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Are UFOs Satanic?

No idea what technology they have? Don't dare them! UFOs have gone beyond YoctoChips technology

You guy's are joking of course. But it would be nothing to build such a ship. Solar powered to a round mostly flat 15 or 30 ft. dia. body of alumium metal. Then add about 30 t0 40? solar electric motors that are installed around the outside of it & opperated like a cars universal joint, that can all rotate in unity up, down or side ways at any degree.

Do you remember few years back when USA were experimenting with an huge rope/type light in the heaven's? (I forget what they called it)

But surely this should not supprise anyone if Japan, China or the USA have this type of flying machine. They kept in wraps the stelth/bomber for a number of years. And God has prepared us by telling us that satan would make fire come down from heaven. (and Rev. does talk of going from Lamb/like to dragon?) And surely it takes Church State to bring on 666.

You guy's work your computors & this you think is from satan? (at least miracle/wise as little 'somethings' from another planet??:shame)

You guy's are joking of course. But it would be nothing to build such a ship. Solar powered to a round mostly flat 15 or 30 ft. dia. body of alumium metal. Then add about 30 t0 40? solar electric motors that are installed around the outside of it & opperated like a cars universal joint, that can all rotate in unity up, down or side ways at any degree.

Do you remember few years back when USA were experimenting with an huge rope/type light in the heaven's? (I forget what they called it)

But surely this should not supprise anyone if Japan, China or the USA have this type of flying machine. They kept in wraps the stelth/bomber for a number of years. And God has prepared us by telling us that satan would make fire come down from heaven. (and Rev. does talk of going from Lamb/like to dragon?) And surely it takes Church State to bring on 666.

You guy's work your computors & this you think is from satan? (at least miracle/wise as little 'somethings' from another planet??:shame)


You make me laugh, Elijah. I like your respose (thouhg I was kidding:))

We have a God who has gone beyond such a technology:D

(If UFOs exist, and are supernatural beings, then, they can build anything. Hasn't man already tried - building all these invisible or almost invisible stuff?)
Indeed. However none of those things would fundamentally alter the belief system of the planet. Demolish any belief in God, and lead to global government based on humanism.
It wouldn't demolish my belief in God. In fact it would be rather tangential to the whole the issue imo. I could meet ET tomorrow and the issue of my salvation and God would still be equally important to me. Maybe more so because I might not have long to live if ET wants to kill me lol. Things of this world can't make up for God. Lots of discoveries cause people to change beliefs too. If it's in the direction of closer a resemblance to reality I don't see it as a problem.

You see if Alien life was an everyday part of existence, it would be mentioned. Simply adding an "s" on the end of earth in Genesis 1:1...would have been at least some indication. Now God knowing the future and that these guys would appear, would simply have said "oh by the way you have space brothers, they will come into your room at night, kidnap you and do experiments on you"
I can understand why a person might make that assumption. I don't see the logic behind it as airtight though. To me that seems to be a guess on your part regarding what God "would do" if he thought in the manner you do . At best it's an educated guess.
It wouldn't demolish my belief in God. In fact it would be rather tangential to the whole the issue imo. I could meet ET tomorrow and the issue of my salvation and God would still be equally important to me. Maybe more so because I might not have long to live if ET wants to kill me lol. Things of this world can't make up for God. Lots of discoveries cause people to change beliefs too. If it's in the direction of closer a resemblance to reality I don't see it as a problem.
I watched a documentary on UFOs last night called UFO UK, it stated that Winston Churchill believed that UFOs would "destroy belief in God and demolish established religion" therefore he kept it a secret. Now I paraphrased that statement. However you could google it and find the exact quote. Whether he said it or not, its synonymous in the UFO community that presence of aliens=absence of God. Whether or not it should cause disbelief, its being manipulated to CAUSE such a reaction. Whether or not the majority of true christians will no longer believe in God is not what matters, its what the rest of the population believes. They will have good reason to deal with the problem of all these nutcase Christians who suddenly are a political and social issue. Who in the presence of our space brothers are still deluded, and are holding back our progress.

I can understand why a person might make that assumption. I don't see the logic behind it as airtight though. To me that seems to be a guess on your part regarding what God "would do" if he thought in the manner you do . At best it's an educated guess.

Evolution is not in the bible, and thus is used against christians as evidence of how stupid our faith is. Use the bible as the foundation of our entire belief system, and suddenly aliens become fallen angels. At least thats how I see it. If God is real, that means reality is based around him! Everything we see in the world, every event..has something to do with God.
I watched a documentary on UFOs last night called UFO UK, it stated that Winston Churchill believed that UFOs would "destroy belief in God and demolish established religion" therefore he kept it a secret.

The reality or lack thereof of aliens isn't determined by how "beneficial" the acceptance of the reality itself would be though. They either exist or they don't. If they do then Christians will find a way to make room for this new discovery. If they don't then they wont need too.

Evolution is not in the bible

I agree. Evolution is a scientific theory. You wont find many scientific theories in the bible and the few that you do find are included more for their symbolic usefulness (pointing to higher realities using earthly metaphors) rather than simply to point out some scientific fact.

Evolution is not in the bible and thus is used against christians as evidence of how stupid our faith is.

I have an easy answer to them though. I just say "so what?". I don't expect the Bible to be a science textbook it's intent is to teach things that are spiritually and eternally true rather than the nuts and bolts of physical processes imo. The world already has enough science books. They don't give answers to the deep questions of life. They are just studies of the realm of appearances and not the realm of meaning that the Bible speaks too.

Use the bible as the foundation of our entire belief system, and suddenly aliens become fallen angels. At least thats how I see it.

I think it's possible that fallen angels could be interpreted as aliens by people now a days. Aliens (rather than angels or demons) better fit the common scientific mythology of our age. That doesn't mean real flesh and blood aliens might not exist too though. I'm more on the skeptical side myself but I'm not completely close minded to the possibility. It's ok to not know for sure imo. Better to admit ignorance then to have a premature and groundless certainty.
Re: Are UFOs Satanic?
Originally Posted by Elijah674
You guy's are joking of course. But it would be nothing to build such a ship. Solar powered to a round mostly flat 15 or 30 ft. dia. body of alumium metal. Then add about 30 t0 40? solar electric motors that are installed around the outside of it & opperated like a cars universal joint, that can all rotate in unity up, down or side ways at any degree.

Do you remember few years back when USA were experimenting with an huge rope/type light in the heaven's? (I forget what they called it)

But surely this should not supprise anyone if Japan, China or the USA have this type of flying machine. They kept in wraps the stelth/bomber for a number of years. And God has prepared us by telling us that satan would make fire come down from heaven. (and Rev. does talk of going from Lamb/like to dragon?) And surely it takes Church State to bring on 666.

You guy's work your computors & this you think is from satan? (at least miracle/wise as little 'somethings' from another planet??:shame)


One dear alive soul says:

You make me laugh, Elijah. I like your respose (thouhg I was kidding:))

We have a God who has gone beyond such a technology:D

(If UFOs exist, and are supernatural beings, then, they can build anything. Hasn't man already tried - building all these invisible or almost invisible stuff?)

Me again: But dear one, 2 Thess. 2:7-10 finds much of the 'all power and signs and lying wonders' in store for us before Christ comes back, huh?

So why not have a 'patened USA' UFO bringing the man of sin into the United Nations home? Or.. will it be the Roman one seating himself in Israel, and coming in by WORLD WITNESED UFO + Satalite:thumbsup

Almost every that flys is a UFO to me i can't identify any of em!

EXCEPT for Rocky now where o where is Bullwinkle

Bet he is over there spooning nestles quick.........
You've not heard? There is the 'Mosqucariea Meta slimymingaepheles'

The particular specie (considering the higher registers) lives in the Bungalosvile of the hintoMediteran Pacificiþò. They are particularly classified under the hintubuntaëlongitus of Northern Sumumbuladum near Argentina. Check here for the strogipedia.go
Do you remember few years back when USA were experimenting with an huge rope/type light in the heaven's? (I forget what they called it)
That was in July of 1992 and February of 1996, it was a test of the "Tethered Satellite System", and it was a failure. (Yes, I know - on many levels, it was a valid experiment, and in a way experiments can't "fail" they can only provide answers, but the biggest answer we got was: "This is not working at all like we planned".)

There was a lot of baloney about it being attacked by a UFO (total nonsense), it was simply an experiment to see how such a system could be used to deploy satellites, test the system's ability to handle the electrical influences of the ionosphere on space tethers, etc.

The reason we've heard so little about it, is that it just didn't work. For this reason (and others) the idea of a "space elevator" is probably the very stupid idea I always thought it was.

But surely this should not supprise anyone if Japan, China or the USA have this type of flying machine. They kept in wraps the stelth/bomber for a number of years.
Agreed. Many UFOs have, indeed, turned out to be military stuff. The B-117 was seen several times before they admitted it existed, it looked like (and still does!) a delta or wedge shaped spacecraft.

UFOs can't be from other worlds, as interstellar travel is science fiction (and always will be.)

And God has prepared us by telling us that satan would make fire come down from heaven. (and Rev. does talk of going from Lamb/like to dragon?) And surely it takes Church State to bring on 666.
Again, I can see UFOs being a demonic or satanic trick before I could see them being spacecrafts from other worlds. But at this point, I don't even see them as satanic at all. Many UFOs are conventional aircraft that are mistaken for spacecraft.
That was in July of 1992 and February of 1996, it was a test of the "Tethered Satellite System", and it was a failure. (Yes, I know - on many levels, it was a valid experiment, and in a way experiments can't "fail" they can only provide answers, but the biggest answer we got was: "This is not working at all like we planned".)

There was a lot of baloney about it being attacked by a UFO (total nonsense), it was simply an experiment to see how such a system could be used to deploy satellites, test the system's ability to handle the electrical influences of the ionosphere on space tethers, etc.

The reason we've heard so little about it, is that it just didn't work. For this reason (and others) the idea of a "space elevator" is probably the very stupid idea I always thought it was.

Agreed. Many UFOs have, indeed, turned out to be military stuff. The B-117 was seen several times before they admitted it existed, it looked like (and still does!) a delta or wedge shaped spacecraft.

UFOs can't be from other worlds, as interstellar travel is science fiction (and always will be.)

Again, I can see UFOs being a demonic or satanic trick before I could see them being spacecrafts from other worlds. But at this point, I don't even see them as satanic at all. Many UFOs are conventional aircraft that are mistaken for spacecraft.

Very good. I agree with no little/men outer space stuff. And you give what I had read.
That was in July of 1992 and February of 1996, it was a test of the "Tethered Satellite System", and it was a failure.'
My thinking is that USA gave this up?? (end quote)

('i' doubt that) It brings to my mind to much Bible prophecy!
Rev. 13
[11] And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

(Beast are Governments, Dan. 7. Out of the Earth means not populated, and Lamb to dragon is from freedom to forced stuff. Church/State ='s 666 to where we are heading in time)

[12] And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
[13] And he doeth great wonders,[[so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men]],
[14] And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

Surely we know that USA have secrets that we know nothing of. And a forced worship prophesied?? surely as you again say... 'The B-117 was seen several times before they admitted it existed, it looked like (and still does!) a delta or wedge shaped spacecraft.'

Church/State Worship?? Rom. 13 will be worn out before it is all over with. (as 'i' see it)

But with our 'thinking God given BRAINS,:thumbsup who doesn't know that the two of us could build a 1st class space ship? (yea, I know, most do not even know what the ball/joint of a drive shaft looks like.:wink3 )

UFO's are not satanic, because whoever or whatever they are, they're a part of the creation, just as we are, and they probably possess a soul like our own, which may give support when Jesus said in (John 14:2). In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

We are limited in our knowledge because we are presently living in a tangible world, where the reality of life is the intangible, where spirits operate.
UFO's are not satanic, because whoever or whatever they are, they're a part of the creation, just as we are, and they probably possess a soul like our own...
Lights in the sky have a soul? A military aircraft mistaken for an alien spaceship has a soul? HUH?
Are UFOs Satanic?

There are some "Christians" which believe that UFOs are Satanic. I see in Jude 6 that the fallen angels are presently imprisoned, waiting for Judgement day. And in Isaiah 14:12 and Ezekiel 28: 17 we see that Satan has been cast down to "earth". So where are the scriptures which state that UFOs are Satanic?

Allien spacecrafts and all ...i don't even know if their real, so i can't say if they're satanic or what