Nathan said:
Or are you like FreeGrace and believe that a person who has the seal of God can do anything they want, even denying Christ, and still be sealed?
I've just pointed out the promises that the Bible makes. And the fact that "it is impossible for God to lie", from Heb 6:18.
iow, those "having believed" (Eph 1:13) are "sealed IN HIM with the Holy Spirit" (Eph 1:13) which is a guarantee for the day of redemption (Eph 1:14).
Jesus promised that those who receive eternal life will never perish, in John 10:28. iow, once the gift is received, the recipient WILL NEVER PERISH. And it is impossible for God to lie. This is eternal security at its most clear statement.
Futher, believers have been born again of imperishable seed, from 1 Pet 1:23. So, how can one born of imperishable seed perish? That is impossible. No one has shown otherwise.
And, if anyone did show otherwise, then the Bible is internally contradicted and not worthy of reading or believing.