- Jun 13, 2014
- 5,921
- 1,344
When you go into one of their word definitions then it lists them. It's hard to describe, but you'll find it I'm sure. It all seems complicated at first, but gets easier to use.
I just did that for the meaning of 'faith' and this is what it gave me in searching for lexicons: https://www.blueletterbible.org/search/search.cfm?Criteria=faith&t=KJV&lexcSt=2#s=s_lexiconc
That is word meaning in Hebrew and Greek from Strong's Concordance. That is NOT from recommended lexicons such as: (1) Arndt & Gingrich, and (2) Thayer.
Now you may find it satisfactory when you don't know Hebrew and Greek, but I encourage you not to make out you are using lexicons of the original language. By the way, when I searched for 'faith', it did not give me the word in the original languages, it gave me a transliterated version.