- Apr 22, 2011
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Chapter 10
Vs. 1-3
This angel represents the glory of the Lord and His government above the firmament. The bow is the same one seen in Genesis 9:13; Ezekiel 1:28 of Gods covenant He made between Him and the earth. The sun and fire represents the Glory of God in His brilliance and great power. The seven thunders are the voice of God saying He will judge the ends of the earth and give strength to his anointed people and enlarge His anointing upon them as they have the seven spirits of God upon them, Isaiah 11:2.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit will be even greater during the time of the seventh trumpet on those who are sealed by Gods Holy Spirit as by then much of the world will have lost most of its food and fresh water resources. Many will face unemployment losing everything they owned. Those on earth that have not Gods seal on them will be rioting in the streets looting and killing each other to take away what another might have left to live on. Chaos will run rampant through the streets until Marshall Law will come into effect to maintain order.
Gods anointed children that continue in the witness and testimony of the Lord will draw even closer to their faith that is Christ Jesus as they will also face many trials and temptations. They will endure much persecution, 2 Timothy 3:12; Matthew 24:13, even to death by the hands of the enemies against God that will also include their own family members that have not repented, Matthew 10:34-39; Mark 13:12; Luke 12:53, as they are lovers of self, 2 Timothy 3:1-7 and have no regard for anyone. God said not to fear that which man can do to us, but fear or in other words respect God who is able to destroy both soul and body of those of who refuse to repent, Matthew 10:28.
The time of Gods final wrath within the seven trumpets sounding will be a time of the worst tribulation the entire world has ever known or will ever see again, Matthew 24:21. Those who are Spiritually born from above are protected from Gods wrath falling on them as they have Gods seal on them and God will take care of their needs as He always has in the past, Philippians 4:19. They will though have a hard time having to watch so much overwhelming devastation fall before their eyes as they watch all of Gods chastisements falling on the earth and mankind. It will be particularly hard to watch their own family members that have not repented and turn back to God as they are consumed with the rest of mankind.
This will be a time of greater faith then any other time in ones life as in forsaking all to follow Jesus taking no care for even yourself what you should wear or eat, Matthew 6:24, 25; Matthew 19:29, as our only concern needs to be taking Gods word into all the nations as then will the end of days be finished and Jesus will at that time on the last day return for His Bride who is the true Church of God, Matthew 24:14; John 6:40.
Vs. 4-6
John was not allowed to write down what the seven thunders voiced as it was not yet due time to reveal this mystery of God until the seventh angel sounds his trumpet then the mystery of God will be finished.
Many more will be added unto God before the return of Jesus as it will take God shaking the earth in order for some to finally open their eyes and repent as they come back to His mercy and grace. The little book is that of all things yet to come as God is not done shaking the earth yet and when all things are finished then there will be great rejoicing in heaven as all glory will then be given to God Psalms 29:1-10; Revelation 21:6, 7.
Vs. 7-11
The seventh angel is the one with the seventh trumpet and when he sounds the mystery of God or in other words all things of these revelations that are written in the little book will be finished as Jesus already told the Disciples in the outline of Matthew 24 that from Revelation Chapter 8:6 – 11:14 are the first three and a half years of this seven year tribulation period and the last three and a half will start in Revelation 11:15 with the beginning of the seventh trumpet sound.
John is now told to take the little book from the angels hand and eat it. It was sweet in his mouth as in the glory of the Lord that will soon come for His Bride as they have received the promise of Gods blessings for obedience and have eternal life with the Father, Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Romans 6:23. After eating the book it was bitter in the belly as those who reject Jesus and repent not of their sin will face Gods final wrath poured out on them as they cling onto their devil worshiping giving honor and glory to their idols made of hands that are gods before them, Leviticus 26:1-46; Deuteronomy 27:11-26; 28:15-19.
We need to preach in boldness of truth and teach others as the Holy Spirit teaches us, John 14:26. The spirit of Jezebel runs rampant throughout the land spreading lies from the pulpit that seem pleasing to the ears as many would rather believe their Pastor instead of searching and Spiritually discern what they are being taught, Matthew 7: 21-23, John 3-3-7; Acts 19:1-6; Romans 10:9, 10; 1 John 4:1-6.
Vs. 1-3
This angel represents the glory of the Lord and His government above the firmament. The bow is the same one seen in Genesis 9:13; Ezekiel 1:28 of Gods covenant He made between Him and the earth. The sun and fire represents the Glory of God in His brilliance and great power. The seven thunders are the voice of God saying He will judge the ends of the earth and give strength to his anointed people and enlarge His anointing upon them as they have the seven spirits of God upon them, Isaiah 11:2.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit will be even greater during the time of the seventh trumpet on those who are sealed by Gods Holy Spirit as by then much of the world will have lost most of its food and fresh water resources. Many will face unemployment losing everything they owned. Those on earth that have not Gods seal on them will be rioting in the streets looting and killing each other to take away what another might have left to live on. Chaos will run rampant through the streets until Marshall Law will come into effect to maintain order.
Gods anointed children that continue in the witness and testimony of the Lord will draw even closer to their faith that is Christ Jesus as they will also face many trials and temptations. They will endure much persecution, 2 Timothy 3:12; Matthew 24:13, even to death by the hands of the enemies against God that will also include their own family members that have not repented, Matthew 10:34-39; Mark 13:12; Luke 12:53, as they are lovers of self, 2 Timothy 3:1-7 and have no regard for anyone. God said not to fear that which man can do to us, but fear or in other words respect God who is able to destroy both soul and body of those of who refuse to repent, Matthew 10:28.
The time of Gods final wrath within the seven trumpets sounding will be a time of the worst tribulation the entire world has ever known or will ever see again, Matthew 24:21. Those who are Spiritually born from above are protected from Gods wrath falling on them as they have Gods seal on them and God will take care of their needs as He always has in the past, Philippians 4:19. They will though have a hard time having to watch so much overwhelming devastation fall before their eyes as they watch all of Gods chastisements falling on the earth and mankind. It will be particularly hard to watch their own family members that have not repented and turn back to God as they are consumed with the rest of mankind.
This will be a time of greater faith then any other time in ones life as in forsaking all to follow Jesus taking no care for even yourself what you should wear or eat, Matthew 6:24, 25; Matthew 19:29, as our only concern needs to be taking Gods word into all the nations as then will the end of days be finished and Jesus will at that time on the last day return for His Bride who is the true Church of God, Matthew 24:14; John 6:40.
Vs. 4-6
John was not allowed to write down what the seven thunders voiced as it was not yet due time to reveal this mystery of God until the seventh angel sounds his trumpet then the mystery of God will be finished.
Many more will be added unto God before the return of Jesus as it will take God shaking the earth in order for some to finally open their eyes and repent as they come back to His mercy and grace. The little book is that of all things yet to come as God is not done shaking the earth yet and when all things are finished then there will be great rejoicing in heaven as all glory will then be given to God Psalms 29:1-10; Revelation 21:6, 7.
Vs. 7-11
The seventh angel is the one with the seventh trumpet and when he sounds the mystery of God or in other words all things of these revelations that are written in the little book will be finished as Jesus already told the Disciples in the outline of Matthew 24 that from Revelation Chapter 8:6 – 11:14 are the first three and a half years of this seven year tribulation period and the last three and a half will start in Revelation 11:15 with the beginning of the seventh trumpet sound.
John is now told to take the little book from the angels hand and eat it. It was sweet in his mouth as in the glory of the Lord that will soon come for His Bride as they have received the promise of Gods blessings for obedience and have eternal life with the Father, Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Romans 6:23. After eating the book it was bitter in the belly as those who reject Jesus and repent not of their sin will face Gods final wrath poured out on them as they cling onto their devil worshiping giving honor and glory to their idols made of hands that are gods before them, Leviticus 26:1-46; Deuteronomy 27:11-26; 28:15-19.
We need to preach in boldness of truth and teach others as the Holy Spirit teaches us, John 14:26. The spirit of Jezebel runs rampant throughout the land spreading lies from the pulpit that seem pleasing to the ears as many would rather believe their Pastor instead of searching and Spiritually discern what they are being taught, Matthew 7: 21-23, John 3-3-7; Acts 19:1-6; Romans 10:9, 10; 1 John 4:1-6.