- Nov 5, 2006
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Agnostic Airman said:God has always been. He is a necessary Being.Free said:[quote="F4i†h?":p8o3a22w]In all fairness, how did God come into being?
I think what F4i+h was trying to get at was this: The argument in favor of God's existence was that the universe is so complex, that it could not possibly have come into existence by chance. It had to have an intelligent designer, which must be God. So, following that logic, the next question is... who created God?
God is so complex, that He could not possibly have come into existence by chance. God had to have an intelligent designer, which must be... who? Then if we can figure out who created God, we find ourselves asking who created the creator of God. And then who created the creator of the creator of God. And so on and so forth. This is known as the "infinite regress".
So it sounds like the Christian argument can be summed up as... nothing can exist without a creator. And that creator is God, who just happens to exist without a creator.[/quote:p8o3a22w]
OK. Now we know what you DON'T believe, how about letting us know what you DO believe. If there is no Creator, how did we come into existence?