There has been a real disconnect between my spouse and I spiritually for a while now and lately things have been boiling over. Though we both have claimed the Christian title, our beliefs do not often align. It's like we believe in 2 different Gods. My wife is a beautiful and giving person that credits God with all of the blessings in her life. She honest with good charactor and a big heart. I love her to life, and feel lucky that she would have me as her husband.
But, the deeper I delve into the faith, the more disconnected we seem to become. She's content with a faith that believes in a God that loves and watches over us, wants us to be good, that will give us the true desires of our hearts. As I see it all of that is great but God is more that a celestial provider, he is our master. That is where we seem to part ways. She's not interested very much in scripture or the oracles of God as her faith trumps what anything written may say. My contention is that the study of and adherance to the scriptures strengthens and develops one's relationship with God while she seems to be more inclinded have a god after her own heart than the God described in scripture. This disconnect has been something I have tried to ignore, but the more I study and try to mold myself into a slave for Christ, the more problems we seem to have. Initially, she was bothered by my desire to be scriptural in our life practices and I'd scale back to the laisse faire faith we both started with, but the more I study, the more I can't be content without being doctrinally sound and ensuring that my household lives for Christ.
She thinks I'm going overboard and feels that as long as we are "good people" that thanks and credits God, we're okay and asking her to do anything more is a cause of MAJOR frustration. This has been going on for a little over 4 years and I have prayed until my knees are raw and she has been praying as well.
But, the deeper I delve into the faith, the more disconnected we seem to become. She's content with a faith that believes in a God that loves and watches over us, wants us to be good, that will give us the true desires of our hearts. As I see it all of that is great but God is more that a celestial provider, he is our master. That is where we seem to part ways. She's not interested very much in scripture or the oracles of God as her faith trumps what anything written may say. My contention is that the study of and adherance to the scriptures strengthens and develops one's relationship with God while she seems to be more inclinded have a god after her own heart than the God described in scripture. This disconnect has been something I have tried to ignore, but the more I study and try to mold myself into a slave for Christ, the more problems we seem to have. Initially, she was bothered by my desire to be scriptural in our life practices and I'd scale back to the laisse faire faith we both started with, but the more I study, the more I can't be content without being doctrinally sound and ensuring that my household lives for Christ.
She thinks I'm going overboard and feels that as long as we are "good people" that thanks and credits God, we're okay and asking her to do anything more is a cause of MAJOR frustration. This has been going on for a little over 4 years and I have prayed until my knees are raw and she has been praying as well.