4 of 12 ... hmm so 8 of 12 associate professors had 64 refereed papers published, had 4 books written, had nationwide publication of one of their books done by PBS in movie form...
Sad to say it -- but it is "obvious to all" that the guy who slammed the door on Gonzalez after the advisor for the Atheist and Agnostic club began his campaign against Gonzalez -- has "some incentive" not to "get exposed" as having participated in the pogram against Gonzalez.
It would have been far more "objective" to find an academic source not biased against I.D at ISU one way or the other who could say that at HIS university tenure would also not be granted to someone with such an outsanding academic achievement record -- OR if the president of ISU could point to those 8 other cases showing just how they EXCEEDED the number of publications completed, books, movies, acknowledgements -- as compared to Gonzalez.
In other words "objectivity" would have been useful at that point.
The sad thing is jwu -- the objective unbiased reader is going to see a pattern in your bias so far.
in Christ,