Thanks for re-opening the tread Rick.
Rick W said:
Brokendoll said:
This of course gets a little ironic when the people who deny science ...
I don't see anyone denying science here. What I see is opposition to the
conclusions made by people, humans.
My reasoning on this one is fairly simple.
1. Some people have a litteral, perhaps YEC interpretation of the scripture.
2. The scientific evidence and conclusions does not in any way support this notion, but rather, on several vital points, flies in the face of it.
3. In order to maintain the litteral view one must then logically deny science.
Note here that science does not in any way maintain or claim that there is no god. It merely does not concern itself with the subject because the existence of a god is not a falsifiable hypothesis, something which is required in science.
Rick W said:
"Science" is not an entity of it's own. Science makes no conclusions. How can it? It exists only in the minds of men. Science is the tool used to gather data. That's all.
Science is a method of inquiry, and as such it is, on many levels, a way of looking at the world. It has, as I've stated, shown its effectiveness and power of achievement many a time, and modern society as it is today would have been impossible without it.
The way I see it is; you either trust the method or you don't. You don't get to cherry-pick those results that you like and disregard those that you do not. If you do, then you are no longer thinking scientifically.
And if someone do not trust the method, then why are they so eager to parttake in the goods and convenient advantages brought about by science? It is my firm position that YECs should not take airplanes, drive cars, use cellphones and computers and so on. At least if they consider themselves consistent in their convictions.
Rick W said:
The theory of evolution is simply an exercise in the science of forensics. No more, no less. One begins with an assumption, uses science to seek and gather the data to support that assumption. Men make the conclusions based on the data they find to support their case.
If this is true about the Theory of Evolution, then it is also true about most of the science we do. Sub-atomic particles cannot be directly observed, and for many years, neither could bacteria and viruses. Equal examples could be found in any branch of science.
But then again, I do not see Evolution as an exercise in forensics. Many of its effects can and has been directly observed, including speciation, as I've explained in a different tread.