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America's Role in the End Times

You keep talking like you dont know what the USA is in the bible.

Daniel 11;44
But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him;therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy,and utterly make away many.

Like I said before.This is the USA's role in the time of the end.
The president of the USA is the king of the north.Friend of that little goverment which claims to be Israel.
You keep talking like you dont know what the USA is in the bible.

Daniel 11;44
But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him;therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy,and utterly make away many.

Like I said before.This is the USA's role in the time of the end.
The president of the USA is the king of the north.Friend of that little goverment which claims to be Israel.

I appreciate your input, but please don't start a debate in here. Not everyone conforms to the same school of thought as you do and someone else can easily take that Scripture to support his contradictory beliefs.

Revelation and the other books that talk about end times only reveal parts of what is to come (unlike the rest of Scripture in which Salvational matters are clear.) Let's remember that as we discuss this in a friendly manner please.

I am open to all opinions from all spectrums of the board as I personally believe that the Bible does not speak much about the role of the US in the end times. So again, please respect the beliefs of others, as end time theology and doctrine is not concrete but a mystery that takes years of study and prayer to crack with the Guidance of the Holy Spirit.

If the Holy Spirit has led you to believe that way that's fine, but please respect others with differing opinions.
You keep talking like you dont know what the USA is in the bible.

Daniel 11;44
But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him;therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy,and utterly make away many.

Like I said before.This is the USA's role in the time of the end.
The president of the USA is the king of the north.Friend of that little goverment which claims to be Israel.

uh, no, i dont see the u.s like you do , in fact you are the only one who says that, most bible scholars even i 100 yrs ago never seen any prophecy about america.

even when it was thought that we were the last hope for the world.

isreal has nukes and will use them if they have too.

we gave them the nukes. and they have one aimed at syria last i heard.

unless the bible says that somehow we remain the world power despite that we have weakened ourselves.

i know more then you think on what i talked about as well that is my job.

i was an cav scout and air defender so knowing what he old soviet capabilities were was shown to me.

i have heard many bible teachers get asked that question and they answer that theres none about the u.s in prophecy.

besides we arent the most christian nation on the earth.

i believe that australia has more of that influence at present we do.

in australia abortion is illegal save one province, gays cant marry, and they still believe that the best way to run society in general is to base on Gods laws as much as possible.
The prophecies concerning the king of the north in Daniel 11 just began some 65 years ago so I dont expect many schollars from 100 years ago would have understood any of it.And since todays scholars were taught by those scholars,they dont seem to understand it .
But what scholars would understand the time of the end?If they all understood the time of the end ,there shouldnt be a time of the end.

There was a question asked and I answerd that question.
The president of the USA is the king of the north.
The prophecies concerning the king of the north in Daniel 11 just began some 65 years ago so I dont expect many schollars from 100 years ago would have understood any of it.And since todays scholars were taught by those scholars,they dont seem to understand it .
But what scholars would understand the time of the end?If they all understood the time of the end ,there shouldnt be a time of the end.

There was a question asked and I answerd that question.
The president of the USA is the king of the north.

i have been saved 15 of those seventy five and have served my country even longer, and watched our army be transformed from an effective convential army agianst the soviets to more of police action type.

when i joined the service our army was nearly a million strong(just active duty). include the guard and reserves and it was doubled.

we barely have one million now.

post a link to the scholar as i listen to these men who have preached nearly that long
adrian rogers(deceased had 40 yrs ministry since 1960 and in fact first church was in home county)
chuck smith
d.l.moody(started ere ww2)
billy graham(nuff said)
none of then mention the u.s. in the end times.
i have been saved 15 of those seventy five and have served my country even longer, and watched our army be transformed from an effective convential army agianst the soviets to more of police action type.

when i joined the service our army was nearly a million strong(just active duty). include the guard and reserves and it was doubled.

we barely have one million now.

post a link to the scholar as i listen to these men who have preached nearly that long
adrian rogers(deceased had 40 yrs ministry since 1960 and in fact first church was in home county)
chuck smith
d.l.moody(started ere ww2)
billy graham(nuff said)
none of then mention the u.s. in the end times.

Is Billy Graham God?(nuff said).
I cant help it if God didnt show him what he showed me.
Maybe you should make a complaint.
so then the 85% that dont believe what you say are wrong? really what background do you have?

men that prayed for revivals such as and did miracles as the like d.l.moody and also men like adrian rogers who btw did much for the sbc in keeping it consertive, and also r.g,lee who did alot of studying aslo.

you, in fact are the only one here who claims that to be that way.

i used to in fact that the u.s. was satanic in my youth as i was lead to lean that way from the jw's along with the u.n.

so i really looked for verses to see that way.

again name one bible scholar that believes that has posted some logical arguments via word intepretation

i will submit for the sake of argument that the eu could turn and support isreal and save them as they have a stronger euro then we do( almost 2 to 1 ratio there favor) and equal might when combined

keep in mind that chothbam armor we have for the m1 was designed not in america but by the brits and also we buy the av8 harrier from them as well.
If you are saying Im wrong then you are wrong.
And you can find 1000 scholars who would be just as wrong as you.

The president of the United states of America is the king of the north.
I dont care who you have served.
If you are saying Im wrong then you are wrong.
And you can find 1000 scholars who would be just as wrong as you.

The president of the United states of America is the king of the north.
I dont care who you have served.

weak so were going to resort to tounge sticking out and phht and you are wrong. who taught you this. as surely the lord wouldn just have you alone on this earth believing this as he often uses more then one person to testify what he wants done

i can see that clearly in the bible as paul often repeats(he even quotes) the ot prophets or by examples the idea restated.

eye hath not seen nor ear hath heard was first said in isiah
or the idea who is he jew but one inwardly was at first said moses when he said circumise first the foreskin of your hearts.

so you think obama is the king of the north.

the u.n. has persuaded us to do things we didnt want to do. ie the korean war and others.
we went to desert storm under the u.n. not as a unilateral action.
What will be America's role in the end times?

I imagine a board like this would have very many opposing views.

From my understanding, the Bible gives no mention of America when speaking of the end times, which means most theories would forever remain theories.

Nonetheless, I'm interested to hear what the Christian Brethren have to say about this.


No where in the NT is their any evidence that the Disciples and Apostles believed that time would exist after the destruction of Israel and the second prophetic event to follow, which was Jesus' return. Of course he added an overlooked disclimer that he didn't know the time of his return as it was in the fathers hands. If God is speaking to you - he will not start talking over your head thousands of years into the future like so many believe today.

If you want to know what is going on in our day we have prophets today who speak to issues in our future.
weak so were going to resort to tounge sticking out and phht and you are wrong. who taught you this. as surely the lord wouldn just have you alone on this earth believing this as he often uses more then one person to testify what he wants done

i can see that clearly in the bible as paul often repeats(he even quotes) the ot prophets or by examples the idea restated.

eye hath not seen nor ear hath heard was first said in isiah
or the idea who is he jew but one inwardly was at first said moses when he said circumise first the foreskin of your hearts.

so you think obama is the king of the north.

the u.n. has persuaded us to do things we didnt want to do. ie the korean war and others.
we went to desert storm under the u.n. not as a unilateral action.

Obama is the raiser of taxes.
The one who comes after him is the one who will move the US embassy to Jerusalem..
Obama is the raiser of taxes.
The one who comes after him is the one who will move the US embassy to Jerusalem..

while i have no love for obama's policies he hasnt raised taxes. what he has done it to let some pass but that is being fought.

we are borrowing money right now for what the bigger govt is attempting to do. while he will have to raise taxes sooner or later but overall not really at present.

the current isreali embassy is in miami. where is ours in isreal?
while i have no love for obama's policies he hasnt raised taxes. what he has done it to let some pass but that is being fought.

we are borrowing money right now for what the bigger govt is attempting to do. while he will have to raise taxes sooner or later but overall not really at present.

the current isreali embassy is in miami. where is ours in isreal?
Taxes will rise next year.
Obama delayed the moved as others before him.

AFP Published: 06.06.09, 07:55 / Israel News

US President Barack Obama delayed for six months moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the White House said on Friday, a bureaucratic ritual that exemplifies the controversial aspect of the city's status.

Ever since a law was passed in 1995 ordering the transfer of the US embassy from Tel Aviv – where other foreign embassies are located – to Jerusalem, US presidents have routinely delayed the move.

I expect it to be moved as part of a agreement for peace
But this verse is what tells me the embassy will be moved there.

Daniel 11;45
And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain;yet he shall come to his end,and none shall help him.

The tabernacle (embassy)of his palace(white house) between the seas in the glorious holy mountain(Jerusalem).
then why does the majority of biblical scholars believe that most of daniel as a prophetic book has come to pass. that verse was fulfilled as the king of the north is called the selucid empire and the king of south is called the ptolemaic empire and the raiser of taxes.

heres the problem clinton too raises taxes , so did bush sr and so what you will you then say when the obama doesnt do that? as the election just shifted against his policies.

its not going to be easy for him to raise taxes as the republicans have gained such a strong hold.
then why does the majority of biblical scholars believe that most of daniel as a prophetic book has come to pass. that verse was fulfilled as the king of the north is called the selucid empire and the king of south is called the ptolemaic empire and the raiser of taxes.

heres the problem clinton too raises taxes , so did bush sr and so what you will you then say when the obama doesnt do that? as the election just shifted against his policies.

its not going to be easy for him to raise taxes as the republicans have gained such a strong hold.

Theres alot more to this chapter than raising taxes.There are wars too Jason.Ive been watching prophecies come to pass one after another for a long time now.
I dont know why many scholars believe the time of end the was during the selucid empire.
I cant tell you what they believe but I can tell you what I know.The time of the end hasnt come yet.

The resurrection happens at the time this man of sin(in 11;45) is destroyed.
Daniel 12;1-2
And at that time shall Michael stand up,the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people;and there shall be a time of great trouble,such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time;and at that time thy people shall be deliverd,every one that shall be found written in the book.
And many of thenm that speep in the dist of the earth shall awake,some to everlasting life,and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

Those scholars claim that at that time of the selucid empire Jesus came and raised the dead?
It does say AT THAT TIME.
many beilieve that the future event in parts are done as the man antiochius ephinies theo the fourth fits that man mentioned and also other things in the events of the time of christ that alludes too.

and 70 ad.

heres the problem the king of the north are we actually north of isreal?

no we arent no matter which way you cut that we are not geographically north of isreal.

east yes and maybe a east by north direction at the most.

i find it odd that you protest the embassy with isreal when china should be the one that gets more condemnation as they force christians underground and does isreal currently do this?

are there not christian arabs living in isreal and what of them are they in a plight for help?
many beilieve that the future event in parts are done as the man antiochius ephinies theo the fourth fits that man mentioned and also other things in the events of the time of christ that alludes too.

and 70 ad.

heres the problem the king of the north are we actually north of isreal?

no we arent no matter which way you cut that we are not geographically north of isreal.

east yes and maybe a east by north direction at the most.

i find it odd that you protest the embassy with isreal when china should be the one that gets more condemnation as they force christians underground and does isreal currently do this?

are there not christian arabs living in isreal and what of them are they in a plight for help?

Why are you changing your story around?First you say these prophecies were forfilled long ago ,now you say the king of the north is china.
Since you already stated the first.Tell us when the dead were raised.If you are only wanting to argue for the sake of argueing (which is what it now appears),then im not interested.
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What will be America's role in the end times?

I imagine a board like this would have very many opposing views.

From my understanding, the Bible gives no mention of America when speaking of the end times, which means most theories would forever remain theories.

Nonetheless, I'm interested to hear what the Christian Brethren have to say about this.


The Lords.The USA is the king of the north.
If you want proof then I'll show you in private.
Id rather not put it all on here and end up argueing an endless debate with someone who only listens to scholars and not the prophets.
Why are you changing your story around?First you say these prophecies were forfilled long ago ,now you say the king of the north is china.
Since you already stated the first.Tell us when the dead were raised.If you are only wanting to argue for the sake of argueing (which is what it now appears),then im not interested.

and that link calls the king of north i think the rcc or rome.
no, did I specifically say that china was the king of north? no instead i said that china is more of perscuter of christians then isreal has been since its inception.

has isreal put millions to death? no but we trade with china yet i use that as a point to show how silly your position that it is to say that the u.s should withdrawal all alliance with the nation of isreal and yet keep mum about the the human rights violations of the china current and past

and I said parts of it not all to correct you and like all books in the future tense one should look to revalation

revalation is erely silent on that war. i mean it describes the battle of har meggido and who is the savior of isreal.

i dont hold your position as one veteran said that isreal cant be the beast since the beast is the antichrist that is clearly stated in revalation, daniel and first john.

the u.s. isnt mentioned by name at all in fact theres no mention elsewhere of the king of the north.

and this link calls the king of north the antichrist, so which is it? america is the anti-christ to you?

it would have to be.
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Who is the King of the North?

another one from the rcc that says that u.s. maybe alluded to as the western kingdom that is mentioned in daniel.

you also didnt mention the king of south? who are they to you? and why is it with that only christian is isreal need fear the death when the bible says the whole world followed the beast.