2024 Supporter
- Sep 18, 2012
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The guy should have immediately sat down and had a visit. I've heard so many accounts similar to the above in the charismatic camps I became somewhat immune to them, as most of them were a bunch of sensationalist hyper emotional baloney.
If people want to see things they usually do.
As far as Gods Activity goes, YES, God is quite entirely Active upon the earth, today and every moment, in the NOW. But not as most suspect. The "workings" of the Word have not changed since day 1 of man in the Garden.
The law for example will still prompt lusts to enter the heart. Does anyone see that as a MIRACLE? It is, in the opposing sense of the Word. The law still prompts SIN actions in the world. Does anyone doubt their own eyes on this count? No. It's so obvious no one could miss it. And yes, this is a RESISTING action of sin and Gods Word, in the world, readily apparent to anyone.
Does God still do miracles of the good sort? Of course. Mercy still shows up here or there.
Were there more good fruit in the church collectively, we might see a lot of good things. That time will come, imho. But not by power or might, but by His Spirit.
The more interesting workings of the Lord are internal, not external. So how can anyone say there are no miracles or there is cessation when people are added to His Kingdom, daily? That alone makes the angels sing!
That guy shouldn't have taken his eyes off of Jesus. Time for a re-telling of Matthew 14, lol.
If Jesus fully manifested in a church, for real, people would probably start dying. Everyone would be thrown to the floor. Just from the glory of his presence.
As in John 18:
4 Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?
5 They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them.
6 As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground....!!!!!/
Those soldiers weren't there to worship Him, and they didn't fall of their own accord. When Jesus said I AM HE, He probably manifested just a wee bit of his glory (like at the transfiguration?) And mans corrupt flesh can not stand in the presence of holy glory.
It'd be like that in church if Jesus showed up. After seeing so many video testimonies of people seeing Angels or Jesus in church, I gotta admit, I started looking when in church...or gatherings.