- Jun 21, 2007
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- 99
Samuel, in regards to your post...the bible texts you bring up are great and they are the most pertinent to this subject...
However, as has been pointed out elsewhere, the word for submit or subject is not the same as "obey"...wives do not "obey" their husbands in the same way that children are to obey parents or slaves are to obey masters.
The word for submit or subject is a voluntary deference to someone, because of the role they hold. In the case of a Christian marriage, its easy for a woman to submit to her husband when he follows through on all that husbands are called to do.
In the case of a non-Christian husband, or a Christian husband who does not follow through on all that a husband is called to do, and yet expects to be called "Lord and Master" then it is far more difficult and submitting is very wearing.
In the OP the wife speaks of a husband who doesn't come home until early hours and doesn't call her to let her know where he is, and she admits to feeling like she has to "be on her toes" to make sure she says the right encouraging things at the right times...
This raises red flags to me...that her marriage is not one with a husband who is treating her as Christ treats the Church, who loves her sacrificially as a husband is supposed to do.
So, in this circumstance, submission is going to be more of a burden and not always will or should the wife submit. Sometimes, a godly woman can show more honor for her husband by going against him rather than for him...like in the instance when Abigail went behind Nabal's back and presented David with the debt her husband owed him. Abigail did not "obey" Nabal, nor ask his permission; she considered the problem, came to her own plan of action, and implemented the plan keeping Nabal in total ignorance. In doing so, she prevented David from acting unwisely, preserved the honor of the household, which her husband failed to do and left Nabal in the hands of God, Who enacted His judgment against him.
1 Samuel 25
However, as has been pointed out elsewhere, the word for submit or subject is not the same as "obey"...wives do not "obey" their husbands in the same way that children are to obey parents or slaves are to obey masters.
The word for submit or subject is a voluntary deference to someone, because of the role they hold. In the case of a Christian marriage, its easy for a woman to submit to her husband when he follows through on all that husbands are called to do.
In the case of a non-Christian husband, or a Christian husband who does not follow through on all that a husband is called to do, and yet expects to be called "Lord and Master" then it is far more difficult and submitting is very wearing.
In the OP the wife speaks of a husband who doesn't come home until early hours and doesn't call her to let her know where he is, and she admits to feeling like she has to "be on her toes" to make sure she says the right encouraging things at the right times...
This raises red flags to me...that her marriage is not one with a husband who is treating her as Christ treats the Church, who loves her sacrificially as a husband is supposed to do.
So, in this circumstance, submission is going to be more of a burden and not always will or should the wife submit. Sometimes, a godly woman can show more honor for her husband by going against him rather than for him...like in the instance when Abigail went behind Nabal's back and presented David with the debt her husband owed him. Abigail did not "obey" Nabal, nor ask his permission; she considered the problem, came to her own plan of action, and implemented the plan keeping Nabal in total ignorance. In doing so, she prevented David from acting unwisely, preserved the honor of the household, which her husband failed to do and left Nabal in the hands of God, Who enacted His judgment against him.
1 Samuel 25