Incongruent yes. Impossible no.
Better rethink that.
The light of 1 John 1 is God, in whom is no darkness.
Darkness is sin, as Pro 4:19 makes clear..."the way of the wicked".
You are opining that we can walk in sin and in God at the same time.
I cannot agree.
King David was saved... he sinned. He did things we'd say a Christian could never do and claim to be a Christian. So did Moses. So did Jacob.
They were all man who had no choice but to walk in the flesh.
But we of the NT, can crucify that flesh and walk in the Spirit.
They did not have that option, until Jesus' resurrection.
All people sin... I sin. You sin..
No, they don't.
I don't sin, as my repentance from sin was a real turn.
that was Jesus's main preaching at the semon on the mountain
Here is a paraphrase..
Again, Jesus is speaking to men in the flesh.
No adultery huh? Well even of you look at a woman sexually you're an adulterer.
That's right, so don't do it.
So you think you're a good guy cause you never killed anyone? Well if you called someone a fool. You're just like a murderer..
And so on.
That's right, so don't do it.
Works, including baptism are evidence of obedience out of thankfulness for salvation. They are not a requirement for salvation.
The purpose of the devils who brought forth that doctrine was to nullify repentance from sin and baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.
By outlawing both, it leaves every man still in the flesh, and their past sins, and powerless against temptation.
Abraham believed God and ot was credited to him as righteousness.
As righteous as a man in the flesh could be.
Heaven is full of people who were never baptized.
OT folks from before the Law, and those after the Law who kept up in their days of atonement...only.
Lots of baptized people will be in Hell.
Agreed, as without a real repentance from sin, they were never changed.
People who threw out demons in Jesus's name will be in Hell.
The biggest theme that appears throughout the Bible from beginning to end is that people have relationships with God by having faith in God.
The fine point of that is,,,"IN GOD".
We are water baptized INTO Christ. (Rom 6:3)
Without being IN HIM, you are using your own power to obey, and that just isn't possible.
It could not have been made clearer.
" it is by grace you have been saved through faith and this not of yourselves it is the gift of God and not the result of works so that no one may boast"
Not the works of the Law that Paul wrote against...for sure.
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved for it is with your heart that you believe and are Justified and by your mouth you confess and are saved."
You will be saved if your repentance from sin was real, on the day of judgement.
There is to my recollection no evidence The apostles were ever baptized..
No, there isn't.
But there is evidence that Jesus was baptized.
And although that was still the OT's baptism unto repentance, don't you think His apostles would have gone through the same rite ?
Baptism is a public confession that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the one who takes away our sins.
That may be one of the things that water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of past sins is.
But it is also the way to get into Christ, (Rom 6:3), and to destroy the old man of the flesh, (Rom 6:6), and to be raised with Christ to walk in newness of life. (Rom 6:4)
It is also the means of our circumcision done without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ. (Col 2:11)
It is not a spiritual function that that does anything to you. It's a symbol of repentance and obedience. That's why it plays such a minor role in the bible.
I disagree.
Have you ever considered walking in the Spirit/light/without sin ?