[FONT="]Yeah he sounds all deep and spiritual and he knows the religious jargon. But he is totally wrapped up in symbolic interpretation of scripture. Some scripture is symbolic but when you turn everything into symbols then your lead into confusion.
Symbolism is MANDATORY when trying to 'perceive' the workings of DEVILS, SATAN and anti-Christ spirits. These can NOT be seen any other way than by the avenue of SCRIPTURE that has 'defined' things that ARE NOT SEEN.
Anyone who can NOT look that direction is wasting their time looking EXTERNALLY or NON-symbolically.
The ENTIRETY of scripture is DIVIDED along ONE SIMPLE LINE.
Mankind on one side
INVISIBLE powers on the other
This is the simplicity of WORD DIVISION. To see MAN without the INVISIBLE powers from the text is not only impossible, it is forced IGNORANCE by those POWERS.
2 Corinthians 4:4
In whom
the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of
God, should shine unto them.
That god is not going to come a marchin' down the street so you CAN SEE him. But you can be fully assured that his existence is SHOWN in the text and for those who are led there, they are ARMED.
IF believers are NOT led to see these facts, then GOD has other intentions for them and such intentions INCLUDE BLINDNESS. There is then nothing that can be done to thwart Gods Will for such blindness. It is in effect GOD dealing with the BLINDING POWER upon such people, and not the people themselves, even if they are BELIEVERS.
The fact that we all see in part is a TESTIMONY to the veracity of SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS. God is in fact RAISING THE BAR on these entities every day in PREPARATION
for their FINAL DESTRUCTION. And all of you who look around scratching your head and BLAMING MAN AND NATIONS don't even KNOW what is going on.
Romans 7:13
Did that which is good, then, become death to me? By no means! But in order that sin might be recognized as sin, it produced death in me through what was good,
so that through the commandment
sin might become utterly sinful.
Only God knows when THE CUP OF HIS WRATH WILL BE FULL...but there are MARKERS in the text to SHOW how this will be directed and transpire...WHICH HAVE about ZERO to do with most of your guessworks.