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Search results

  1. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    I have to admit ... along time ago ...when I first believed and got saved and when I heard of the Marriage supper of the Lamb.... I thought it was Leg of Lamb...I do like leg of lamb ....then Then someone said what if it was fruit. And so If the lion lays down with the lamb I don't think we...
  2. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    Amen and forever
  3. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    You know first all I thought we were talking about the Marriage supper of the lamb and either symbolic or literal that was all I was addressing if this got somewhere else excuse me. As far as the healing of the nations yea I would think it was literal too I have no problem with that you can...
  4. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    If Jesus destroys with the brightness of his coming and he has his robe dipped in blood. I believe it is literal how? As far as eating goes Jesus cooked and ate with the his disciples after he was resurrected so did the angels when they went to see lot. It can be taken literal or symbolic or...
  5. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    I think we are going to see a few things happen before like NOW more fighting who knows. After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpettalking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which...
  6. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    True..What you say is true and Chucks does bring up scientific things. But he approaches the bible in a meticulous manner other than the scientific things which I think is commendable. I am more interested in the bible. The scriptures I put on of the difference between Rapture and second...
  7. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    How about a GROUP HUG NOW:wave2 :sorry I couldn't resist
  8. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    Yes just give me a little time to get back ok? I am slow but Im sure. I want to connect all the dots here.
  9. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    Im am going to study posting I believe lol
  10. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    Im glad you noticed, Thanks Im not crazy after all? :confused2 That could remain to be seen too lol
  11. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    I understand yes I agree, when it happens, at the time it happens it will be a big thing. When I say surprise, I mean it is unknown what day or hour. We know the season and watch the signs yes. Do you think Satan knows? I dont think so. But that will be his race to the finish I do believe.
  12. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    I admit I am getting confused with who is posting what and quoting who here. But one thing is true. If someone wants to debate views you will have to go over each view which would take some time I suspect. There is enough information out there about each view that we shouldn't have to go...
  13. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    I understand JLB, but lets not forget who your posting to here. It's easy to separate your one time event into two. Christ and the Church, Christ and judgement. Seeing that we both have been through this many times, and the level of revelation with scripture knowledge we have, I see no reason...
  14. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    Did I say anything about not suffering persecution or tribulations that we have daily in the world? Its going on now. I am just talking about the final 7 years when jesus starts to open the seal and that is all. There is a difference there. Peace Please
  15. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    I would be suspect if you replied suddenly. It took me years to even discuss such a thing.
  16. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    Pre-trib The rapture I was talking about would happen just before Jesus opens the seals. I do not remove the possibility of there being a jewish people today by any means and God is and will deal with them. I can only address one thing at a time. There are many studies that have gone on. The...
  17. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    Yes the confusion from religious leaders has been going on for a very long time but I think the bible is perfect not man. This is a discussion on the rapture and tribulation. If we need to stop talking about it then let me know. And if this is a problem or is going to hinder someone from...
  18. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    LOL That was funny Here are the chapter and verses Examine them if you would like to and tell me what you think about it if not thats ok too. Very interesting I realize there are different theories. Rapture & Second Coming Passages Rapture Jn 14:1-3 Rom 8:19 1 Cor 1:7-8 1 Cor 15:1-53 1 Cor...
  19. R

    Raptures – Tribulation

    Thank You for clarifying your views to me. Sometimes in just a few lines at a time understanding get fuzzy.