Why are witches often seen with cats but not dogs ? .. Are cats demonic ? :devil
Dogs seem to have acute sensitivity to the presense of evil. Does this mean that dogs are better pets for Christians than cats ? It makes sense that dogs make better companions since they can sense the presence of evil and can protect owners. Or are there other pets that are more suitable for Christians ?
Is this why cats and dogs cannot get along ? ..... :scared ...... :fight
Anyone ever wondered why God created creatures with certain unique gifts and qualities ? ...
Why are witches often seen with cats but not dogs ? .. Are cats demonic ? :devil
Dogs seem to have acute sensitivity to the presense of evil. Does this mean that dogs are better pets for Christians than cats ? It makes sense that dogs make better companions since they can sense the presence of evil and can protect owners. Or are there other pets that are more suitable for Christians ?
Is this why cats and dogs cannot get along ? ..... :scared ...... :fight
Anyone ever wondered why God created creatures with certain unique gifts and qualities ? ...