Gary Sullivan
- Sep 25, 2017
- 48
- 9
In my recent posts, we saw facts, particularly in James 3:1, that no one should teach the WORD unless they received the gift of teaching when saved. 1 Corinthians 12 makes it clear that the gifts are sovereignly bestowed upon us at salvation at the moment we were baptized by the HOLY SPIRIT into the Body of Christ, the Church. As I have taught on many occasions the ministry of Spirit Baptism is unique to the church age, beginning when the Church was born in Acts 2 and continuing until the Rapture.
The problem has always been the sin nature of man In Romans 7 Paul teaches that as soon as a command is given and understood our old sin nature wants to rebel, and Paul found this out in his early months as a believer as we see in Romans 7:7-13. So the command not to teach error, or if one is not gifted, is ignored by many and the fact is that they do not fear GOD ie they are not in awe of him and they do not know HIM. In James 3 The apostle warns that Bible teachers will receive the greater judgment at the Judgment Seat of Christ in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. As stated the vast majority of people teaching today are patently unbelievers and will appear at the appalling Great White Throne in Revelation 20:11. The urgency for being passionate about God's truth is seen here.
The Bible teacher has an awesome responsibility towards his brothers and sisters in Christ but so many people abuse the office.
The pre-requisites for Bible teaching are several and various as follows:
1) He must have believed in the Person and Work of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
2) When saved he or she must have received the gift of teaching and at least 2 other ancillary gifts ie the gift of wisdom and knowledge. A full teaching on the Ministries of the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are available from Ariel Ministries. These manuscripts are not expensive and the teaching when assimilated will stimulate spiritual growth.
3) A Bible teacher must investigate gifted male teachers by testing everything they teach and using that which is clearly true. I have found it is much less time to consume to check out on the labours of those who love the LORD than spend countless hours on research. For example, many godly men have researched the true and in-depth theology of the Jewish religious situation in the first century Israel. Without the Jewish background surrounding Jesus in HIS time as a man so much of the gospels are incomprehensible. Jesus knew the thoughts of the religious people who opposed HIM and taught directly into their misled mindset.
4) There is a great danger In pride. They must be proved by recognised mature Bible teachers and must not be young either in age or his time in the LORD. What is true of a pastor is just as true for the teacher (1 Timothy 3:6). He needs proper training ideally from a bible college that teaches the truth. The problem is that most Bible colleges today are themselves steeped in error. How do we know, simply because they teach contrary to the commands of the LORD given to us from Romans onwards? With impunity so, many contradict the revealed, inspired WORD of the LORD.
Nevertheless, there are some excellent Bible teaching centers given to us and preserved by the LORD. There is no good Bible teacher who has not been tempted by pride but those who resist are blessed.
5) Whatever is taught must centre on the Second Person of the Godhead as taught in John 16:13-15.
6) The Bible teacher should have at least a basic knowledge of New Testament Greek and have an accurate concordance. Another asset is the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament into Greek. It is also a great asset to have access to an excellent Bible teacher who has and in depth knowledge of the Hebrew language. In all things the teacher must test everything they are taught!!
7) It must be understood that the words of all be Bible are infallible and inerrant in the original languages.We need to test and ascertain the best translations.
8) The Bible teacher needs to study all the Bible. When he trains up his fellow believers, however, the focus must be on the New Testament, and specifically the epistles from Romans to Revelation.. It must be understood that we live in the Dispensation.of Grace not the Dispensation of the Law of Moses. I will deal with this in another study in a little detail. For a full study go to Ariel Ministries. Like all of the teaching of Arnold Fruchtenbaum he teaches this subject only from the word and makes it easy to understand. The LORD prayed to the Father in John 17 and His prayer is easily constructed for our understanding. In John 17:1-5. In verses 6-19 HE prayed for the 11apostles HE chose at that time. Note verse 8 as follows: " for the words that THOU gavest ME I have given unto them; and they received them, and knew of a truth that I came forth from THEE etc" Jesus then prays that the FATHER protect these men very specifically because HE is now to go to the Cross and cannot protect them for a while as HE had since they began to be HIS disciples. Please read these fantastic verses. Then in verse 20-26 Jesus prays for all those that will believe through the message of the chosen apostles throughout the Church age. Note in verse 20" Neither for these only, but for them also that believe on ME through their word!!" This is self evident. In Ephesians 2:20 the whole foundation of the Church is Jesus and the revelation HE gave only to HIS apostles and NEW Testament prophets.
The words of All the New Testament are the words of God. The words are all equally inspired whether the words of Jesus recorded in the gospels or anything else. No words of the Bible in its original languages are more inspired than any other. For us in the Church we do not go to the Old Testament for our doctrine but to the words of the epistles. We have no authority to change those words.
10) Bible teachers can teach anything from the Old Testament bit they need to recognise that Christian living is based solely on the epistles and nothing else. There are always principles we can learn from.the Old Testament but it was specifically written to others. All the Bible needs to be read and understood for all teachers and other believers but the Old Testament was not written to the church but Old Testament believers and mostly to the nation of Israel. The bible was written for us but obviously not all is written to us. The old testament believer was told to make animal sacrifices after the fall but Christ is the final sacrifice for sins. The church is not the nation of Israel. They had the Law of Moses and we are under the Law of Christ recorded in the epistles.
I will continue with this study in a few days time.
The problem has always been the sin nature of man In Romans 7 Paul teaches that as soon as a command is given and understood our old sin nature wants to rebel, and Paul found this out in his early months as a believer as we see in Romans 7:7-13. So the command not to teach error, or if one is not gifted, is ignored by many and the fact is that they do not fear GOD ie they are not in awe of him and they do not know HIM. In James 3 The apostle warns that Bible teachers will receive the greater judgment at the Judgment Seat of Christ in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. As stated the vast majority of people teaching today are patently unbelievers and will appear at the appalling Great White Throne in Revelation 20:11. The urgency for being passionate about God's truth is seen here.
The Bible teacher has an awesome responsibility towards his brothers and sisters in Christ but so many people abuse the office.
The pre-requisites for Bible teaching are several and various as follows:
1) He must have believed in the Person and Work of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
2) When saved he or she must have received the gift of teaching and at least 2 other ancillary gifts ie the gift of wisdom and knowledge. A full teaching on the Ministries of the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are available from Ariel Ministries. These manuscripts are not expensive and the teaching when assimilated will stimulate spiritual growth.
3) A Bible teacher must investigate gifted male teachers by testing everything they teach and using that which is clearly true. I have found it is much less time to consume to check out on the labours of those who love the LORD than spend countless hours on research. For example, many godly men have researched the true and in-depth theology of the Jewish religious situation in the first century Israel. Without the Jewish background surrounding Jesus in HIS time as a man so much of the gospels are incomprehensible. Jesus knew the thoughts of the religious people who opposed HIM and taught directly into their misled mindset.
4) There is a great danger In pride. They must be proved by recognised mature Bible teachers and must not be young either in age or his time in the LORD. What is true of a pastor is just as true for the teacher (1 Timothy 3:6). He needs proper training ideally from a bible college that teaches the truth. The problem is that most Bible colleges today are themselves steeped in error. How do we know, simply because they teach contrary to the commands of the LORD given to us from Romans onwards? With impunity so, many contradict the revealed, inspired WORD of the LORD.
Nevertheless, there are some excellent Bible teaching centers given to us and preserved by the LORD. There is no good Bible teacher who has not been tempted by pride but those who resist are blessed.
5) Whatever is taught must centre on the Second Person of the Godhead as taught in John 16:13-15.
6) The Bible teacher should have at least a basic knowledge of New Testament Greek and have an accurate concordance. Another asset is the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament into Greek. It is also a great asset to have access to an excellent Bible teacher who has and in depth knowledge of the Hebrew language. In all things the teacher must test everything they are taught!!
7) It must be understood that the words of all be Bible are infallible and inerrant in the original languages.We need to test and ascertain the best translations.
8) The Bible teacher needs to study all the Bible. When he trains up his fellow believers, however, the focus must be on the New Testament, and specifically the epistles from Romans to Revelation.. It must be understood that we live in the Dispensation.of Grace not the Dispensation of the Law of Moses. I will deal with this in another study in a little detail. For a full study go to Ariel Ministries. Like all of the teaching of Arnold Fruchtenbaum he teaches this subject only from the word and makes it easy to understand. The LORD prayed to the Father in John 17 and His prayer is easily constructed for our understanding. In John 17:1-5. In verses 6-19 HE prayed for the 11apostles HE chose at that time. Note verse 8 as follows: " for the words that THOU gavest ME I have given unto them; and they received them, and knew of a truth that I came forth from THEE etc" Jesus then prays that the FATHER protect these men very specifically because HE is now to go to the Cross and cannot protect them for a while as HE had since they began to be HIS disciples. Please read these fantastic verses. Then in verse 20-26 Jesus prays for all those that will believe through the message of the chosen apostles throughout the Church age. Note in verse 20" Neither for these only, but for them also that believe on ME through their word!!" This is self evident. In Ephesians 2:20 the whole foundation of the Church is Jesus and the revelation HE gave only to HIS apostles and NEW Testament prophets.
The words of All the New Testament are the words of God. The words are all equally inspired whether the words of Jesus recorded in the gospels or anything else. No words of the Bible in its original languages are more inspired than any other. For us in the Church we do not go to the Old Testament for our doctrine but to the words of the epistles. We have no authority to change those words.
10) Bible teachers can teach anything from the Old Testament bit they need to recognise that Christian living is based solely on the epistles and nothing else. There are always principles we can learn from.the Old Testament but it was specifically written to others. All the Bible needs to be read and understood for all teachers and other believers but the Old Testament was not written to the church but Old Testament believers and mostly to the nation of Israel. The bible was written for us but obviously not all is written to us. The old testament believer was told to make animal sacrifices after the fall but Christ is the final sacrifice for sins. The church is not the nation of Israel. They had the Law of Moses and we are under the Law of Christ recorded in the epistles.
I will continue with this study in a few days time.