The reasoning that we can leave Him has ALWAYS been in the church from the beginning of Christianity.
We've covered this before. There is no "escape" for anyone, especially believers. Hebrews 12:25. God in Christ came to save the fallen and the captives of our spiritual adversaries.
That effort will not cease on Christ's part, ever, until the exercise of this current domain is finished.
We never had the battle on our hands to start with, unto success. The Victory is His, Alone, and us in Him.
Because it doesn't make sense to some doesn't mean it's not correct.
Speaking from a position of reasoning, leaving Him and Him not leaving us can not compute whatsoever. IF He never leaves us, then He never leaves us. And no, there is no escape.
I might observe it to be this way. A believer is again blinded by the devil in their own mind and heart. God will have His Ways dealing adversely both with that person's flesh and with the adversary, hardening them in ever dire straits. God really is dealing with TWO separate components in these issues and two separate entities, who both happen to be occupying the same locale, that is "the flesh."
Seeing only a believer is not the only sight available, IF we can see it:
2 Timothy 2:26
And that they may
recover themselves
out of the snare of the devil, who are
taken captive by him at his will.
I might even view that those who "think" they can be lost of their own accord are not seeing what may be happening in them. They and their will is NOT the only component in these matters.
I tend to trust Acquinas and others more than I trust John Calvin.
I'd be the last person to be a Calvin promoter. I think Calvin has legitimate sights to a point, but vastly illegitimate on many counts. His views are like any other. Subject to verifications by Word, written. IF his views can't stand, then they don't and won't.
Believing what the bible says is circular reasoning?
Depends on what people think they see.
You sound like an atheist Smaller.
Because I don't see like you? That's hardly a measure.
"Us" is we Christians who believe Jesus is God and died as atonement for our sins, was raised again, and is our example and salvation.
There is a common fault among freewillers, and it is this: That we, of our own freewill and our own works, can be exactly the same as Jesus if we do (whatever.) That isn't the case, never was the case, never will be the case. We can only be exactly LIKE Him by Him Alone making it so, as Phil. 3:21 shows us. Freewill, from my observations, has a futile quest on their "sole" efforts postures.
There have been other heresies just as serious. For example an early heresy was adoptionism, 190 AD, arianism about 250 AD, Donatism about 300 AD, Pelagianism about 400 AD.
These, and more, could be googled.
I'd say any sect that sets itself up as thee sole purveyors of all truth, never challengable, has lost their way and does not see themselves for what they are. IF for example the early church fathers saw, I very much believe correctly, the matters of the Trinity, which I accept in totality, BUT THEN ended up cutting out the tongues of those they disagreed with and performing every manner of ill treatment to others, whatever knowledge they think they gained in that first part was entirely lost on them in their actions, imho. Right knowledge coupled with what these sect(s) did is a shame upon all of christianity. I'm not naming sects here. Many sects are "guilty" as all get out in a similar way. We're just more "polite" about it today. But the friction remains, regardless, internally.
I find Calvin's theories to have split the church in two and has caused much damage.
Like I said, even determinists have differences with Calvins postures.
The early church was able to stop heresies because it had a central power - Rome - Calvin appeared at the Reformation and his heresy was not easily stopped since Protestantism did not have a central authority or power.
Calvin did more of a split within Protestantism, between "freewill" and "determinism" than what earlier reformers did. But what Calvin saw in the scriptures was there to be seen long before Calvin showed up to point out the obvious.
God is sovereign and will do what He will to do. If He wills that Judas should betray Jesus then so be it, if He
wills that Pharaoh have a hard heart, so be it. It is God's choosing.
Absolutely that was the case. And Judas was not just Judas in that engagement. What Judas did was written of LONG before Judas was even born. Judas couldn't have done one single thing about it, by his own freewill, because it was written and determined beforehand by God Himself.
Luke 22:3
Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.
And again, if we are seeing only Judas, we're just not looking. Judas demonstrates in the above, a Divine Principle that Jesus taught:
Mark 4:
15 And these are they by the way side,
where the word is sown; but when they have heard,
Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown
in their hearts.
The above state is what every last one of us is born into, in the flesh. Eph. 2:2. Romans 11:32.
Believers who see only a freestanding individual with their own will is actually being blinded to scriptural reality by the other party involved. And this too serves Gods Purposes in JUDGMENTS.
Does this mean that He directs each and every movement of our lives and of the world? No.
I believe God Himself Directs everything that transpires in His creation, and that everything that ever has transpired, does transpire and ever will transpire was in His Mind and Domain, always. He did not just make a clock and walk away from it to see if it would run.
Whatever happens on earth is in fact ALL in His Plan and His Mind. Nothing was hidden or a mystery to HIM and never will this be the case. So, yeah, I'm a hyper determinist in this way: Every 'thing' that is or exists or ever will exist or ever did exist, serves His Sole Purposes.