Thank you for the opinion. FYI.....I am a Cessationsist for one reason and only one reason my brother.
It is what Scripture says to us.
1 Corinthians 13:8-10......
- Love never fails.
- Prophecies will cease.
- Tongues will be stilled.
- Knowledge will pass away.
- We know in part and prophesy in part.
- When completeness comes, what is in part disappears.
Those Scriptures say clearly that there will be a time when these gifts will cease because something better (“that which is perfect”) will replace them.
Perfect in the original Greek means “complete”—the incomplete will be replaced by the complete. There is some debate as to what the coming of the “perfect” thing is. Now we can argue all day long about what the completeness is. You have stated what you think it is and I do not agree.
Now I would like to say this to you so that you will have something to think about.
When one Christian says that all tongues are over and another says that they are still valid today, you can see right off that there is a problem.
Coming from a Charismatic upbringing as a child, I was told and taught that a man can't be saved unless you speak in tongues. We were taught to ask people we came in contact with..........
"Are you save with the "evidence" of speaking tongues".
That implies that IF you are saved you Will speak in tongues!
Now, what I am saying to you is that these two views obviously will not have the richest fellowship.
Consider that fact that you just called be......
"Obstinate, stubbornly refusing to change your opinion in spite of reason, arguments, persuasion, anything. "
I hope that you can see that right here in black and white "you" are looking at me as still unregenerate. Yes, I know that you will reject that but none the less, it is clear to me.
But even less extreme views can produce some distancing. If one person says that tongues is not of God (whatever its source), and another says that it is of God, then the first will view the second person's spirituality as having some illegitimate elements to it, while the second will see the first as not letting God work in his life. I hope you can see what I am saying without prejudice.
Many believe that the “perfect” thing to come is the glorification of believers in heaven, or, more properly, the eternal state.
That is not consistent with the literal words of the Scripture. Scripture says something is "coming"...the Perfect/complete. If we think that the perfect is the eternal state then we are saying that which is "going". We are going to heaven Not coming to heaven.
We can say and believe that the perfect, is Jesus Christ, and He will bring about the day when all is revealed to God's children. I have no problem with that at all, except if we study the literal Greek, "Perfect = Complete" and Jesus is Perfect. The argument could be made that He is also "complete" but to me that is reading into the Scriptures what we want them to say instead of accepting what they do say.
Now, may I say to you, exactly what you said to me in that you strike me the way all Charismatics do.... "Obstinate i.e. stubbornly refusing to change your opinion in spite of reason, arguments, persuasion, anything."
Then you said..." So I guess I will leave it there."
Wonderful. As always it is a blessing to speak with believers.