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[ Testimony ] Asked and ANSWERED! Don't tell me the age of miracles is over!


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All these miracles got to be known because Jesus said John 14:11 "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves." Praise Lord. Good to hear your son is ok :)

I used to be bullied in army, i prayed all of my heart Jesus Christ and CFnet were praying for me, next thing i know about this guy is that he left the army
Just an update, Eli is absolutely fine, and my symptoms have diminished to almost nothing during the course of the day! And I haven't taken any meds for 3 days! I can smell and taste food again with no fever!

... ... ... ... If there's a medication that does that, I'd like to know what it is for myself, because I'm not going to ask Him to cure me after giving Him my word.

Good news how God has worked in your life and your family also.
There are simple foods, and other helps, to avoid such troubles as you and your son went through, all provided graciously by our God for us to enjoy and reap the health benefits from. This used to be 'common knowledge' among many different peoples and nations - jews, gypsies, indians, chinese, africans, but has been blocked from most of our lives for the last one hundred twelve years.
The law varies place to place, and something as simple as giving your son apple cider vinegar to help build his immune system , or simply just to help him grow, might actually be illegal in some places. (yes, it is illegal for a doctor in the united states to use a food or supplement to cure any disease, even though it was regularly used before 1950 with great results and no bad side effects).
Also, feel free to pm or email or whatever if you have questions if God has granted me the freedom to answer. All to His Glory, today and forever in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior !

prayer, first, always, and continuing. then other if and as God shows or allows or permits for good to His children, always and simply in line with all of Scripture, never contrary to FAITH in JESUS . Amen.
Lovely story, and yes, I do believe this was a miracle. God is awesome! Thanks for sharing this with us Paul.


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