Beza: I would say this to you and others, man does not have "an immortal soul" that is alive after death, possessing all the senses so that it can be immediately enjoying the joys of heaven, or suffering in a firey hell.
The idea of an immortal soul is from pagan philosophy, primarily Plato.
Unfortunately, that doctrine became predominate in Western Christianity through Augustine and the Roman Catholic Church. Why? Because they reasoned that if the rightous would gain eternal bliss, than the wicked must have eternal doom and punishment. And that because the true meaning of aionios in the Greek, was, due to the Latin translation "eternum", believed to mean "eternal" instead of "age lasting".
I appeal to you, look to the Scriptures for the truth. Starting with Gen.2:7
"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and man became
a living soul."
Notice, Man Became a Living Soul. A soul didn't enter his body. And "soul" is not the same as "spirit".
The spirit of life is related to the nostrils through which we breathe. See Gen.7:22 "All in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life..." etc.
Soul (nephesh, Hebrew) (psyche, Greek) has to do with our feelings, sensations, desires, consciousness, etc. Thus, all creatures living on the sensate level are called "soul creatures".
As for man, the Scriptures relate knowledge, memory, thought, love, joy, delight, bitterness, distress, impatience, mourning, sorrow, grief, abhorrence
and hatred to the soul.
So, why am I pointing this out? To show from the Scriptures that when man dies he ceases to exist, except in the mind of God; and the cure for death is resurrection: whether the Church/Body of Christ at the rapture, the kingdom saints at the beginning of the Millennium, or those judged at the Great White Throne.
And will the God of the universe, the omnipotent, all powerful one, who is short in anger but long suffering because of His infinite love and grace, lose any of his created children by eliminating them? I say no. Through Christ, every enemy in the universe will someday be reconciled to God, as is stated in Col.1:19 and other places.
God bless. Bick