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All sins aren't equal.


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I don’t fully understand this question. It seems we’re comparing apples to sour grapes. On one hand we’re talking about sin from mankind’s perspective. On the other hand we’re talking about sin from God’s point of view. These are two completely different frames of reference. One is black (dark) and the other is white (light).<O:tongue</O:tongue
In man’s eyes there are many sins for which there is no risk of prosecution and therefore no condemnation. I’ll name a few. Divorce, premarital sex, sexuality outside of marriage, adultery, prostitution, promiscuous sex, homosexuality, drunkenness, revelry, theft, idolatry, murder, covetousness, lying, cheating, swearing (oaths), and using God’s name vainly. We do love the darkness because we think it hides our actions but we are fooling ourselves.<O:tongue</O:tongue
In the eyes of God every single one of them leads to condemnation. There is no gray area. If we measure ourselves by man’s ideal we are doomed. Oh yes, we most definitely need our savior, Jesus. <O:tongue</O:tongue
I've done a lot of door-to-door evangelism. One question we asked was, "If you were to die tonight, would God let you into heaven?"

The answers almost always included some kind of "measurement" of sin..."I would go to heaven, I mean, I've never murdered anyone or anything." or "I'm a good person, I treat people well. I don't steal or lie or cheat."

The idea is that Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot...all deserving of hell. Me, hey, I'm not so bad.

According to Moses and the Prophets, we are that bad. Moses' law included all kinds of picky-ante little things...not blending certain fabrics together, no dairy served with meat, and yes, heaven did indeed forbade eating shrimp. The Prophets came along to say that there are none that are righteous and that all our righteousness is but filthy rags.

If anyone wants to quibble and say that Jesus and the New Testament "does away" with all of this, keep in mind that Jesus upped the ante to define adultery as even thinking about another woman lustfully and Paul said that if one violateed even the smallest part of the Law, one was guilty of the whole.

This is why it is easy to fall into the idea that there is no measurement of sin...that all sin is equal and that little kid who swiped the candy bar will be toasting right along with Hitler.

The problem with this line of thought is that it fails to take into consideration why Jesus and Paul seemed to be such sticklers for the Law, while at the same time breaking off heads of grain on the Sabbath Day (gathering food was a violation) or telling folks "All things are Lawful."

In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man is convinced that if he were able to come back from the dead, his brothers would then believe and shape up (behave better, not "sin" so greatly). The response was, "They have Moses and the Prophets...if they don't listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they listen if someone comes back from the dead."

(Jesus came back from the dead and they still aren't listening.)

The key understand Moses and the Prophets, one needs the Holy Spirit. If one hasn't the Holy Spirit one will never be able to understand, confess and repent of one's sin. Notice I say "sin" and not "sins". Our sin is our inherent rebellion towards God...that thing inside of us that says..."OK, God has His perfect standard...but I'm going to do this because I say that it's not that big of a deal and God will just have to suck it up and deal with it."

That is our sin...that is what will keep us from heaven. Not a stolen candy bar, or saying "No honey, that dress doesn't make you look fat at all"... or giving the one-finger salute to someone who doesn't get into the right lane in a passing lane, even when they're going 10 miles under the speed limit.

It takes the Holy Spirit...the same One who inspired Moses and the Prophets and Paul and the soften our hearts to acknowledge that rebelliousness towards God.

Once that happens and we confess and repent of our sin, then we are saved. If it doesn't, then we are damned because then when our deeds that we have done are examined, our rebelliousness will be glaringly apparent at the great Judgment.

All sins are not at all equal. There is nothing to compare between a kid swiping a candy bar, a woman who trolls bars for someone to take her home and Pol Pot's killing fields. Yes, all are unrighteousness...but not all these things will lead to death.

Also, all are forgivable...even Pol Pot could have received forgiveness, had he sought it.

But, none of these things are what ultimately causes death. What ultimately causes one's death is the rejection of the Holy Spirit...that blasphemy that causes one to attribute to demons or whatever else the work of the Spirit that is shining light in our heart to expose our rebellion towards God.

That's what's gonna condemn one.
In the eyes of God every single one of them leads to condemnation. There is no gray area. If we measure ourselves by man¡¯s ideal we are doomed. Oh yes, we most definitely need our savior, Jesus.

:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

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:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

you deserve a presidential handshake!
:thumbsup And like I pointed out before: all sins, no matter how small or great, lead to everlastig condemnation!!!
This is why it is easy to fall into the idea that there is no measurement of sin...that all sin is equal and that little kid who swiped the candy bar will be toasting right along with Hitler.
And who knows whether Hitler made heaven :lol

It takes the Holy Spirit...the same One who inspired Moses and the Prophets and Paul and the soften our hearts to acknowledge that rebelliousness towards God.

Once that happens and we confess and repent of our sin, then we are saved. If it doesn't, then we are damned because then when our deeds that we have done are examined, our rebelliousness will be glaringly apparent at the great Judgment.

Well done!!!
Rom 1:18-32.

It is God who delivers someone into Homosexuality for their sinful acts and it is scripture that says they deserve death.
i know of that as its kinda my testimony, but be warned some have and are taken that logic to push for the execution of only gays. the problem here is what about the other sodomious act that men with women commit.

this is revalant as there a sick double standard. oh its ok for the men with a girl to perform the same sex act that the gay men do?

sodomy per websters 1828 dictionary, any act of sex that goes agaisnt nature. certain body parts werent meant for that use. read up on what is considered sodomy in the traditions of laws past yrs ago and that is indeed what i say.
i know of that as its kinda my testimony, but be warned some have and are taken that logic to push for the execution of only gays. the problem here is what about the other sodomious act that men with women commit.

this is revalant as there a sick double standard. oh its ok for the men with a girl to perform the same sex act that the gay men do?

sodomy per websters 1828 dictionary, any act of sex that goes agaisnt nature. certain body parts werent meant for that use. read up on what is considered sodomy in the traditions of laws past yrs ago and that is indeed what i say.

True. I am not sure of the definition of sodomy as language keeps changing frequently (as the word gay in 1828 itself is different), but I am sure that any act of sex that goes agaisnt nature is a grave sin.
google noah webster and what he believed , his dictionaries closest to his life are based on biblical traditional christianity. he like the puritians ere him believe being able to read the bible was the most important. that is why i went to that old definition of sodomy.

most of the pushers of the death penalty of today for gays tend to forget that any act that is defined unnatural whether male to male to male to female is punishable by death.

therefore its better to try to get them saved, let God judge in these manners.
How do you 'judge' (see) the verse of Christ's Words in Luke 12:47-48?

Surely you are not far off in 'just' judgement!

Eccl. 12:13-14 finds every work brought up in Judgement with the STANDARD seen there with the WHOLE CONCLUSION. Something about God's Commandments!;)


Hi, me here. ;)
When Christ comes again, 'i' see one already judged from the above verse.

And 1 John 3:4 agrees with this, and James 2:10 finds sin as sin!

OK: if FAITFUL in Christ, the only question is as the verse says! (He brings His Reward with Him! Rev. 22:11-12 when He comes again, either saved or lost.)

OK: Now comes these saved ones in heaven for 1000 years JUDGING!;) 1 Cor. 6:2-3

These record Books of Eccl. 12 will find accurate records of all of the lost. And each will die in the lake of fire called hell, which is the SECOND Death at the End of the 1000 years.

And as Christ told us in Luke 12:47-48 they will suffer accordingly as to their wickedness. Some die very quick & some linger on for what the execution merits according to these Books.

So NO, only the sin unto death will be fatal 1 John 5:15-18. (fully matured & unrepented of, finds any sin can become matured! Ps. 19:13's FINISHED ENDING James 1:15)



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