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Raptures – Tribulation


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Can someone please give me a Biblical definition of the "rapture"? No, because it is not found in the Bible. It is a man-made word erroneously applied to 1Th 4:17 by most Christians. Now Themessengeroftruth is applying it to the death of the saints. On what grounds? It is not a Biblical word so how can it refer to the death of the saints?

The resurrection will occur at Yeshua's return at the sound of the "last trump" (1Cor 15:52). The last trumpet in all of Scripture is the 7th trumpet of Revelation. After those saints are resurrected (they being only the firstfruits of the harvest of souls) there will be saints that are alive and remain. They will remain alive for at least 3 1/2 years (Rev 12:6,14), but will be killed by the beast (Rev 13:7).
I'm not telling u all about being disrespectful to gods words. What I am saying to you is this

When the sign is established and in power and one of you say this is not the sign and take it tho u may say thank u lord I tell u, u not entering in to the kingdom

Therefore u can not have 5 men with 5 different bread saying eat eat and you will live. It is bread from The Lord.

But at the time of the 2 anointed ones when the sign is established in the earth so man can't buy or sell unless you have it. In that day the 5 prophets will be seperated. For only one is the true bread

How can the pretist enter into the kingdom when the bread they preach and believe is the end happened all ready when it did not?
this is the kingdom of God
Rom_14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
What you seem to think is being preached is not.. What happened in circa 70 Ad is history it happened... To believe God warned Jerusalem via the Olivet Discourse does not negate the Kingdom. There is one true Bread. One Manna He is the Bread from heaven

How can the prophet who preach we do not have to watch for his coming enter into heaven? Cause when the sign is here he will not no it is the sign because he did not watch diligently he did not watch at all

How can the Jews enter on if they do not believe the messiah has come?
I and other of some what the same mind believe He will return..

How can the servant that says this is not the sign because he would have raptures us already befire the sign was enforce enter into heaven? They will take the sign because of the hardness of their heart. Because they did not even consider one bit in their heart what if the interpretation of the end if the world I believe was wrong? They do not have a heart nor the wisdom to understand the word is also for reproofs and corrections. But even they was never written in the book of life
this paragraph is not understandable...

What I'm saying to you Reba is how can all these men with all these different beliefs and doctrines enter into gods kingdom at the time of the mark of the beast?
again this makes zero sense to me..
It's not possible unless they believe and was written in the book of life
I fully believe in the Sacrifice of Jesus for my sin .. I believe my name is written in the Lamb's book of life. I believe we will find in 'heaven' many who we did not expect and vise versa..

So much of what you have written can be asked right back at you... the same thing makes you believe you are correct makes be believe i am.. I will not judge ones salvation on their view of end times dogma.. Salvation is at the Cross. Salvation is in His Blood. I am as saved today as when i believed in pre trib rapture .
this is the kingdom of God
Rom_14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
What you seem to think is being preached is not.. What happened in circa 70 Ad is history it happened... To believe God warned Jerusalem via the Olivet Discourse does not negate the Kingdom. There is one true Bread. One Manna He is the Bread from heaven

I and other of some what the same mind believe He will return..

this paragraph is not understandable...

again this makes zero sense to me.. I fully believe in the Sacrifice of Jesus for my sin .. I believe my name is written in the Lamb's book of life. I believe we will find in 'heaven' many who we did not expect and vise versa..

So much of what you have written can be asked right back at you... the same thing makes you believe you are correct makes be believe i am.. I will not judge ones salvation on their view of end times dogma.. Salvation is at the Cross. Salvation is in His Blood. I am as saved today as when i believed in pre trib rapture .
I should post what Justin martyr and the early church taught then compare to each commentator I can find and we all get? we think we know. but really its WE DONT know.
It's his holy day. I'm not gone say he is or is not cause honestly god did not make that too clear to me, what was made clear is the doctrine I been preaching to u all

He is our Rest.

He is our Peace.

He is our Righteousness... His life expressing righteousness through us in obedience to God.

I should post what Justin martyr and the early church taught then compare to each commentator I can find and we all get? we think we know. but really its WE DONT know.

but they didn't know. (some, maybe a few did; but not most of them.) (test test test - they weren't reliable and faithful to Yhvh or to Scripture)
but they didn't know. (some, maybe a few did; but not most of them.) (test test test - they weren't reliable and faithful to Yhvh or to Scripture)
they didn't know. where are they? has any of their views of the end come to pass?
they didn't know. where are they? has any of their views of the end come to pass?
use the Berean test that Scripture records is faithful.
if you do, you will find that a lot of the worldly trusted early 'respected' teachers were fraudulent.
not all - some pass the test. many do not pass the test. (of Scripture)
use the Berean test that Scripture records is faithful.
if you do, you will find that a lot of the worldly trusted early 'respected' teachers were fraudulent.
not all - some pass the test. many do not pass the test. (of Scripture)
they had teachings.

the early church in general was premil. but not pre trib as today. they believed the resurrection was after the millennium. not before.

yet its changed. how can that be if its soo obvious?
this is the kingdom of God
Rom_14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
What you seem to think is being preached is not.. What happened in circa 70 Ad is history it happened... To believe God warned Jerusalem via the Olivet Discourse does not negate the Kingdom. There is one true Bread. One Manna He is the Bread from heaven

I and other of some what the same mind believe He will return..

this paragraph is not understandable...

again this makes zero sense to me.. I fully believe in the Sacrifice of Jesus for my sin .. I believe my name is written in the Lamb's book of life. I believe we will find in 'heaven' many who we did not expect and vise versa..

So much of what you have written can be asked right back at you... the same thing makes you believe you are correct makes be believe i am.. I will not judge ones salvation on their view of end times dogma.. Salvation is at the Cross. Salvation is in His Blood. I am as saved today as when i believed in pre trib rapture .

Reba tho u may not understand what is said to you or agree and tho I may not understand all that u say here is what we both can agree on

What ever god wrote will come to pass
And his word will not return void nor will it return empty

U keep telling me I'm judging others salvation. I do not know who god will save remember Saul? Who persecuted the Jacob but then jesus who he persecuted became a believer

Tho some may not understand now does not mean they won't understand in the future

But what I'm saying to U is if me and u and another man and another women have four different beliefs on Christ and the time of the end. And 2 are correct and two harden the harden will enter into fire. Fire will be there kingdom but the other two will enter into gods kingdom. This whole earth is gods but the kingdom I speak is the new heaven and the new earth and golden city with high wall yes the new Jerusalem. That city will be built with gold and no more sea will be upon the earth that is the kingdom they who do not take the mark of the beast will enter into

Now u say what I say can be thrown back at me true Reba but here is how u know the difference between prophets and doctrine they preach

When u see the leader of the caliph gain all nations, when u see russia and Iran coming against Israel. When u see Israel go into captivity in the coming days. And when u behold the beasts and his kingdom know that The Lord has really sent me and gave me the correct interpretation of the scriptures and all that I told u was really the words of god. Not boasting my self I'm just telling you the truth
And when u behold the beasts and his kingdom know that The Lord has really sent me and gave me the correct interpretation of the scriptures and all that I told u was really the words of god. Not boasting my self I'm just telling you the truth

You are welcome to your beliefs ... you are welcome to post them here as long as you keep your words in line with the TOS & SOF
cough, when hasn't Russia funded Syria and Hezbollah? seriously since stalins turn from being pro isreal they have armed the arabs. a proxy war is still a war. the reason the ussr did that and the Russian is because if they did it directly it would be harder for them do defend that and sanctions would occur. especially back then and even a war with us.
You are welcome to your beliefs ... you are welcome to post them here as long as you keep your words in line with the TOS & SOF

Who knows if in the coming days u will see and we agree and do the same righteousness. What if u are one of the believers that will not know where satans seat is but still saved? I believe it's one thing to hear some random guy preach in the name of Jesus especially I guy u never seen before say things that are strange to most in the faith and different to most

But when u see then it happens I believe some of you will say wait a second I remember this crazy guy on this website saying god told him this was going to happen

What if he wasn't delusional. And The Lord really did come to him?

Then I believe u all will remember and think and say to your self in your heart I will not take the mark when it comes

Then by that they won't take the sign than bam! I will be really really happy
Themessengeroftruth... You are so confident the Lord speaks to and trough you .. Be specific in what He is saying you...

Reba not me alone I'm not the only there are others that I do not know preach the same things

And I'm confident in what I been told concerning the end there is a lot of things The Lord did not tell me but this I am so confident because i was told befire it happened like u will be if u believe cause what's been told to u today will happen in the future and u will see it with your eyes.

Here is what The Lord told me that I'm confident in.

1. Isis leader is the little horn spoken by Daniel the prophet

2. The saints will be killed for 3 and half years

3.israel and Judah will go into captivity and the holy city will be trodden down and given into the hands if the Gentiles

4. In the coming dAys the nations of the world will give their kingdom to the leader of isis

5. At there will be a remnant left to repopulate the earth after the great day if The Lord

6. Russia and Iran will team up together and come against Israel

7. The mark if the beast will be established by the rule of the isis leader

That's why I say America can't stop isis and no one can stop them now.

All these things was told to me now what was not told to me

1. I do not know who the false prophet is but I have suspicions

2. I do not know what city or nation is Babylon the great but I think it's America or NYC

3. I do not know who the two anointed ones are that will have power to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will tho I do no in the days of their prophecy the mark if the beast will be established
isreal and Judah?

being jewish. what exactly is the other ten nations current location?
fyi jews call themselves four types of groups and none of them are infact even in isreal but related to where they went after ad 70. to wit eastern Europe. spain/Italy, yemen and one other that I cant recall.
isreal and Judah?

being jewish. what exactly is the other ten nations current location?
fyi jews call themselves four types of groups and none of them are infact even in isreal but related to where they went after ad 70. to wit eastern Europe. spain/Italy, yemen and one other that I cant recall.

Jerusalem. Where ever Jerusalem is that is where the captivity will happen Israel and Judah And it will be at that last days the last 3 and half years before the great quake that is when it will be trodden down. And we are living in the last days but not at that last 42 months at the beginning of the last 42 months a mark will be out forth in all the world that is the mark of the beast and that mark will last till the end of the 42 months

And I do not know all I know is the twelve tribe of Israel is a people seperated by tribes

All who are seeds of Abraham are apart of the twelve tribes of Israel so u and I may be one of them
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Jerusalem. Where ever Jerusalem is that is where the captivity will happen Israel and Judah And it will be at that last days the last 3 and half years before the great quake that is when it will be trodden down. And we are living in the last days but not at that last 42 months at the begging of the last 42 months a mark will be out forth in all the world that is the mark if the beast and that mark will last till the end of the 42 months

you must know that the legal claim to isreal never came from any jew outside Transjordan.
besides isreal has little of the city of Jerusalem. look it up at how much if that is actually palenstinian. they didn't have it 48 as they gave it to the arabs and then took it in 67 and held a part of it.


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