While listening to the link. . . . . .
1. If my heart and mind are flawed, in what way will we know that we are saved, because wouldn't even "good works/fruit", or testing yourself be an act performed by the mind or even the heart? If "many Christians believe in their heart and minds they are saved, but are not", how can any one know if we can't go by what we think in our minds, or feel in our hearts? Doesn't the Holy Spirit bring to your spirit what is true?
2. Only 10% - 15% of Baptists are actually saved?. . . . And that's just for that denomination?
3. 1 John is mentioned with the series of tests, so here we go...
a.) "....and we walk in darkness". . . We ALL have a lingering "darkness" in our hearts because we are human. ALL Christians, even the most religious, will have moments of "darkness". What is the "style of life that is darkness"... or rather, what is the style of life that is Godly, . . . . he really didn't answer that.
b.) "if we say we have no sin..." No one would ever say that. This one is a "no-brainer". "Humble, contrite of spirit and trembles at his word..." How do we absolutely know that the words in the bible IS from God? Can we really trust the words of a man and what he claims?
c.) "Keep his commandments...." "Walk like Jesus walked..." If it is just desire, interupted by falling from time to time, how is that different than normal Christianity? We all know to "be like Jesus". Jesus walked in the world, identified with the world, ate and fellowshipped with them, . . . He came to them where they were, which was the way they were reached. How often was Jesus harsh with people? How often did he speak to them with compassion . . . . forgiving them of their sins even before THEY asked him to? That was Jesus, forgiving people and loving them, even while they were who they were. That's the definition of a savior to me!
d.) "....hates his brother...." People should not hate people. No one is going to hate a fellow believer. But then he said that we should love "the others", or the unsaved, but why should we when God doesn't, .. . . according to Calvinist?
But the question, "would you rather be with people who talk about God, or people who don't." I try to be the same to anyone I am around. Again Jesus didn't ONLY talk to those who were his followers. I try to be a kind and loving to anyone regardless of belief.
e.) "if you love the world".... Do you love eating? That is something of the world. Do you love getting from point A to point B in your car? Doing so doesn't come from, nor glorify God, but I'm sure you love having that freedom of mobility! I understand what he's saying about "loving off colored jokes, or pre-marital affairs on TV. I will tell you that I enjoy looking at a beautiful woman. It doesn't bring me joy, though, because it is ultimately emptiness. I will be honest to say that I have laughed at some of the "things of the world". I enjoy listening to Jazz (non-lyrical) music. That's not glorifying God, but I find it to be wonderful sounding music.
I reject the notion that, "each time we sin, we crusify Jesus all over again". That act was done, paid for, and is over. To say it crusifies Jesus again, takes away from that power.
Breathing is the result of chemical responses in the brain resulting in respiration of organs. God may have created the mechanism, but it is our body that makes us breath. If God wants to stop that process, that doesn't mean he is keeping each of us breathing day by day.
* Finally, I find it amazing that Paul himself would say, and I paraphrase, "Those things that I know I should do, I don't do them, and the things I know that I SHOULDN'T to, those things I do all the time." And Paul was supposed to be one of the giants of Christianity. Maybe Paul was never saved. :-?
f.) "...embraces the fullness of Jesus" This is true. But again, aren't we taking the word of a man, claiming to have written the exact words of God, even when it MAY not be the truth? Departing from what was written by men doesn't mean the same as departing from what God actually says. Now, I know you'll take my words and say that I am not saved because I don't believe "the bible to be perfectly inspired". To me, it seems as though people worship a book more than God. There are some good guidelines in the bible and many that should be followed, but to follow it to a fault. . . . seems legalistic to me.
He talks about dressing to "enhance the beauty God gave you". Then he speaks of modesty. The human body (the female's, anyway) is beautiful and "modest clothing" doesn't enhance this beauty. I think he might have mis-spoken when he said "enhance the beauty...". "Clothing to bring attention to your face...."?? Now, I believe that women shouldn't dress in ways that is too sexy, this is true. I would rather have a wife/girlfriend dress nicely, not in something that overly draws attention of other men, but nice enough that her whole beauty is celebrated.
Anyway, I DO strive to live correctly. . . . or one could call, holy. It doesn't always happen, but I would rather do what is good over what is evil.
g.) "Do you love Jesus". Most of the time, I'm not even sure what love is. In my life, I "love" my family, but when I look inside myself to what that means, I would say, I enjoy their company. I love to see them doing well. I care about who they are and what they do. As for Jesus, outside of words written about him that are roughly 2,000 years old, I don't have any sense of Jesus. If I knew him, in person, I would have no problems with "enjoying his company, loving to see him do well, and caring about who he is and what he does." For me, just knowing someone through the letters put together inside a book, it's hard for me to gain that special type of bond that most would call "love". I really wish I DID have these same feelings as some of the Christians I know. It DOES bother me that I don't have that excitment in my life.
4. If God can't be tempted, why the "40 days in the desert"?
5. Paul Washer seems overly sensitive that he would weep over a small rip on the page of a book.
6. To be a Christian, are we really supposed to be afraid all the time? :-?
7. Age doesn't equal "more glory", I'm not sure what this guy is talking about. :-?
8. If you're called by God, why would you have to "seek hard to find God"? If I am currently seeking hard to find God, . . .which I am, . . . does that mean I AM, in fact, called? Apparently not.
9. Remember that God created us sinners/flawed from the very beginning.
10. If I would have to grade my answers to the "test" in #3, a-g, I would have to say that I am not saved, . . . and what's worse, I can't find it in me to get to that point!! And it figures that, when I have endured so much rejection from people in my days, . . . . that I am also rejected by God, who hates me.