Example of 1 John 2:19 - Judas was anointed. Judas was empowered. Judas cast out Devils. Judas healed the sick. Judas preached the gospel. This is why Jesus said, "Lord, have we not cast out Devils in your name?" Jesus states, "I don't know who you are."
I'm confused, please explain more. Wasn't Judas's faith always in question, whether he was truly born again or not.
IT might be off topic to go into it too deeply in this thread, but I believe Judas was saved and is in heaven.
I believe that, possibly, he did not intend to betray Jesus, but that he (arrogantly, perhaps) thought that it was time to, in a way, force Jesus' hand - Judas, like many others then, wanted Jesus to RULE and TAKE OVER. I believe he thought that he was bringing about the Kingdom, and that Jesus would NOT allow them to arrest Him, and "it would hit the fan" and Jesus would call an army of angels to His side.
As soon as Judas realized what was happening, look at how he reacted! He did not act like a man with no scruples, he was deeply sorry.
Of course, I could be wrong....
15 In those days Peter stood up among the believers (a group numbering about a hundred and twenty)
16 and said, “Brothers and sisters,
[d] the Scripture had to be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through David concerning Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus.
17 He was one of our number and shared in our ministry.”
18(With the payment he received for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out. 19 Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood.)
20 “For,” said Peter, “it is written in the Book of Psalms:
“‘May his place be deserted;
let there be no one to dwell in it,’
“‘May another take his place of leadership. Acts 1:15-20 NIV
As you have read above, God allowed Judas to die a very violent death for betraying His Son Jesus. So do you still believe Judas is in heaven?