Each of us have witnessed God's mercy and have received unmerited favor. It is the nature of God to be long-suffering -AND- He is committed to His Promise to work in all things for the good of them who love Him.
Years and years ago, while contemplating the working of the Holy Spirit regarding my son, I spoke to him and suggested that so much truth is given to me just because his Heavenly Father knows his needs and loves him, my son. I saw and understood about the anointing that was given me. It was given so that I might be able to teach and train the boy, also given by God.
Shift P.O.V. and my son saw his dad as a 'good man'. He saw my prayers being answered and he too pondered what was given to me. I saw the same thing but to my way of understanding the wisdom I received was given to me FOR him, for my sons benefit.
We asked each other:
"Does God help us because He loves me -or- because He loves you so much?" That same question was in both of our minds and hearts. Neither thought themselves worthy. It's just because God loves us. Both of us.
For instance, my son is 30 years old now. I can remember him when he was much younger and very troubled. One day he spoke to me saying that he just wanted to get away and I was concerned that this distraught 9 year old boy was thinking about running away.
"Son, what will you do?"
Son: "I just want to run away."
"Okay, and after you get away, what will you do?"
Son: "I'll just run more."
"And then?"
Son: "I'll just run more and more."
"Okay, and after you run more and more?"
Son: "Then I'll rest and run more."
"Son? I see that you are a very troubled young man,"
"After you run and run you will still be a very troubled young man, but you will be a homeless, troubled, young man."
Classik, the anointing of which you speak may be seen from different points of view. My son saw the wisdom of my reply and chose to stay home with his dad who loved him. He didn't see his dad seeking the Lord at his wits end. He didn't hear my cry for help. He didn't see the numerous times that the Lord drew me aside and showed me more and more about what love actually is. Did the Lord respond because of the sons or the dads need? Where does the anointing come from?
There are places in the bible that gives instruction about such things. For instance, the working of the HS is compared to the wind; being invisible, and more importantly, the comparison is continued and taught that we we don't know where it comes from. When we try to think of how our heavenly Father enables us, empowers us, we must shift our view from ourselves.
I was shown that my son is my brother in Christ and that indeed our heavenly Father is good. What wisdom did I show that day? Did the Lord give me words of wisdom so that my son could neither gainsay nor resist? Yes. But there is more. I was shown that I had to release all that was mine unto God; to accept His command and use what is provided. When Abraham did that for his son the Lord provided the sacrificial lamb for the altar he built. When I tried to do that the Lord provided the wisdom -AND- the anointing. He works in us BOTH the will AND the way and provides beyond what we ask.
Signed a dad, grateful to God for the love that is continuously provided. We are His possession. I don't think that I'll ever really understand all the things He does for us but from the glimpse that is given... we know more and more that He alone is worthy.