Consider this from Galatians 3:
Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. 25But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.
Just in case there is any doubt that “law†here refers specifically to the Torah, note the meaning that Paul ascribes to the word “law†a few sentences back:
What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise.
Clearly, Paul is here using “law†to denote the set of command and prescriptions that were delivered to the Jews at Sinai – he is not talking about a “law†that is for Gentiles.
Paul would have to be a very incompetent writer if he didn't intend to suggest that the Torah has now "expired". The word "tutor" here is the well-known Greek word "paidagogos". And, as per the Net Bible definition, a paidagogos is .
a tutor i.e. a guardian and guide of boys. Among the Greeks and the Romans the name was applied to trustworthy slaves who were charged with the duty of supervising the life and morals of boys belonging to the better class. The boys were not allowed so much as to step out of the house without them before arriving at the age of manhood
By the very nature of the task of the paidagogos, his job comes to an
end at some point in time - when the child becomes a man. Paul would have to be very incompetent to characterise the Law as a
paidagogos (to his Greek readers who knew what the term meant), and yet not expect the reader to understand that, like the real tutor, the Law "loses its job" at some point in time.
Yet we have every reason to believe that Paul is using the term "paidagogos" in the proper sense - the sense where the tutor's job comes to an end at a certain point. Just as the tutor's job ends when the boy becomes a man, the Law's job comes to an end once "faith has come" as Paul explicitly states.
And consider what Paul goes on to say:
26For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28(There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Note the
inclusivity. If Paul has just written something whereby the Torah has been affirmed as still applicable, then the Jew and the Gentile are
still two distinct groups within the body - we have Torah following Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians who do
not follow the Torah. But the whole spirit of what Paul says here (and elsewhere) is that there are no sub-groups" within the people of God.
How would verses 26-28 make sense specifically as a "for" (effectively a "because") conclusion to what Paul has just said about being no longer under the tutorship of the Torah? It would hardly make sense if the Torah were still active precisely because the Torah served the purpose of
demarcating the Jew as distinct from the Gentile. Many do not think of Torah as serving that function, but I suggest that Paul clearly does – and that is what matters. The relevant text for that argument is from the beginning of Romans 10.
Instead, these verses only make sense if the boundary marker between Jew and Gentile - the Torah - has been retired.
I am going to politely suggest that the only reason such texts can be read as not indicating the expiry of Torah is to make the implicit assumption that Paul is a bad writer not in command of his argument and its terms. Thus, to believe that Torah is still in force, we need to believe the following:
1. Paul's choice of the paidagogos metaphor is misleading, since proper use of the metaphor would imply that the Torah, like the tutor's job, expires.
2. Paul has been doubly incompetent in his choice of the metaphor, since his "now that faith has come" statement would be naturally seen as corresponding to the condition of the boy reaching manhood, triggering the release of the paidagogos.
3. Paul writes a very weak and contradictory conclusion in 26 - 28, since he argues that the Jew and Gentile are indistinguishable from each other in the family, yet the Jew
retains this massive set of rules, festivals, and practices that they
alone are to follow. This is hardly being "non-distinct" from the Gentile.[/quote]
OK,,,I will address the first scripture you left,,,and the rest as time permits......
Galatians 3:24 "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster. to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith."
What is a schoolmaster?????? It is the law,,,,and it is simply there to teach people right from wrong....
What else does the the schoolmaster do ???????? It brings us to Christ......So this schoolmaster that you have deemed of no need,,,,actual brings us to Christ that we may be justified by faith,,,,,sure you wanna throw the law (schoolmaster) out the window????
Galatians 3:25 "But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster."
Indeed we are not under the schoolmaster becasue of faith in Christ,,,but that doesnt change or abolish the schoolmaster.....When you sin you are breaking the law (your going againt the schoolmaster) but because of Christ,,,we can now repent and go directly to the Father,,,,instead of killing and burning animals on a alter.........
Paul would have to be a very incompetent writer if he didn't intend to suggest that the Torah has now "expired". The word "tutor" here is the well-known Greek word "paidagogos". And, as per the Net Bible definition, a paidagogos is .
"a tutor i.e. a guardian and guide of boys. Among the Greeks and the Romans the name was applied to trustworthy slaves who were charged with the duty of supervising the life and morals of boys belonging to the better class. The boys were not allowed so much as to step out of the house without them before arriving at the age of manhood
You probably noticed my bible says "schoolmaster" not tutor.........
But we can get into that later.....
Galatians 3:26 "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus."
----We are all children of God (ummmm maybe a future discussion) God created all the races and loved them all.....
Galatians 3:27 "For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ."
----Being baptized into the death burial and ressurection of Christ retires the law (schoolmaster) how?????It doesnt,,,,,,,it gives us a different route to the kingdom,,,,but does not take anything from the way God would have us live.....
Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
No commentary needed......
Note the inclusivity. If Paul has just written something whereby the Torah has been affirmed as still applicable, then the Jew and the Gentile are still two distinct groups within the body - we have Torah following Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians who do not follow the Torah. But the whole spirit of what Paul says here (and elsewhere) is that there are no sub-groups" within the people of God.
How would verses 26-28 make sense specifically as a "for" (effectively a "because") conclusion to what Paul has just said about being no longer under the tutorship of the Torah? It would hardly make sense if the Torah were still active precisely because the Torah served the purpose of demarcating the Jew as distinct from the Gentile. Many do not think of Torah as serving that function, but I suggest that Paul clearly does – and that is what matters. The relevant text for that argument is from the beginning of Romans 10.
Instead, these verses only make sense if the boundary marker between Jew and Gentile - the Torah - has been retired.
Dualy noted,,,,,your missing it bro,,,,,all Paul is saying is that the route to the kingdom has changed,,,,,, Jew and Gentile are to believe upon Christ,,,,Jews had the law,,,,,Gentiles didnt,,,,so really only the Jews and Israel had way to the kingdom,,,,,,but now we all have a way,,, the same way my friend,,,which is Christ......BUT,,,,THE LAWS MUST BE FOLLOWED,,,,,but after one has sinned (broken the law) we have different steps with clearing the issue up......That simple......
I am going to politely suggest that the only reason such texts can be read as not indicating the expiry of Torah is to make the implicit assumption that Paul is a bad writer not in command of his argument and its terms. Thus, to believe that Torah is still in force, we need to believe the following:
1. Paul's choice of the paidagogos metaphor is misleading, since proper use of the metaphor would imply that the Torah, like the tutor's job, expires.
2. Paul has been doubly incompetent in his choice of the metaphor, since his "now that faith has come" statement would be naturally seen as corresponding to the condition of the boy reaching manhood, triggering the release of the paidagogos.
3. Paul writes a very weak and contradictory conclusion in 26 - 28, since he argues that the Jew and Gentile are indistinguishable from each other in the family, yet the Jew retains this massive set of rules, festivals, and practices that they alone are to follow. This is hardly being "non-distinct" from the Gentile.
1--- Not misleading at all,,,it actually makes it very clear that Christ as taken the law and fulfilled it.....
2---"Is the law ten against the promises of God? God forbid:
3----Well to respond I would have to know that you understand that a jew is,,,,you might just believe those sponken of in revelation 2:9 and 3:9 are jews,,,,,which would be very dangerous.....
Ok from this I dont see the law (schoolmaster being retired) quite the opposite,,,we have 1 (Christ) who would not change the law but follow every part of it thus making us able to go through Him to the Father and being apart of that fulfillment..........
Ok pure gray matter here for a moment,,,,,Does america follow the healt laws???? heeeeeeeeeeck NO...
And then we wonder why we have diabetes running a muck....(even on children) also im a athlete so I can feel the difference in my body,,,,,eating the things of God and things He as not allowed......
has anyone ever told you,,,that you overthink the word?????,,,,,,dont get me wrong God gave us brains to use,,,,but there is a sutleness and smoothness in truth,,,, and you seem to let thinking,, rethinking and overthinking cloud that,,,just let the spirit do its thing..........