hebrew or greek word takes many words to properly translate and most translators take only one english word per one greek/hebrew word

when i first started learning hebrew and greek on my own i spoke to a scholar and told him of some of the words i found that were clearly mistranslated - he agreed - i asked him how can these scholars purposely do that? - are they not afraid of God striking them for changing HIS words - as Revelations says there will be a curse on anyone who adds to or takes away any of God's words - what my scholar friend told me is - most scholars are not believers - they are scholars - and when they have discussions on how to best translate a word it is NOT about how to accurately repeat what God said in english - it is about what they think SHOULD have been said

now to be honest there are only a few places where there is a serious mis-translation - there are many places where there are mild mistranslations though - and ALL of these serious and mild mistranslations cause the scriptures to be confusing sometimes - appear contradictory other times - and bland most times

the thing is when you read scripture in greek and hebrew it becomes so ALIVE and EXCITING you can hardly contain yourself at the clear and amazing things God says

the power of God is INDEED evident when you read scripture in greek and hebrew

i realize most people are not going to be able to learn greek and hebrew - so for them they can listen to good teachers who bring out the power of God's words from the original languages - or they can get a greek hebrew transliteration bible - hard copy or computer program

for those who are able to undertake learning greek and hebrew i would really recommend they do so - it is a lifelong learning curve but you will not be disappointed - in fact you will almost immediately be blessed with seeing how good God's messages are in the original languages and it will inspire you to continue

if you want to learn on your own i recommend you get a greek/hebrew/english transliteration bible AND a greek and hebrew lexicon - hard copy or computer program - that will be enough to get you going - and you may never find a need to take a greek or hebrew course -

then if you really want to take the time and pay the money to learn one or both of the languages in a class you will get further blessed - or if you can't afford biblical language courses you can join a hebrew synagogue and take their biblical language courses for free - and a greek orthodox church and take their biblical language courses for free - the added benefit of joining a group that studies the bible in the original language is that not only can you take their classes you can also study scripture in the original language with them - this is even more fun than learning on your own - and learning on your own is super exciting - so you should really be blessed no matter which path you take
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Some believe in eternal security, or OSAS.
Some believe in conditional security or OSNAS.

Can believing in incorrect doctrine cause one to lose their salvation?
Please think about this before answer a knee jerk NO....since we many times say that doctrine does not save us.
I've made this statement myself.

But...could a doctrine CAUSE us, in some way, to endanger our soul?
Hyper grace would be another concept....

What is your opinion?

The Author of our faith, our salvation; our eternal life is called the Word. His words are life. Knowing Him is the definition of eternal life.

Man shall live by every word that proceeds out of His mouth.

So yes, His doctrine, and understanding it so that we do what His doctrine says, will cause us to inherit eternal life, or not.

Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.
1 Timothy 4:16

It’s not just understanding His doctrine but doing what His doctrine teaches us to do, and continuing to do it.

Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. 2 John 9

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i have been studying hebrew and greek for years on my own and in the last 4 years been taking classes on biblical hebrew and the fascinating thing from my earliest years and still til today is that the translators make decisions on how to translate a phrase that isn't always about language - it is about politics theology - and also often as someone here i think said - one hebrew or greek word takes many words to properly translate and most translators take only one english word per one greek/hebrew word

when i first started learning hebrew and greek on my own i spoke to a scholar and told him of some of the words i found that were clearly mistranslated - he agreed - i asked him how can these scholars purposely do that? - are they not afraid of God striking them for changing HIS words - as Revelations says there will be a curse on anyone who adds to or takes away any of God's words - what my scholar friend told me is - most scholars are not believers - they are scholars - and when they have discussions on how to best translate a word it is NOT about how to accurately repeat what God said in english - it is about what they think SHOULD have been said

now to be honest there are not many places that there is a serious mis-translation - there are many places where there are mild mistranslations though - and ALL of these serious and mild mistranslations cause the scriptures to be confusing sometimes - appear contradictory other times - and bland most times

the thing is when you read scripture in greek and hebrew it becomes so ALIVE and EXCITING you can hardly contain yourself at the clear and amazing things God says

the power of God is INDEED evident when you read scripture in greek and hebrew

i realize most people are not going to be able to learn greek and hebrew - so for them they can listen to good teachers who bring out the power of God's words from the original languages - or they can get a greek hebrew transliteration bible - hard copy or computer program

for those who are able to undertake learning greek and hebrew i would really recommend they do so - it is a lifelong learning curve but you will not be disappointed - in fact you will almost immediately be blessed with seeing how good God's messages are in the original languages and it will inspire you to continue

Aren’t you glad He dwells within us, to lead and guide us into all truth.

when they have discussions on how to best translate a word it is NOT about how to accurately repeat what God said in english - it is about what they think SHOULD have been said

I deal with people like that all the time.

They redefine a biblical word to suit their own preconceived notion of what they have decided the Bible should mean, with no apparent fear of God at all.

Can believing in incorrect doctrine cause one to lose their salvation?
to lose ? NOTHING CAN CAUSE you to .. you can walk away you can reject ..but i can not cause you .. you can be deceived..but nobody can take your salvation away
Now to Him who is able to keep [m]you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, klv reads you from falling . if i worried about losing something that is kept by the power of God. i would not be a christian.. that is not osas but Bible ....define incorrect doctrine
define incorrect doctrine

Doctrine that transgresses, goes outside of, or violates the doctrine of Christ.

to lose ? NOTHING CAN CAUSE you to .. you can walk away you can reject ..but i can not cause you .. you can be deceived..but nobody can take your salvation away
Now to Him who is able to keep [m]you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, klv reads you from falling . if i worried about losing something that is kept by the power of God. i would not be a christian.. that is not osas but Bible ....define incorrect doctrine

Any doctrine that teaches us not to love God and love our brother transgresses the doctrine of Christ.

So defining what the love of God is, has now become important.

For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. 1 John 5:3

Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 1 John 3:15

my 2 cents first Greek and Hebrew is interesting..i do look up words .it helps me understand the true meaning.. my next 2 cents this debate about can you no you can not osas osnas is GNAT straining our salvation is very secure more secure than the president of the U.S . the term eternal security once saved always saved .you can lose your salvation IS NOT IN THE BIBLE :eek2.thus it something man has made up by reading scriptures and making a proclamation . man loves to argue doctrine soon it becomes like to boxers in a ring fighting . my doctrine can kick your doctrine rump .see i started a post on christian discipleship some has committed on biggie . why not focus on our growth in grace and knowledge. then when a true false doctrine comes in. we will know its false and as barney would say on the Andy griffin show nip it in the bud :amen:readbible
you can lose your salvation IS NOT IN THE BIBLE

What you can do is depart from the faith, by listening to and taking heed to doctrines of demons.

So believing incorrect doctrine does indeed have to do with our salvation.

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 1 Timothy 4:1

the term eternal security once saved always saved .you can lose your salvation IS NOT IN THE BIBLE :eek2
why not focus on our growth in grace and knowledge. then when a true false doctrine comes in.
good points - imo creating doctrines has replaced reading entire chapters and books of the bible for study

i didn't learn doctrines as a new christian - i read the bible cover to cover over and over - and i learned the heart of God that way

the heart of God makes more sense to me than any doctrine

when we use manmade terms we need to define it so others know what we are talking about

when we just read scripture together we get blessed and encouraged by God to love Him and others - and do things the way God says if we want things to work out well for us - what more is there to our life in Christ than these 2 things?

in a way doctrines are the lazy man version of reading the bible cover to cover over and over and letting God's amazing words change our minds/hearts/lives from the inside to the outside
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 1 Timothy 4:1
that is worth studying - clear scriptures of what God calls doctrines that cause people to depart from the faith - or what God calls doctrines of demons -

better than us deciding on our own what we think is doctrines of demons
i would two things to be said astonished at his doctrine then be accused of turning the world upside down
We are to trust and believe in the person of Christ.
It is beneficial to believe the right things about Him and His plan of salvation.
But all this about a lot of the doctrinal stuff is like questioning if a operation performed by a world renowned surgeon will be effective in a person who either doesn't understand correctly about all his credentials or doesn't know what all they are. If the patient trust the surgeon enough to go under his knife the rest is in the surgeon's skills.