Book Keeper's Coffee Shop

It did reach 65 today, but the yard work will have to wait as it rained earlier and now everything is to wet and muddy. So instead, I did a load of laundry and dusted the living room. It's time for spring cleaning, which I never look forward to that.
I just came back from another walk, it's sixty-three out there today but I think that it's going to rain again as it poured this morning. Unfortunately that is another sure sign that spring is on its way,.. however rain does help the flowers and grass grow and I do love listening to it. Especially when it thunderstorms. :)
Also I couldn't help but post this since I was talking about Easter which even though salvation is sweeter than chocolate,.. it still made me think of this song and I watched this movie last night and I will be watching the remake once I get home from Yoga class today. :biggrin2

The sunshine is making me do crazy things!
I enjoy going outside, pulled grass out of my flower beds, getting it ready for spring, going to add some more raised beds for my vegetable garden.
My son had been moved out for several years, he had a big shed that he used for a motorcycle shop, decided yesterday to use it for a she shed, lol.
Cleaned it up, now ready For the girlie touch!
So many plans in my head, hope I have enough strength to finish it, lol.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day...
Sounds like you are being a very busy lady Diane
You have inspired me. As soon as storm Gareth decides to say goodbye I will get down to getting my garden ready for spring
Hope you are happy in your she shed. Are you planning to do anything in particular in there once you have finished?
The sunshine is making me do crazy things!
I enjoy going outside, pulled grass out of my flower beds, getting it ready for spring, going to add some more raised beds for my vegetable garden.
My son had been moved out for several years, he had a big shed that he used for a motorcycle shop, decided yesterday to use it for a she shed, lol.
Cleaned it up, now ready For the girlie touch!
So many plans in my head, hope I have enough strength to finish it, lol.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day...

A she shed sounds good, but I need a she vacation from reality, LOL.
Well now it's up to seventy out there. :eek2Spring and summer is definitely on its way! :sohappy
Sounds like you are being a very busy lady Diane
You have inspired me. As soon as storm Gareth decides to say goodbye I will get down to getting my garden ready for spring
Hope you are happy in your she shed. Are you planning to do anything in particular in there once you have finished?
Maybe relax, lol
We have a spot in front of the shed, that we always burn sticks and such in.
During the summer and fall , we have hotdogs, put them on a stick ,roast over fire. Marshmallows...
So, I thought, I could have my she shed, like a dinner hall...
The shed already has a work table, make that into a buffet table, to put my potato salad, chilli, drinks and banana pudding on, can't have just hotdogs, you know, lol. Got to have some fixings.
I have a table and some chairs in there also, in case some don't want to eat beside the fire.
I do have a roll away bed, I can put in there, fix it , to look like a daybed. It has a bookshelf in there already, I am going to put books and candles , flowers in it, has power in there.
Plan on getting an area rug...
Hope my family members don't read this, all the get togethers will not be at my house, lol

Good day to you, hope the sun finds you soon...
A she shed sounds good, but I need a she vacation from reality, LOL.
Yep, that is what it is I believe, a quiet place to go..
Get away from the line phone and such.
My sister's and I always go to Tennessee in May, rent a cabin on the Smokies.
That will be coming soon.
In August, we go to Myrtle Beach, one of them has a condo there.

So see, where ever we go, reality is always there, lol.
Yep, that is what it is I believe, a quiet place to go..
Get away from the line phone and such.
My sister's and I always go to Tennessee in May, rent a cabin on the Smokies.
That will be coming soon.
In August, we go to Myrtle Beach, one of them has a condo there.

So see, where ever we go, reality is always there, lol.

Getting away from reality for me is not having any housewife chores like cooking and doing the dishes. Cleaning the house and laundry. Just a few days all by myself doing absolutely nothing except for what I enjoy doing.

Of course I do have that during the summer when we go to camp on the weekends as hubby does the grilling and I make a side dish at home and take it with us. Only a couple utensils is all I have to wash. I get up in the morning before hubby wakes up and I sit on the deck with my cup of coffee and enjoy the quiet of the morning.
Getting away from reality for me is not having any housewife chores like cooking and doing the dishes. Cleaning the house and laundry. Just a few days all by myself doing absolutely nothing except for what I enjoy doing.

Of course I do have that during the summer when we go to camp on the weekends as hubby does the grilling and I make a side dish at home and take it with us. Only a couple utensils is all I have to wash. I get up in the morning before hubby wakes up and I sit on the deck with my cup of coffee and enjoy the quiet of the morning.
Yes, the summer camp, great way to relax!
Yes, I have the "winter blues".
Spring fever on the rise!

I cook a lot also, especially in the winter, clean up one mess, then time to mess them up again, lol.
I enjoy cooking, just don't like the mess.
My husband helps me by rinsing the dirty dishes so I can wash them...
Don't have a dish water, except me.

Though, my husband has to remind me sometimes, at least you had something to eat.
Thankful for that...
Here in NW Pa it's suppose to be 65 degrees tomorrow with a mix of showers. Hoping to get out in the yard and start picking up all the branches laying around. The yard is covered after the strong winds this past winter. It's also about that time to open the camp and get it all cleaned up for summer.
Tessa Book Keeper HeIsRisen2018 for_his_glory and everyone else - you're all welcome to move to FL! Its already 85 degrees here every day and my gerbera daisies, plumbago, azaleas and even hibiscus have already been blooming like crazy.
I had my first rose of the season too on my white rose bush too and a few of the others look like they'll bloom soon.
I love tending to God's creation. :)
Wish I could tag along, but I'm a little stuck at home right now. :sad Besides, I would be just visiting. I really don't want to move when all my family and friends (except for a couple to a few of them) live in Ohio.
Hubby is from St. Pete by the way of Minnesota and Colorado. He mainly grew up in Fl. He has a brother and sister there and we have gone a couple times to visit, but I don't care much for Fl or city life for that matter. Just to hot for my taste and I'm not much for the beach and ocean. Give me a mountain river any day.

Well pretty much everybody around here knows by now that I love going to the beach in the summertime. :shades Today isn't as warm as it has been for the last couple of days but it's nearing fifty and in the upper forties. If it doesn't rain by the time I have finished my laundry then I will probably put on my winter jacket and go out for another walk. :)