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America's Role in the End Times


What will be America's role in the end times?

I imagine a board like this would have very many opposing views.

From my understanding, the Bible gives no mention of America when speaking of the end times, which means most theories would forever remain theories.

Nonetheless, I'm interested to hear what the Christian Brethren have to say about this.

The end times has already started.It started with the return of the beast in 1948.
The US's role is that of a middle east police force.
Its role is that of the savior of Israel.It will attempt to deliver Israel from its enemies.
Like a messiah if you will.

Its biggest problem is its lack of understanding.
It thinks its helping Israel but it is truely helping the beast that calls itself Israel.
The end times has already started.It started with the return of the beast in 1948.
The US's role is that of a middle east police force.
Its role is that of the savior of Israel.It will attempt to deliver Israel from its enemies.
Like a messiah if you will.

Its biggest problem is its lack of understanding.
It thinks its helping Israel but it is truely helping the beast that calls itself Israel.

And yet through actions that displease God, His will is still being done to bring His Kingdom to earth.

He appoints the righteous and the wicked ruler, no?
What will be America's role in the end times?

I imagine a board like this would have very many opposing views.

From my understanding, the Bible gives no mention of America when speaking of the end times, which means most theories would forever remain theories.

Nonetheless, I'm interested to hear what the Christian Brethren have to say about this.


Theories?? (Rev. 13:11)

USA is Not so! with the Rev. 17:1's 'Many Waters' on through verse 5 many daughter's!
USA came up in a NO populated area, does that mean anything in scripture?

USA truely is or was the most Blessed of God Nation of the world, & is LAMB/LIKE! which ='s RELIGOUS FREEDOM! (while she remained so)

Does from LAMB/TO/DRAGON mean anything in Gods Word to Christians of today?

Soon now we will see 666 take place, & most will have no more of an idea of what that means than what one is at present hearing! Compare the Gen. 6:3's Repeat! 120 years of Noah's Preaching with the Striving of the Holy Spirit

And by the way, in Eccl. 3:15 it talks of a 'similar' repeat! It seems that this location of building the Ark permitted Religous Liberty also?? for that 120 years, huh?

Theories?? (Rev. 13:11)

USA is Not so! with the Rev. 17:1's 'Many Waters' on through verse 5 many daughter's!
USA came up in a NO populated area, does that mean anything in scripture?

USA truely is or was the most Blessed of God Nation of the world, & is LAMB/LIKE! which ='s RELIGOUS FREEDOM! (while she remained so)

Does from LAMB/TO/DRAGON mean anything in Gods Word to Christians of today?

Soon now we will see 666 take place, & most will have no more of an idea of what that means than what one is at present hearing! Compare the Gen. 6:3's Repeat! 120 years of Noah's Preaching with the Striving of the Holy Spirit

And by the way, in Eccl. 3:15 it talks of a 'similar' repeat! It seems that this location of building the Ark permitted Religous Liberty also?? for that 120 years, huh?


Thanks for your input, but I have no idea what you're trying to say! :lol Would you mind translating "Elijahnese" into English, please? ;) :D
Thanks for your input, but I have no idea what you're trying to say! :lol Would you mind translating "Elijahnese" into English, please? ;) :D

old school theology that assumed that since america was the only nation to openly make laws based on the bible and and the founders that embraced the idea of a christian society ruled by a neutral govt open to influence by the church.

and looks at the bible end time eagle as us.
What will be America's role in the end times?

I imagine a board like this would have very many opposing views.

From my understanding, the Bible gives no mention of America when speaking of the end times, which means most theories would forever remain theories.

Nonetheless, I'm interested to hear what the Christian Brethren have to say about this.


First off... I would like to say I belong to no organization of religion or any other, so the things I say are the things I gathered for myself by personal reading, so feel free to correct me.

Next, what I read about the end days, or the last days, from the bible, has brought great comfort and peace to my heart. From my understanding of the bible, the beginning of days, is that time where the knowledge of good and evil reigned, the last days, or the end of the world, is that time where the knowledge of Christ reigns.

As in, Hebrews 1: 1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

The last days are obviously the days in which God has spoken to the world by his own Son. In times past, God spoke to the people through man. As for prophecy, all has been fulfilled, the book of Revelations explains that fulfillment. It is finished, as JC so eloquently explained.

This is great comfort. The end of the world will come for each of us when we die, until then, instead of living in the beginning of the world, where the law reigned supreme, and no flesh was justified, though it tried and tried, we are now living in the end of the world, where the word of Christ reigns supreme, and we are justified by his blood.

Instead of fear, thinking all is about to collapse, we should be shouting from the housetops that God is in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their sins against them. It is a time of joy, not of fear. The future is brightly lit.

America's role is that of governing people as God has appointed, and as he has appointed all nations. Punish the evil, commend the good. It's taking over, the best is yet to come.

Peace on Earth, goodwill toward man....that is what we have to expect from God.
old school theology that assumed that since america was the only nation to openly make laws based on the bible and and the founders that embraced the idea of a christian society ruled by a neutral govt open to influence by the church.

and looks at the bible end time eagle as us.

Ah, okay. I have heard this before, but the argument against this is much stronger. I don't subscribe to it.
First off... I would like to say I belong to no organization of religion or any other, so the things I say are the things I gathered for myself by personal reading, so feel free to correct me.

I enjoy your input, however, are you a Christian? "Holy Spirit filled Believer" if you will? Or are you speaking from a non religious, I appreciate the Bible, perspective? I simply want to know from what perspective you're speaking to help me put what you're saying into context :)
I enjoy your input, however, are you a Christian? "Holy Spirit filled Believer" if you will? Or are you speaking from a non religious, I appreciate the Bible, perspective? I simply want to know from what perspective you're speaking to help me put what you're saying into context :)

Not a traditional christian, just someone who reads the book with a neutral mind. But I would have to say I am a christian of sorts, in that I believe everything that jc said is true and try to live by it. A believer might be a better descriptor. As I read, I guess I just see a dfferent picture. Don't know why it seems so different than what alot of the organized religions teach.
Not a traditional christian, just someone who reads the book with a neutral mind. But I would have to say I am a christian of sorts, in that I believe everything that jc said is true and try to live by it. A believer might be a better descriptor. As I read, I guess I just see a dfferent picture. Don't know why it seems so different than what alot of the organized religions teach.

Your right, it doesn't :) Your just a bit unorthodox. No problem there!!

I really appreciated your input. There are some Christians who believe as you that Revelation and "end times prophecy" has already been fulfilled. I'm personally not one of them, though.
I have not really looked into it enough to be sure but isn't gog and magog referring to China and Russia? The nations of the middle east including egypt and the vatican and so forth will likely play the largest roles.

I don't know if America will even be the presence it is today in the last days. Rome was reduced to stubble, dont think America is a testament to the ages. There is a good chance America will actually stand against God in the final days. (actually, nations always do. It is the remnant which He redeems from among them that do not) I pray not, but I can see it going down like that. The scriptures say that all of the nations of the earth will be gathered together against Israel and would have overtaken it except God intervened.

Think I'm wrong? read Zechariah 12-14 I dare you.
I have not really looked into it enough to be sure but isn't gog and magog referring to China and Russia? The nations of the middle east including egypt and the vatican and so forth will likely play the largest roles.

I don't know if America will even be the presence it is today in the last days. Rome was reduced to stubble, dont think America is a testament to the ages. There is a good chance America will actually stand against God in the final days. (actually, nations always do. It is the remnant which He redeems from among them that do not) I pray not, but I can see it going down like that. The scriptures say that all of the nations of the earth will be gathered together against Israel and would have overtaken it except God intervened.

Think I'm wrong? read Zechariah 12-14 I dare you.

Ah, someone who is liked minded! I am in agreement with you.

Since the Bible says that all nations must be turned against Israel, that means that the US will eventually have to break it's ties to Israel. It will be a major sign of what and who will come.

I have come across other Christians who believe America will be subdued by her enemies. However, this is something that I just don't believe. This nation has tasted freedom. The people of this nation would rather fight to the bitter end then be conquered.

That has lead me to believe that America's downfall will come from within. The increasing polarization of this country will crumble it from within. The "politically correct" mentality of this country will destroy it.

That's just me though. I'm still wondering how others imagine it will play out.
I agree with that. The liberalism will destroy from within. Politicians and media will and have changed our identity from within. On the theological stage, America is not some white knight hero of valor which we Americans would like to think of it as. When it comes down to it, we are just another nation of man --a nation which rejects and rebels against God.
Ah, someone who is liked minded! I am in agreement with you.

Since the Bible says that all nations must be turned against Israel, that means that the US will eventually have to break it's ties to Israel. It will be a major sign of what and who will come.

I have come across other Christians who believe America will be subdued by her enemies. However, this is something that I just don't believe. This nation has tasted freedom. The people of this nation would rather fight to the bitter end then be conquered.

That has lead me to believe that America's downfall will come from within. The increasing polarization of this country will crumble it from within. The "politically correct" mentality of this country will destroy it.

That's just me though. I'm still wondering how others imagine it will play out.

What you perceive to be Israel is not Israel.
The false prophet shall remain friends with the beast.

Mt 24;9
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

Do you not know who Israel is?
The saints who are hated by all nations for Jesus name is Israel.
Jesus is Israel.

According to scripture ,The USA shall remain friends with that goverment which claims to be Israel.
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I agree with that. The liberalism will destroy from within. Politicians and media will and have changed our identity from within. On the theological stage, America is not some white knight hero of valor which we Americans would like to think of it as. When it comes down to it, we are just another nation of man --a nation which rejects and rebels against God.

Not just another nation.The USA is the most powerful country this world has ever seen the likes of.

Daniel 11;44
But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him;therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy,and utterly make away many.

Thats what the US's role is at the time of the end.
Thats what happens when they mess with the srtongest country in the world.
shiloh you do realise that china has more of ecomonic influence then we do. we borrow so much from them that we couldnt afford an all out war with n.korea. we would have to borrow for the means and draft men to fight that war.

and that would be a war. as we would take some casualties far more greater then the current wars combined.
shiloh you do realise that china has more of ecomonic influence then we do. we borrow so much from them that we couldnt afford an all out war with n.korea. we would have to borrow for the means and draft men to fight that war.

and that would be a war. as we would take some casualties far more greater then the current wars combined.

Do you realize that the US can destroy life on this little planet ten times over?
If China feels froggy then let it jump.
lol, and destroy our economy.

we dont have the indepence as you think. we outsource alot.

most cars we buy to include parts arent made in america.
most aftermark parts are made in china. and guess what we also would well destroy ourselves in that nuke part.

mad(isnt a guarentee to stop direct attacks or threats).
i am in the military trust me we dont have the means at present to take on china.
do i trust china, heck no, but we put ourselves where we are at.

need i remind you of how an inferior jets would cross our airspace routinely and fly over miami below radar. some pilots from cuba defected that way others didnt.

the russians had us scared during the cold war why they had the superior short range nukes in the eastern bloc that is why reagean wanted the missile shield.

dont underestimate what the enemy can do! see that avatar on that tank is a gun that could just about destroy all current euipment on the ground we have.
and its over 30 yrs old by design.

we dont have armored tracks that can take 23mm shots save one the m1 series.

and not only does the t series tanks carry them but the more maneurvable brdm2 and one and bmp one and 2 and the zsu 23-4 and zsu 57-2(bigger guns)57mm

and china has these all.

keep in mind that russia as well has recoiless rifles up to 104mm that could swiss cheese our m1 series.

the rpg7- and its better version the rpg 21 can serious damage our troop carriers, and the later could really hurt the m1.

russian helicopters are also known as flying tanks the chinese have those as well and they are just as capable of what the apache can do.

the mi-28 havoc has very similar capabilities as the apache.

now if china has these they can also match our helicopters as well.