Dinosaurs, the ice age, development of the earth through tectonic plates, Pangea, the list goes on.
Yes, we do take the words of a scientist, because they are trying to figure out how the heck this universe works.
How could Pangea split apart within 6000 years? How could dinosaurs go extinct within 6000 years? How could a zebra, and a dinosaur, live in the same timeframe? How?
You see, evolution could have happened. I'm neutral on it, God could have planned evolution. Do I believe we evolved from Neanderthals? Nope. Do I believe animals could've evolved from other animals? Perhaps. God was never specific on what these "Creatures" were, for all we know, they could've been tiny organisms, or creatures so ancient we'd not be able to comprehend their existence. You see, God wasn't specific, and thinking that zebras and tigers or things of that nature are what God made at first, is silly and an assumption. So far, the only support I can find for evolution is when God made it so the serpent would have to be on its belly, now of course, we all assume it was a snake, as is depicted in many people's minds and art. But this is false, he didn't say snake, he said serpent, therefore, this "serpent" could've been a giant snake monster for all we know (Yes I know, quite a silly thing to say, but we simply don't know).
There's nothing in the bible that goes against evolution, there's nothing in the bible that supports a 6000 year old earth, absolutely nothing.
Adam could not have named all of the animals within a day, it's not likely, because, there are so many species that haven't been discovered, and probably never will be, that, Adam taking only a day to name all of this is simply a ridiculous statement. Hebrew culture places a HUGE emphasis on how important names are, Adam wouldn't have just stopped, and looked at the animal for five seconds and then name it, no, he would've spent a long time thinking of what to name it, which completely debunks the 7 literal day creation.
When Adam was given eve, he said "At last" in the accurate translations, as if he had been searching for a suitable companion. Traveling across the garden of Eden searching for one, and the words "at last" must imply that he has been waiting a long time. But if it has only been a short amount of time, why would he say "at last"?