Hello christian folk, as my prayer count is going up I would like to make a special request, that you pray for my sister Marah who is having a difficult time at work.
She tries her hardest every day to make children smile, she is a teacher at a primary school.
I would like to make a prayer request for Neil, that he do good.
I would like to make a prayer request for Jitan, that he do good.
I would like to make a prayer request for Gyan, that he live well.
I would like to make a prayer request for Liam, the he be well.
I will lift up the spirits of mankind, and I promise to do only good by the way of the lord.
I will make bread and remember God.
I will thank Jesus Christ.
I will honor my mother and father and sister.
I will say grace every dinner.
I will remain upright and religious.
At one of his conferences, Christian apologist Frank Turek was asked, by someone from the audience, the following question: "if Christianity could be completely disproved, would you still believe it?"
This was his response:
How would you answer that question? If Christianity was proven to be...
The following is a prayer for anyone who is tired of their life as it is and wants to become born again or a new person in Jesus: "Father God, I come to you asking for forgiveness for my sin. Please forgive me because of what Jesus did on the cross by dying for my sin. Jesus, please come into...
Hey guys,
me and my wife are recently married and we have been involved in leading church this past year after bible college. in an attempt to reach more young people we also created a Christian based YouTube channel where we talk about faith, relationships, Christian motivation and a variety...
Gospel Pillars is an arm amongst several arms of Gospel Pillars Ministry.
My, our vision. . Bearing witness of the true gospel to all nations in love and with great signs
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