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Bible Study 10 Commandments....God's Standard of Righteousness ?


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Jay T

Is Righteousness....'right-doing' ?

The Bible says: 'All thy commandments are righteousness', (Psalms 119:172).
The modern Christian world says, that this is a lie.

The 10 commandments as found in Exodus 20:3-17, written by Christ himself, covers every aspect and situation of life.


Satan understands that 'if ' the Christian world were to understand God's standard of Righteousness....he would lose control over them.

Yet, he is intelligent enough not to attack all of them at once.
If Satan can get a person to break just one...of those commandments.....he's got them !

James 2:10-12 tells us that, 'to break just one of the commandments to break them all'.

Satan understands this principle, and he is counting on the modern Christian world, not to understand, that point.

Satan has been most successful at keeping from the Christian world, what the definition of sin is.
Satan understands, 'that the wages of sin is death', (Romans 6:23).
BUT then....the Bible does says: "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light, (2 Corinthians 11:14,15). He brings to people his ideas of salvation....his ideas of what grace is, etc,. etc.
He can sell his ideas because his ideas are in agreement with man's sinful nature, which rejects any law (10 commandments ?) that would restrict his sinful practices.

Is it any wonder Jesus said, concerning his 2nd coming...."Will there be faith in the earth, at the coming of the son of man"?
Sabbath Worship--We should ONLY worship God through Jesus Christ.
And that is exactly the point......" love me, keep my commandments", (John 14:15).

Only the Christian will keep the 7th day Sabbath...because, of their lovefor Jesus Christ. :) [/b]

That's an interesting question: "Is righteousness right-doing?"

Righteousness is imputed by God, so it can't be anything merely of works-nature, although righteous people do righteous things. It should be a by-product of a righteous life.
The Ten Commandments were merely the first 10 commandments of many to come after. These first ten had to be immediately obeyed if God was going to inhabit the camp of His people at that time.
The law had to come in and convict man of sin. That was part of its purpose. The other part was to show that the law communicated aspects of God's character, His nature, and His ways. Whether it was to be "kind to the sojourner," or "thou shalt not kill" (murder), or "honor your father and mother." God wanted His people to behave properly in this world and be a people of faith that looked to Him for direction.
Jay T said:
Is Righteousness....'right-doing' ?

The Bible says: 'All thy commandments are righteousness', (Psalms 119:172).
The modern Christian world says, that this is a lie.

The 10 commandments as found in Exodus 20:3-17, written by Christ himself, covers every aspect and situation of life.


Satan understands that 'if ' the Christian world were to understand God's standard of Righteousness....he would lose control over them.

Yet, he is intelligent enough not to attack all of them at once.
If Satan can get a person to break just one...of those commandments.....he's got them !

James 2:10-12 tells us that, 'to break just one of the commandments to break them all'.

Satan understands this principle, and he is counting on the modern Christian world, not to understand, that point.

Satan has been most successful at keeping from the Christian world, what the definition of sin is.
Satan understands, 'that the wages of sin is death', (Romans 6:23).
BUT then....the Bible does says: "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light, (2 Corinthians 11:14,15). He brings to people his ideas of salvation....his ideas of what grace is, etc,. etc.
He can sell his ideas because his ideas are in agreement with man's sinful nature, which rejects any law (10 commandments ?) that would restrict his sinful practices.

Is it any wonder Jesus said, concerning his 2nd coming...."Will there be faith in the earth, at the coming of the son of man"?

Hi there!

I just want to bring it to your attention, that you are comparing apples to oranges in your posting.

The word "commandment" in Psalm 119 and Exodus 20 in Hebrew is "mitsvah" which is not the same as the Greek word used in James which is "nomos".

In James, the term is used to define "custom", "the established name for "law" as decreed by a state and set up as the standard for the administration of justice" (Vine's) which is entirely different from the totality of the law of the Torah. Vine Expositionary Dictionary continues to delineate that the term in James 2 does not have the definite article, thus, "the absence of the article before nomos indicates the assertion of a principle, by "obedience to law", but evidently the Moasic Law is in view. Here the apostle is maintaining that submission to circumcision entails the obligation to do the whole "laws." Circumcision belongs to the ceremonial part of the "Law," but, while the Mosaic Law is actually divisible into the ceremonial and the moral, no such distinction is made or even assumed in Scriptures. The statement maintains the freedom of the believer from the "law" of Moses in its totality as a means of justification."

You are comparing apples to oranges.

I would add, the "commandment" of John 14:15 is "entole"... and different use of the word commandment, which is a "charge" and different from the "law" or totality of the law as in the Torah. Christ had his own commandments where are not contradictory to, but complimentory of the "commandments" of the Torah, meaning the totality of the law.

serapha said:
of a principle, by "obedience to law", but evidently the Moasic Law is in view. Here the apostle is maintaining that submission to circumcision entails the obligation to do the whole "laws." Circumcision belongs to the ceremonial part of the "Law," but, while the Mosaic Law is actually divisible into the ceremonial and the moral, no such distinction is made or even assumed in Scriptures. [/color] The statement maintains the freedom of the believer from the "law" of Moses in its totality as a means of justification."

You are comparing apples to oranges.
I understand that the Law of Moses was nailed to the cross and was abolished (Ephesians 2:15......Colossians 2:14-16).
God's very own handwritten Law of the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) is the standard which God will use to Judge every person's character in the Day of Judgment, (Eccle. 12:13,14.....James 2:10-12), to see if they have taken hold of the grace, which the Lord has provided each and every person, to overcome sinful attributes of their characters....before allowing them to enter the paradise of heaven.

As scriptures says: "Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter into the gates of the City", (Revelation 22:14).

And the person who refuses to obey the Sabbath commandment here on earth, will also refuse to obey it for eternity too.
"For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will shall come to pass that from one Sabbath to another....ALL flesh shall come to worship me, says the Lord", (Isaiah 66:22,23).

Probation is now.....God will never allow disobedient people into heaven.

God's standard is Jesus Christ, nothing less. We are in Christ, thank God, when you have faith in the saving power of His blood.

Jay T said:
And the person who refuses to obey the Sabbath commandment here on earth, will also refuse to obey it for eternity too.
"For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will shall come to pass that from one Sabbath to another....ALL flesh shall come to worship me, says the Lord", (Isaiah 66:22,23).

Probation is now.....God will never allow disobedient people into heaven.

There has not been a sabbath requirement for New Testament believers. The only reference to it is the "sabbath rest" outlined in Hebrews which is a resting from our works, hence, which means allowing the Holy Spirit to use us for His work.
antitox said:
There has not been a sabbath requirement for New Testament believers.
Then there cannot be a new testamenT requirement for not stealing ?
for not lying ?
for not committing adultery ?

Jesus said, not one little thing would pass from the Law ....and heaven and earth must pass away first, before any change in God's law could ever happen, (Matthew 5:17,18).
The only reference to it is the "sabbath rest" outlined in Hebrews which is a resting from our works, hence, which means allowing the Holy Spirit to use us for His work.
Read Hebrews 4:4-11.....and then tell me how many times the word, 'DAY' is used ?

Also, whileyou at it...tell me what verse 8 and 9 says, please ?

Verses 8 & 9 talk about a sabbath rest for the people of God, and if you also include verse 9 you will see that whoever enters ceases from their labors. This is in regard to works empowered by self. That's what the Canaan sabbath rest was a shadow of. Because if you keep trying to do God's work in your own power (man's effort), you'll never have the kind of peace that comes with operating in the power of the Spirit. Jesus said that He only did what He saw the Father doing. But guess what? He didn't obey the sabbath code and the chief priests had fits over it.

Jesus tried to show us the people that they were caught up in that religious cycle, and when He sought to show people that they missed the heart of the matter concerning the spirit of the law, they were afraid they would be "breaking" the law if they did it. It is still a common problem today in religious circles.
antitox said:

Verses 8 & 9 talk about a sabbath rest for the people of God,
are Christians the people of God ?
[quote:5a8bd] and if you also include verse 9 you will see that whoever enters ceases from their labors. This is in regard to works empowered by self. That's what the Canaan sabbath rest was a shadow of.
do you know what shadows are ?
How could the 7th day Sabbath be a shadow, before sin came into the world ?
Do you know that God 'Blessed' and made 'Holy' the 7th day (Genesis 2:2,3)......2300 years 'before' there evere was a Jew ?
Jesus said that He only did what He saw the Father doing. But guess what? He didn't obey the sabbath code
Then why did Jesus say: I have kept my Father's commandments", ((John 15:10) ?
and the chief priests had fits over it.
Because the priests were making the Sabbath a burden to the people, they had corrupted it, as they do today. The Bible says: christ came to, 'magnify the law and make it honorable', (Isaiah 42:21).

Jesus tried to show us the people that they were caught up in that religious cycle, and when He sought to show people that they missed the heart of the matter concerning the spirit of the law, they were afraid they would be "breaking" the law if they did it. It is still a common problem today in religious circles.
[/quote:5a8bd]Yes, religious leaders of today have replaced Sunday, for the day that God said to 'remember'.

"REMEMBER the Sabbath keep 'it' Holy", (Exodus 20:8-11).

And God has never changed the 4th commandment.

It is the SIGNof loyalty to God, (Ezekiel 20:20).

So then Saturday is your sabbath like the old days, right? Then it looks like you'll also have to start the feasts again too. You can't pick and choose from the law what you want and skip the others. If you go back to one, you have to go back to them all. That's why Paul said that if you circumcise yourself, than you must follow all the rest of the law too. Paul's frustration with the church in the book of Galatians was over these kinds of things.
If you wish to practice the law, that is your choice, but it's perfectly alright for others not to.

Rom 14:5 "One man esteems one day as better than another, while another man esteems all days alike. Let every man be fully convinced in his own mind."
Jay T said:
Is Righteousness....'right-doing' ?

The Bible says: 'All thy commandments are righteousness', (Psalms 119:172).
The modern Christian world says, that this is a lie.

The 10 commandments as found in Exodus 20:3-17, written by Christ himself, covers every aspect and situation of life.

Thats not loyalty when its an order and the penalty is death.


Thats not commitment when its an order and the penalty is death.
Thats not reference when the penalty is death.
Thats not worship when the penalty is death.
Thats not honor when the penalty is death.
Thats not appreciation when the penalty is death.
Its not purity when the penalty is death.
Its not honesty when the penalty is death.
Its not truthfulness when the penalty is death.

Thats not unselfishness when the penalty is death.

Satan understands that 'if ' the Christian world were to understand God's standard of Righteousness....he would lose control over them.


Yet, he is intelligent enough not to attack all of them at once.
If Satan can get a person to break just one...of those commandments.....he's got them !


James 2:10-12 tells us that, 'to break just one of the commandments to break them all'.


Satan understands this principle, and he is counting on the modern Christian world, not to understand, that point.


Satan has been most successful at keeping from the Christian world, what the definition of sin is.
Satan understands, 'that the wages of sin is death', (Romans 6:23).
BUT then....the Bible does says: "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light, (2 Corinthians 11:14,15). He brings to people his ideas of salvation....his ideas of what grace is, etc,. etc.
He can sell his ideas because his ideas are in agreement with man's sinful nature, which rejects any law (10 commandments ?) that would restrict his sinful practices.


Is it any wonder Jesus said, concerning his 2nd coming...."Will there be faith in the earth, at the coming of the son of man"?

antitox said:

So then Saturday is your sabbath like the old days, right? Then it looks like you'll also have to start the feasts again too. You can't pick and choose from the law what you want and skip the others. If you go back to one, you have to go back to them all. That's why Paul said that if you circumcise yourself, than you must follow all the rest of the law too.
OH, and where do you find feasts and circumcsisun in the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) ?

Until you learn to know what is in the Law of Moses ........and, what is in the 10 commandments that God wrote out are going to have trouble understanding the New Testament.
Peter warns people about using Paul's writings (2 Peter 3:16), that they can lead a person to their own destruction !

Rom 14:5 "One man esteems one day as better than another, while another man esteems all days alike. Let every man be fully convinced in his own mind."
This is one of Satan's secret's of success.....looking at what men says instead of what God said.

The verse says, 'man esteems'.
Who cares what man thinks ?

It is what God says and thinks that matters, right ?

The 10 commandments as found in Exodus 20:3-17 is the standard to be used on God's Judgment Day, (Ecclesiastes 12:13,14......James 2:10-12).

James 2:10-12 tells us that, 'to break just one of the commandments, is to break them all'.
So, if you ignore the 4th commandment (7th day Sabbath.) become guilty of lying, stealing, etc, etc.

Satan knows this all too well !
Do you think, following the Sabbatarian argument, that by simply keeping Sabbath (as the day for meeting together) you will be justified?

You MUST keep ALL TEN commandments as well, and as far as i understand if a person transgresses even one commandment they are guilty of all!

Thus we are ALL found to be transgressors because NO ONE except Jesus Christ has ever kept the first commandment!

Can anyone honestly tell me that they keep every single commandment?

That they have always loved the lord their God with every thing in their being! Mind, heart, soul and strength?

Every thought they have has been honouring to God, no evil thought has ever penetrated their heart?, they have never done anything that has been in anger, im pacience and irritabilty, that everything they ever do is wholeheartedly for God?

If you can say yes to this then the scripture itself condemns you as a liar!
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1Jn:1:10: If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
great post evanman!

Also JayT, it says in Leviticus 23

1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts. 3 Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings.

Here is states that the Sabbath is a holy all the feasts described in the rest of Leviticus 23.

could you please explain? (to an ex-WCG'er :wink: )
evanman said:
Do you think, following the Sabbatarian argument, that by simply keeping Sabbath (as the day for meeting together) you will be justified?
First thing first....No one can keep the Law of God unless they are converted (born-again).....the sinner hates 'any' part of God's Law, (Romans 8:7).
"For not the hearers of the Law shall be justified before God...BUT, the 'DOERS' of the Law shall be justified", (Romans 2:13).
Is the 4th commandment (Exodus 20:8-11), not a Law of God's ?

You MUST keep ALL TEN commandments as well, and as far as i understand if a person transgresses even one commandment they are guilty of all![/quote ] Is that not what the Bible James 2:10-12 ?
Thus we are ALL found to be transgressors because NO ONE except Jesus Christ has ever kept the first commandment!
Yet, the Bible tells us to follow the 'example' of Jesus, (1 Peter 2:22,23).
It is a very simple thing to do.....once a person's sins are forgiven, they are as white as snow. So, simply sin no more, and you stay clean from sin.
Now, ' were to believe what the Bible would know that: "Whosoever is born of God, 'DOES NOT' commit sin", (1 John 3:9), is a true fact !
But...that is, 'IF' believe what the Bible says.

Can anyone honestly tell me that they keep every single commandment?
The Bible shows us a people who have done just that:
"...redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits of the Lamb.....for they are without fault...before the throne of God", (Revelation 14:4,5).
That they have always loved the lord their God with every thing in their being! Mind, heart, soul and strength?
Jesus said: " love me...keep my commandments", (John 14:15).
Every thought they have has been honouring to God, no evil thought has ever penetrated their heart?, they have never done anything that has been in anger, im pacience and irritabilty, that everything they ever do is wholeheartedly for God?
[/quote:73f0c]If ..a person believes the Bible.......there are promises like:
"casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing 'every' thought into obedience of Christ", (2 Corinthians 10:5).

It takes faith to believe what is written in scripture. :) :) :)

I agree with the commandments, but if you hold yourself to the Old Testament code of the sabbath (7th day), then one would have to say that Jesus sinned by breaking the Sabbath Himself.
He said that the Sabbath was created for man, not man for the Sabbath. Because man will work himself to death 7 days a week with no time for God, or family, or time to refresh himself. Everybody needs a day off; a time away from the rat race. The Lord knew it was needed. Jesus broke it to show that we could do what we have to do during that time, but with the Holy Spirit, we are much more in touch with the heart of God, so the liberty of the Lord is available to us.
I'm always careful not to become law-driven, because we humans will tend to expect everyone else to match up to it, and the liberty and grace of the Lord gets pushed aside. I'm no better than anybody else and I always want to live in His total grace, yet respect the will of the Lord in everything.


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