I will maintain that a first look at end time should include at a minimum, an honest/truthful and scriptural look
within our respective temples.
My own hopes in these matters will revolve around the reality that is presented in Word, the ending of corruption, weakness, dishonour and the natural body.
This is in effect the END RESULT of the END TIME...
Our 'mutual' HOPES for the passing of these matters and the passing INTO the Promises of God in Jesus Christ. At the least
I would HOPE that my hope is the same as YOUR HOPE in this direction.
That is A FAIR TARGET for everyone who believes.
I might even say that same HOPE exists in ALL people, if they have had a taste of present realities.
We as believers FACTUALLY AWAIT this TARGET do we not?
Any who claims they have NOW ACHIEVED is a common fabricator of fantasy aka a common 4 letter word.
Paul dispels the notion of present eradication of FACTS.
As long as we are in our FLESH TEMPLE, we are in fact bound and also SOWN into the realities of our present condition.
IF we see OUR BODIES as the Temple, which we should, then we should also see THE TRUTH of that present TEMPLE. This is a FAIR LOOK, an 'individual' and 'personal' look.
IF you find no relevance to the FACTS, you are again in the WRONG THREAD.
I really am interested in TRUTH and in being IN TRUTH as the scriptures have shown me. Aren't you?
Here is what Paul has advised on the matters of BINDING of the present/TRANSITIONAL Temple(s.) Some will RIPPLE at this matter, but I have found this to be 'universally TRUE' for ALL temples of mankind as a present reality.
Therefore THE SCRIPTURE herein is FULLY TRUE and FULLY APPLICABLE. I do not consider it subject to alterations or eradications via contextualizations:
Romans 11:32
God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.
So, I sez to my own 'temple' if this IS TRUE, which obviously it is TO ME personally, then I am in fact IN NEED of what GOD HAS for my temple.
In order to understand MY NEED for His Mercy, I might seem to have to admit the present facts of what happened in my own TEMPLE.
And I might say that I am not all that concerned about the temples of other people or nations IF this is a fact.
The fact is, it is, TO ME, a present reality.
Those who have NO disobedience in their temple are NOT in need of what God Has for them. They can claim 'self' sufficiency, but there is a greater creation made BY GOD in such temples in whom THIS TRUTH comes to be known.
Yes, I have found, fostered in me BY THE TRUTH OF GOD a very strong desire for the THINGS THAT ARE HIS...
ETERNAL MERCY from Him, unto myself.