I used to participate in a "survivors of Toxic churches" site out of Canada, although the victims were from all over.
Many of them were Ministers, youth pastors, and Worship leaders themselves who'd been beaten up by a Manipulative and dominating style of church leadership. "Performance based" Christianity, as it were.
I recall one lady (who was so personally damaged by her experience that she couldn't even ENTER a church building without getting physically ill) saying that she had been sick one morning, but the "pastor" of the church made the Congregation STAND for the entire 2-1/2 hours of the service, while he sat in a chair and preached at 'em. And if anybody would sit down he'd berate them in front of the congregation for being "rebellious".
Hobart Freeman (Warsaw Indiana) REQUIRED that any member of his "Faith Fellowship" - had to DROP all their insurance coverage (which you COULD do in those days), and NEVER either go to doctors or hospitals, and NEVER take any kind of medicine (including over the counter stuff) - since that was all DOUBT, and without "Faith" it was impossible to "Please God". Some estimate the "Body count" of that ministry to exceed 100 folks - many were infants who died in childbirth. Hobart himself died of a leg infection that was completely treatable.
Some of the stories of sensory deprivation, Religious bullying, Judgmentalism, and abusive practices were almost beyond belief -
BUT when you are conditioned to think that you MUST BE PART of a group who HAS THE TRUTH - in order to be "right with God" - it's AMAZING what folks will put up with - to avoid losing their peer group affiliation.
IN fact my pastor and his wife right now are "Survivors" of an TOXIC Aesthetic Group out of Chicago. She's STILL got "issues" with things she suffered in those days.
Bottom line - no "Shepherd" EVER DRIVES his sheep - he leads 'em.
Simple as that, and any time you're part of a Group, or under a ministry that teaches that THEY are the ONLY ONES with the "truth" -
RUN!!!! RUN AWAY!! and don't look back.
It seemed that the BIGGEST practical problem that the "survivors" had to deal with was NOT to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" - and to realize that there was a "Right Version" of many of the things that the TOXIC churches had taught a DEAD WRONG version of.