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Angels and Aliens... The Great Deception

So, this isn't exactly a doctrine by definition, but this was the closest place I could find to post this. (This is my first post here as I am new, so be gentle.) I was wondering what everyone's stance is on the existence of "aliens" actually being angels. There are several stories, cave drawings, etc. out there from several ancient civilizations depicting visitors from the stars and even modern day stories of people seeing "aliens". The bible does talk about the sons of God coming down and taking the daughters of men to create a giant race back in Genesis and Jude also mentions that some of the angels did not keep their original eternal dwelling. Do you think that these sightings both then and now could be deception from the fallen angels? Are they one and the same? Do you think this will have anything to do with the great deception before the day of the Lord's coming? Thanks for any input that you all may have on the matter!
Hi Justin and you're so welcome here at I personally don't believe we have aliens among us, or ever did. There are many Christian doctrines to explain the incidences you bring up in scripture, but I'm interested in hearing ideas from our membership. May God bless you here in our fellowship in Jesus' name.
Hi Justin, welcome to the greatest Christian Forum. I'm glad you found us. Make yourself right at home.

There are tthree schools of thought on this subject of aliens. 1. That there was a race of humans that God had created before our creation. It is called the "Gap Theory" and they created Easter Island, pyramids, and other unexplained phenomena. 2. They are fallen angels trying to confuse humans. 3. The military from USA or other Countries maneuvers.

Personally, it's a mystery to me. We do live in the last days IMO before Christ returns, so anything odd could be part of this time....Sorry, I don't think that there is a rational explanation to your very good question. It certainly has sparked a lot of interest over the years.
The CE4 Research Group

This group of people show connections to alien activity and demonic activity and have many accounts of people getting visits from aliens calling on the name of Jesus and the aliens would stop the attack and prevent the abduction.
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Deut 4:19 "And beware not to lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and be drawn away and worship them and serve them, those which the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.

We can take this as not worshiping the stars, moon and sun or maybe God is warning us to not pay any mind to them?

Gen 1:16 God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also.

Here it talks about the sun and the moon giving us light and includes the stars. I would say this is what God intended them for.

Satan is also the great deceiver and will do anything he can to keep us from our focus with God.
So, this isn't exactly a doctrine by definition, but this was the closest place I could find to post this. (This is my first post here as I am new, so be gentle.) I was wondering what everyone's stance is on the existence of "aliens" actually being angels. There are several stories, cave drawings, etc. out there from several ancient civilizations depicting visitors from the stars and even modern day stories of people seeing "aliens". The bible does talk about the sons of God coming down and taking the daughters of men to create a giant race back in Genesis and Jude also mentions that some of the angels did not keep their original eternal dwelling. Do you think that these sightings both then and now could be deception from the fallen angels? Are they one and the same? Do you think this will have anything to do with the great deception before the day of the Lord's coming? Thanks for any input that you all may have on the matter!

Yes, Yes and Yes!

Aliens are fallen angels/demons.

Satan is preparing the people of the world to accept him and his army of evil spirits as something other than what they really are, when they cast cast down and confined to the earth.

So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Revelation 12:9

Please understand that this event is associated with the time frame of the Great Tribulation, which is 3 1/2 years.

But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.
Revelation 12:14

Well now this is an interesting question.....

We as Christians I believe have always seen the angels as different from what the modern world calls aliens, however really they are kind of similar. However we have the issue of good and bad angels/aliens well perhaps there are also good and bad aliens....

There was a man who conducted dark rituals in England a few hundred years ago...i cant quite remember his name, but I can dig that up tomorrow when I have more time.

anyways, this man was working from a command given to him by the English royalty. His job was to dictate these rituals l, and report his findings. Needless to say, the English kingship reported that he encountered angels during his experiments. People believed it at the time...until we found the journal of the man conducting the rituals...the man reported in his journal that he was visited by these strange looking beings (he provided a sketch that looks like our modern day alien). These beings told him they were angels, and at first, he believed them. Over the passage of many days and rituals, the journals became much more...interesting. The man said that he felt as if these beings were not telling the truth. That they were trying to manipulate him into conducting evil acts. He even reported them as slowly changing figure into a much more monstrous appearance as there intentions were starting to show. Needless to say. He stopped the rituals. But I think he left us with important lessons and insight.

Fallen angels, demons, or whatever you want to call them. They are evil and dangerous. They will trick many into thinking they are something they are not, including Aliens. The bible warns us about these beings tricking us into believing they are angels of light.

I think scientology will play a role in the end time. Christians will be raptured, and you will have scientologists saying we were abducted. The sad part is, people will believe them.
There was a man who conducted dark rituals in England a few hundred years ago...i cant quite remember his name, but I can dig that up tomorrow when I have more time.

anyways, this man was working from a command given to him by the English royalty. His job was to dictate these rituals l, and report his findings. Needless to say, the English kingship reported that he encountered angels during his experiments. People believed it at the time...until we found the journal of the man conducting the rituals...the man reported in his journal that he was visited by these strange looking beings (he provided a sketch that looks like our modern day alien). These beings told him they were angels, and at first, he believed them. Over the passage of many days and rituals, the journals became much more...interesting. The man said that he felt as if these beings were not telling the truth. That they were trying to manipulate him into conducting evil acts. He even reported them as slowly changing figure into a much more monstrous appearance as there intentions were starting to show. Needless to say. He stopped the rituals. But I think he left us with important lessons and insight.

Fallen angels, demons, or whatever you want to call them. They are evil and dangerous. They will trick many into thinking they are something they are not, including Aliens. The bible warns us about these beings tricking us into believing they are angels of light.

I think scientology will play a role in the end time. Christians will be raptured, and you will have scientologists saying we were abducted. The sad part is, people will believe them.

The resurrection of the dead takes place before the Rapture Brother.

God Bless and thanks for sharing.

The resurrection of the dead takes place before the Rapture Brother.
Hi Brother JLB, are you talking of 1Thes 4:16? For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
I think of this as part of the rapture. :shrug
Hi Brother JLB, are you talking of 1Thes 4:16? For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
I think of this as part of the rapture. :shrug

Yes sir, the Rapture happens after the resurrection on the last Day, and is part of the Gathering of the Lord.

It's hard to imagine how anyone could conceive that 7 years before the last Day, is somehow the Last Day, even with the "new" math they are using.

Yes sir, the Rapture happens after the resurrection on the last Day, and is part of the Gathering of the Lord.

It's hard to imagine how anyone could conceive that 7 years before the last Day, is somehow the Last Day, even with the "new" math they are using.

Okay, I'll bite. Please take me through your thinking on this. I may conceive many things wrong. Thanks.
Okay, I'll bite. Please take me through your thinking on this. I may conceive many things wrong. Thanks.

For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-5:4

The Rapture is part of the Resurrection.

The Rapture comes after the Resurrection.

The Day of the Lord is when Jesus Christ returns to Gather his people at the Resurrection on the last Day.

And then He will send His angels, and gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven. Mark 13:27

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The Day of the Lord is the Last Day!
How can that be so? Rev 1:10 I (John) was in the Spirit on the Lord's day. There is much that occurs after that day to John as he is given three viewpoints from that time. Rev 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are (at the Lord's Day), and the things which shall be hereafter.
So, this isn't exactly a doctrine by definition, but this was the closest place I could find to post this. (This is my first post here as I am new, so be gentle.) I was wondering what everyone's stance is on the existence of "aliens" actually being angels. There are several stories, cave drawings, etc. out there from several ancient civilizations depicting visitors from the stars and even modern day stories of people seeing "aliens". The bible does talk about the sons of God coming down and taking the daughters of men to create a giant race back in Genesis and Jude also mentions that some of the angels did not keep their original eternal dwelling. Do you think that these sightings both then and now could be deception from the fallen angels? Are they one and the same? Do you think this will have anything to do with the great deception before the day of the Lord's coming? Thanks for any input that you all may have on the matter!

Late coming to this thread. I hope my late reply to the first post does not break up the continuity too much. I Haven't read the whole thread yet, but don't really need to for my purpose of a response. Anyway, Justin, welcome, and I must say, I like how you think. Very open minded in a world of deception. I too think along these lines and do tend to believe the Angel view of Genesis 6. Somehow, I don't think that aliens are fallen Angels, but rather the spirits of the nephilim. Demons and evil spirits if you will. It is indeed a plan of deception in the making for a long time. In scripture we see that many spirits are seeking embodiment, they want to possess people.

If we think back to every alien abduction story that we've ever heard about, what are they doing with the people? They play with their reproductive systems. Sometimes plant fetuses into women, only to retrieve them later. For what purpose? To possess? To increase their numbers? Keep in mind that when the angels fell from heaven, 1/3 of the angels went with them. They're outnumbered. Then we have cattle mutilations and stuff like that. Where the blood and certain organs are surgically removed. For what purpose? Same thing I think. genetic development material for making (alien) bodies which they can inhabit and play out the deception. They would be stupid to do this as giants in today's world, because they would shake everyone up and people would realize the truth of scripture and turn to God! So they're making these benign little alien bodies which are small and frail looking so that people will not be intimidated.

So there's your great deception in a nutshell. The existence of aliens suports the Darwinian theory and points man away from God. One red flag...we never hear about alien ships being seen 'way out there' only right around earth and the moon. Why is that? are they not inter-galactical? So why doesn't hubble beam pics back of ships headed this way? lol. Because they're hyper-dimensional and not inter-galactical, that's why.

Aliens are demonic, liars and evil. Remember that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is authority over them.
Have you ever heard of a hard core Christian being abducted? LOL, I wonder why?
Awhile back I got up with some folks on youtube that talked about the chemtrail planes being something to do with fallen angels, if not fallen angels themselves. These are very deceptive people. They can say Annunaki and God Bless in the same sentence. I got caught up in it awhile then I realized it didnt matter. Its just a distraction if anything. It has nothing to do with faith in Jesus Christ. They could be spraying water vapor for all we know. Its all stuff to get you off the narrow path. Aka the devil saying "don't look at jesus, look at me".