When humanism is the religion the idol is self.
Sure, but humanism doesn't burn their children as an offering to something else as to gain approval and blessings.
I'll be gone till next week, but lets talk about a larger percentage of young women who have abortions. Most of them are young and frightened and listen to the advice of others who tell them that they should have their child aborted.
How about I bring this a bit closer to home?...
When I had my child aborted, I was 17. The girl I got pregnant, I had no business sleeping with her. Not only because it was against God's law, but because of the circumstances which I'm not going to get into, I had absolutely no business sleeping with another man's girlfriend, even if she did come into my room naked that night.
When we found out she was pregnant, both of our worlds caved in on us. There wasn't an easy way around this, so after looking at other options, we figured that if we had the abortion, then that would cause the least damage, considering the damage already done. And yes, she did have another child, so it was complicated. And if you've ever notices, whenever sin gets involved, it usually is complicated because of all the self justification, like her coming into my room at 3 am naked and crawling into my bed. I should have had the strength to say no and push her out, but I didn't, so we try to cast blame and say, "But she came into my bed naked!".
I regret making the choice to abort our child, but it's something we both decided for the good of her other child and the father of that child. Hindsight is great, but it's just that, hindsight.
I could say a lot about our Christian perspective, and yes, my perspective has changed drastically through the years, but I wasn't the same person back then that I am now, and it's through the perspective of a 17 year old who was sleeping with a gal I knew I shouldn't have been sleeping with, and we both made at the time what we thought was the best decision available.
Is this humanism? I don't think so. It was a crisis. True, a crisis we brought upon ourselves and a crisis that shouldn't have happened, but it was what it was, and we did the best we knew at the time. Hindsight is a wonderful thing... If I knew then what I know now, the world would have been a different reality for me.
Was aborting our child wrong? With a resounding YES that echo's into the valleys from the highest mountain tops. But to say that this is the same as purposfully offering a breathing child into the arms of a god is plain nonesense.