Anyone interested in talking with a "New" Christian

A appreciate everyone's answers
I do feel a little overwhelmed about this journey and I'm yet to start with the Bible, apart from bits and stories read online
I'm a little conflicted but I guess it's just the part on the journey
Stumbling upon the video about mark of the beast really freaked me out im currently really set up on theories about that
God bless
Try and websites. Theyre pretty doctrinally sound.
Yeah, I also share this opinion
My problem is that there os so many misinformation as well as distracting theories pulling me away or perhaps blocking me from learning the right way

May I suggest that you do a search of the churches in your town to see what they practice as well as what they preach.
Here in the UK as well as in the USA churches have Web sites and on line services. I don't know whether that happens in Belgrade.
You need a church of like minded believers who can help you in your journey.