turnorburn said:Voyageur wrote:
And please tell me why a perfect being would be wrathful, when wrath is a human imperfection?
That's Balderdash! Its "our" inability to know the mind of God, never blame him for your imperfections. Unless your fond of the idea of falling into his hands: You were
created perfect and in his image, how dare anybody use those two words in the same
sentence, creator and imperfection..
I have to seriously question your intellect if you believe that creator and imperfection can't be used in the same sentence. Imperfect things happen all the time on this planet we inhabit: imperfection (what you would call sin and what others might call bad behavior) is part of the very fabric of human existence. If we assume God created everything, from the most remote solar system, down to the smallest atomic particle in our bodies; if he is, to use Biblical language the Alpha and Omega (everything), then that imperfection must necessarily be part of his creation as well.
I am not saying that this absolves people of their bad behavior, or as you would put, sinful behavior. Everyone must take responsibility for their own impulses and actions. But, by giving birth to the universe, the earth and thus humanity, the God of the Bible also gave birth to imperfection. The concept of original sin is rendered moot because original sin wouldn't exist had God not created mankind.
To use the analogy that many religious folk like to use when describing the relationship between God and humanity (namely, that of parent vs child), it would be as if a parent totally distanced themselves from the bad behavior of his child. Could anyone deny that if the parent's child became a murderer, many lives could have been saved had the child never been born?