The assumption you're making here is that ideals and dogma are wrong. They aren't--only when they are out of control. Are we "ideal" if we embrace Christianity as the "only way?" Are we "dogmatic" if we insist upon using the Scriptures as our "rule" for life?
No, we must have objective truth as our standard, and one God, as the Jews were told. This isn't "idealism," or unrealistic attitudes. Rather, it is facing God's word faithfully and carrying it out properly.
Even in our society there is the political element, along with social and economic elements. The politicians are more concerned with order, where they might appoint other leaders to manage social issues and financial issues.
The women, obviously, raise the family, if she has any number of children. Her concern is the social constitution of the family, along with the economics that enable this family to grow. The husband is concerned for the survival of the family in a hostile world and manages not just the political element but also the military elements.
This is just a rough sketch, but it shows how divergent parts play a role with a dominant leadership being necessary for the ordering of the group. In the story of Deborah and Barak, it was a shame that Barak wanted to play "2nd fiddle." God had given him the authority and he passed it on to Deborah. There are other examples.
Men are not to act like women, who have roles that emphasize childbearing and enable the family to prosper. Their job is to supervise, or what I call, make the "final decision." I'm sure this falls short in the biblical description, but it's the best I can do to describe it. It is, in fact, there.