If the Holy Spirit is directing each individual by reading the bible, then that leaves us with a most disheartening picture of the Spirit of God, for the Spirit of Truth is at work spreading confusion and discord throughout the world. This Holy Spirit appears to be sabotaging the prayer of Jesus found in John 17 that His Church be one with Jesus as Jesus and His Father are One.
Is the Holy Spirit really infected with the cancer of division as your theology is seen to have?
The greatest misconception and error in the Protestant Reformation is that Christianity is essentially a faith that one can individually interpret and apply as one pleases. Burgerkingism IMHO or have Jesus your own way christianity. To the Protestant Reformation the myriad of protestant Christian denominations rather than being a sign that something is dreadfully wrong in protestant Christendom, instead testifies to the error that there are many paths to Jesus Christ. In the Protestant Reformation it is perfectly obvious that a person is free to choose whatever path suits his or her personal needs, desires and passions. In the Protestant Reformation if one doesn’t like a specific path or the true path of the Church, one can create his own with no consiquences or accounability.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105
The Lamp is the Holy Scripture yes but to a person in the Protestant Reformation the PATH is what they personally make it in thier own personal relationship with "jesus". This is simple error. The path in this verse is that of the Church.
The Protestant Reformation can never lead to true unity in the Church as Jesus prayed for because each individual creates his own set of tradition and worship standards apart from the God ordained standards set by Jesus Christ in His Church. The varied, non-traditional forms of worship found in the Protestant Reformation divides Christianity.
If “believers†cannot without reservation unite their hearts in worship to God, can they ever be one with each other?
If the Protestant Reformation cannot be of one mind and one faith with each other then can they really be one with God? I submit the answer is no.
Unity in diversity makes God pluralism and divides the body. Diversity in the Protestant Reformation's worship can only be the product of self directed, self concerned individualism and the multiplied thousands of individualized denominations prove this point.
The way of a fool is right in his OWN EYES: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. Proverbs 12:15.
Leaning on ones own understanding and trusting ones own heart is EVIL according to the bible, Proverbs 3:5,7, 2 Peter 2:2.
We are told that there is no personalized interpretation of the Scripture 2 Peter 1:20, yet each individual protestant seems to do just that lean on their own understanding and self interpretation of the Scripture.
If we are not to lean on our own understanding then where are we to lean?
Surely we cannot lean on the bible that tells us we cannot interpret it our own way. So where does a Christian go to seek counsel and get wisdom?
Is not the Church the “pillar and ground of truth†according to scripture?
Is the Church not the fountainhead of all truth that we are to drink from that does not require our own understanding ?
Christians need the authority, counsel, accountability and wisdom found in The Church, the Body of Jesus Christ. Anything less is play acting christianity.
Unworthy Servant