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Search results

  1. M


    My problem with beer is that one tastes like another ( it has a moreish taste ) and soon enough im blotto , so i avoid that first one
  2. M

    Animal Rights

    PETA i think i might belong to that group people eating tasty animals
  3. M

    Pornography and marriage

    PS 101;3 i will set no wicked thing before my eyes
  4. M

    Modern Christianity = Baal worship

    not those who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but those who do the will of my father
  5. M

    Genesis 1/Souls

    by the way they have found fossil dinosaur footprints with the footprints of man inside them (incsae you thought your picture would sway me )
  6. M

    Genesis 1/Souls

    they have carbon dated live molusks to be 3000 years old potassium argon is just as subjective , they will get a whole range of dates ranging from a few years to 500 million then they will throw out any that dont fit their theroy , and its all really based on the theory of evolution and their...
  7. M

    Qualifications For Rapture?

    God will take us through , there will be some who are walking with God whom the enemy will not be able to harm ( the 2 witnesses), through not out , if it was out how would anyone else be saved .
  8. M

    Beware of Altered King James Bibles

    the best bible is one that you will actually read instead of trying to pick holes in one version or another why dont you read your bible to find out what God is saying to you personaly
  9. M

    Who is the "generation of the figtree?"

    generation can mean people or race
  10. M

    Genesis 1/Souls

    count out the years as laid out in the geneology in genesis keep in mind what Jesus said about scriptures ( that they could not be broken) and that he also quoted genesis
  11. M

    Genesis 1/Souls

    sorry to say to you that I believe the earth to only be 6 to 10 thousand years old. I dont believe for a min. that it is millions of years old , you have bought in to the lies from the people who push evolution and their so called science. the bible clealy is pointing to the earth being young...
  12. M

    Reasons for Accepting the KJV as God's Preserved Word

    if the s is not an f you dont have a 1611 version
  13. M

    Why Hell?

    struggling with this myself , sofar all ive come up with is only God is good ,and he won't be in the lake of fire so there will be nothing good there the mental anguish of being where nothing is good , would be far worse than any pain it may be that in his mercy there is great physical pain...
  14. M

    second guessing EVERYTHING

    you do know that you are not suppose to have sex before marrige
  15. M

    Longing to leave...Help!

    as someone who is having his wife leave him right now I would like to caution you . you could end up destroying him in the prossess , if he were to comite suicide , or try to harm him self could you live with that . all of this has been happening to me i have just wanted to die for weeks now ...
  16. M


  17. M


    Hi everyone , I have had a sea of bad news lately ,but I recently found out that I will be becoming a grandfather of identical twin boys , praise the Lord , please keep them in your prayers